Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First


Well-Known Member
the pictures were linked to another site, which was taken down, or the linked pages were deleted. there are a few other threads on this site, as well as others. do a google search for diagnose marijuana pot plant problem.


have a question, on some of my plants the new leaves are blackend near the stem but then seems to disapear after a few weeks as the leaves mature when i look at it it doesnt seem to be anything on the outside of the plant looks more like its in it, neighbors plants have same thing going on he thinks it looks more of a dark purple color anyways i have no pics so if any1 has had this b4 plz help ><

SB Garlic

Active Member
Any ideas as to whats causing my fan leaves to curl up like this and get a bit crispy? The plant has been budding for 6-7 weeks.



so does any1 else have stinkbugs eating on their buds? if so does using nicotine and dish soap kill them and does the soap and nicotine harm the plant?


I cannot see the pictures, and i know i have a problem. Is there a setting I need to change or are the pics still there?