Have I FIM'd?


Active Member
First attempt, I've read a thousand times how and where to do it, now I am, I'm not sure if I've nailed it.

Not sure if I should have cut a bit closer.

I did the cut yesterday, 36 hours ago, this is now:

Its looking good generally though, huge leaves. Got one that is a bit slow and another that is like that kid you went school with, aged 10 had a beard and hairy back, a really early starter. Its flying, so thought I'd FIM it and go for a monster.

This was day 16, A couple of days ago.

You cant really get perspective, but those pots are pretty big as well.


Well-Known Member
So how do you fuck up ...a 'Fuck I Missed' attempt ,,,? done after the 4th or 5th lateral is developed


Active Member
I think my FIM has been unsuccessful, or maybe I'm just expecting it to look different. Where I have cut the middle growth, it seems to be growing back like nothing has happened! I thought I could see some new potential colas forming, but now I'm doubting my judgement and think they may just be normal shoots.

Anyone care to give their thoughts on these pics?



Well-Known Member
Looks like you didnt pinch enough of the top to create the FIM top. Id just take the top then let the 2 under branches form into 2 dominant tops. Then id top those 2 tops creating 4 tops but also allowing the other lower branches to catch up creating a bush of tops...


Active Member
Looks like you didnt pinch enough of the top to create the FIM top. Id just take the top then let the 2 under branches form into 2 dominant tops. Then id top those 2 tops creating 4 tops but also allowing the other lower branches to catch up creating a bush of tops...
Yeah thanks, that's good advice. I'll leave it go for a bit and see how many form, then look to top those 2 again.

The plant is looking really healthy today which is good, its pretty bushy.


It's for sure growing back, when I started FIM'ing it would happen all the time, I think I was jut too scared or cautious. You have nice growth at the node already, I think it would be a better candidate to just top it. Try FIM on a different plant and be a little more aggressive.


Active Member
It's for sure growing back, when I started FIM'ing it would happen all the time, I think I was jut too scared or cautious. You have nice growth at the node already, I think it would be a better candidate to just top it. Try FIM on a different plant and be a little more aggressive.
I even used scissors and chopped it, it bounced back like nothing had happened!

I've got another plant, pinched the top earlier, but your right, I think I was a bit too nice, think I was too scared and went in too high again and didn't do enough damage.


Active Member
It's for sure growing back, when I started FIM'ing it would happen all the time, I think I was jut too scared or cautious. You have nice growth at the node already, I think it would be a better candidate to just top it. Try FIM on a different plant and be a little more aggressive.
I even used scissors and chopped it, it bounced back like nothing had happened!

I've got another plant, pinched the top earlier, but your right, I think I was a bit too nice, think I was too scared and went in too high again and didn't do enough damage.