Have any of you grown Dinafem Critical + ?

How much does it strech when you put it into flowering?

How leafy is it on scale of 1-10?

Im planning to SCROG it, thats why im asking


New Member
mine stretched about 2.5x. 5/10 for leafyness.

I ran 2. mine were clones, not from seed. ginormous yield, pretty good buds.

SCROG sounds perfect. I topped, LST, and supercropped a ton. Scrog would of been easier...
Niiiiice. Thx man... Everything i was hoping for. Im SCROGing some THC Bomb right now...fastest growing plant ive ever seen but rly rly leafy...switched the lights to 12/12 when the screen was about 60% filled... 12 days into flowering and the screen is about 75% filled. How long did yours take to flower? im kinda skeptical about the 45-50 days thing in the description


Well-Known Member
i am at 48 days flower and she is a beast scrog would be great going to yield huge good luck


Active Member
Niiiiice. Thx man... Everything i was hoping for. Im SCROGing some THC Bomb right now...fastest growing plant ive ever seen but rly rly leafy...switched the lights to 12/12 when the screen was about 60% filled... 12 days into flowering and the screen is about 75% filled. How long did yours take to flower? im kinda skeptical about the 45-50 days thing in the description

I'm on day 59 with Critical +, she looks to need a few more days. Her aroma is heavenly. Strong citrus, pine, and skunk. It's my first grow, I accidentally screwed some stuff up the 2nd week in flower, she has been extremely resilient. My best plant. Last week a small bud fell off while moving stuff around. I popped it in my mouth, tasted like watermelon. I'm looking forward to harvest :)


Active Member
It is a dream to grow, finishes quick and is quite pleasant hybrid smoke.
Drawbacks quick tolerance buildup and it is really, really stinky.