Have first botany exam soon. help see if I learned anything haha


Well-Known Member
Ok so Cannabis Lets see It has Eukaryotic cells. They are a Herbaceous plant, Angiosperm Dicot. I am guessing Mesophyte? Do the stems have Lenticells? wait thats just woody plants I think. Oh and Trichomes aka trichs are on plants to offer protection in a variety of ways. What exactly do they do on Weed? oh and each node has axillary buds? haha cramming for this test and this is what Im doing. wish me luck :weed:


bud bootlegger
i've always thought that trics were marijuanas defense system for uv rays.. but, who knows. i could be completely wrong, lol.. sounds like the studying is going well..
g/l on the exam m8..


Well-Known Member
With my limited knowledge of MJ I'm going to guess they are a annual and not a biennial or perennial but not sure. I must say my grow of MJ made me interested in the subject however this one class has made me rethink my whole major haha. This stuff is realy interesting I just dont know what the hell I would do with a degree haha open a greenhouse?


Well-Known Member
Good luck, barely passed my first Mythology exam today.
Thanks man. Continuing on. I think Cannabis has only two Apical Meristems one of shoot growth and one for roots. Also I see alot of people here have either nice tight node spacing or they are stretched like a MOFO. In the botany world that would called Internodal spacing and tight is what we want :-P


Well-Known Member
Anyone know for sure what trichomes do on Cannabis plants? book says excessive light, uv raidiation, excessive air temp.,and attack. Im guessing its a combo of all the above. Does humidity affect the opening and closing of Stoma? haha wish I had this textbook but tailor made for my plant of choice


Well-Known Member
With my limited knowledge of MJ I'm going to guess they are a annual and not a biennial or perennial but not sure. I must say my grow of MJ made me interested in the subject however this one class has made me rethink my whole major haha. This stuff is realy interesting I just dont know what the hell I would do with a degree haha open a greenhouse?
become a breeder and make the best strains ever with your degree


bud bootlegger
Anyone know for sure what trichomes do on Cannabis plants? book says excessive light, uv raidiation, excessive air temp.,and attack. Im guessing its a combo of all the above. Does humidity affect the opening and closing of Stoma? haha wish I had this textbook but tailor made for my plant of choice
i'm fairly certain that yes, humidity does play a role in how a stoma opens..
and damn. im impressed that the book agrees with me about the what tric's do.. i get an a for today..lol..

and akgrown, ugggh.. mythology.. not me favorite subject, not even close.. i can't even pronounce half of the names, let alone remember the stories that go with them..


Well-Known Member
i'm fairly certain that yes, humidity does play a role in how a stoma opens..
and damn. im impressed that the book agrees with me about the what tric's do.. i get an a for today..lol..

haha yah good job. book answer is open for exchange of gases and closed for water retention. I only said humidity because mine sucks in the grow area and I imagine it is easier to retain water with high humidity and vice versa, hopefully my humidifier comes in soon


bud bootlegger
Thanks man. On a side note does anyone know how to use multi-quote I click on all the ones I want and then what? haha responding to each one is a pain and makes it look like Im post whoring haha
i've been trying to figure that one out for donkey's ages.. i blow at all this interweb stuff.. if you find out, let me know..

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
In nature, only the strong survive, and it is hypothesized by biologists that trichomes evolved as a defense mechanism of the cannabis plant against a range of potential enemies (1). Trichomes, from the Greek meaning ‘growth of hair,’ act as an evolutionary shield, protecting the plant and its seeds from the dangers of its environment, allowing it to reproduce. These adhesive sprouts form a protective layer against offensive insects, preventing them from reaching the surface of the plant. The chemicals in the trichomes make cannabis less palatable to hungry animals and can inhibit the growth of some types of fungus. The resin also helps to insulate the plant from high wind and low humidity, and acts as a natural ‘sun-screen’ in protecting against UV-B light rays.
Taken from here.


Well-Known Member
ok so now that i know what some of this stuff is and does, I have to study microscope slides and be able to label them and tell what they are. Fuck it all looks like a bunch of dyed dots to me