Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First


Well-Known Member
I just noticed some new leaf spots on one of the auto Blue Himalayas. The spots are on the middle leaves...not the top or bottom. They are looking kind of pale too.
I checked the PH in the autopot reservoir first and it is 6.35-6.45. I put 5.9 in the main rez so it has climbed a little but shouldn't be a big problem.
I looked for bugs with my loupe on the bottom of the leaves and found nothing.
I checked my grow bible and it seems to indicate a deficiency of Mn or Mg....but probably Mn.
The nutes I use are currently from 800-1000 ppm. I use 67% bloom and 33& grow nutes. They both contain 0.5% of both Mn and Mg.
Does anyone know what these spots are from? I want to fix it before it is a big problem!
Please take a look at the pics and tell me what y'all think. :???::confused:


Well-Known Member
I just noticed some new leaf spots on one of the auto Blue Himalayas. The spots are on the middle leaves...not the top or bottom. They are looking kind of pale too.
I checked the PH in the autopot reservoir first and it is 6.35-6.45. I put 5.9 in the main rez so it has climbed a little but shouldn't be a big problem.
I looked for bugs with my loupe on the bottom of the leaves and found nothing.
I checked my grow bible and it seems to indicate a deficiency of Mn or Mg....but probably Mn.
The nutes I use are currently from 800-1000 ppm. I use 67% bloom and 33& grow nutes. They both contain 0.5% of both Mn and Mg.
Does anyone know what these spots are from? I want to fix it before it is a big problem!
Please take a look at the pics and tell me what y'all think. :???::confused:
Maybe I should have mentioned that I am growing in coco with Autopots.
I use Botanicare CNS17 Grow and Bloom formula for Coco and Soil.
Could it be the inert nature of the medium and the relatively low NPK factors?


Well-Known Member
Maybe I should have mentioned that I am growing in coco with Autopots.
I use Botanicare CNS17 Grow and Bloom formula for Coco and Soil.
Could it be the inert nature of the medium and the relatively low NPK factors?
Pics Please!?!
Pics are on post#266 but here they are again.



Well-Known Member
it does look like scar tissue to me mate,, ie bugs, but if u have checked then the only other thing taht springs to mind is 800ppm being a tad high for a small plant, more like 400-500 ppm


Well-Known Member
it does look like scar tissue to me mate,, ie bugs, but if u have checked then the only other thing taht springs to mind is 800ppm being a tad high for a small plant, more like 400-500 ppm
Thanks for your response sweetsmoke,
I checked again and still see no signs of critters.
It doesn't seem to be spreading to any more leaves yet. It is only on 2.
I did see another spot on another plant though. It is darker and near the tip on one leaf only. It looks more like a typical deficiency of N or Mn.
I was reading my Cervantes grow bible last night and noticed that it says an indica requires nutes near the upper end of the range. So, feeling like I had to do something, I gave it more throttle instead of braking. I increased the nutes last night to the full recommended dose of 30ml per gallon or 4 liters. (50/50 grow /bloom)
About 5 days ago I had given them 1/2 nutes thinking I was doing them a favor. I am growing in coco and now, as I understand it, you must give them regular nutes since it is an inert medium.
So far, (it has only been 24 hours) they seem to be responding positively to the increased nutes.
This is definitely an educational experience for me. I just hope that my babies don't have to pay the expenses.
I will post the results regardless of the outcome.
Once again, thanks for the response and your valued input.


how can I get permission to open your pictures I have problems with my girls it sounds like mg deficient but I am not sure my leaves are turning brown starting at the tips and moving in can you help me


Well-Known Member
how can I get permission to open your pictures I have problems with my girls it sounds like mg deficient but I am not sure my leaves are turning brown starting at the tips and moving in can you help me
I am not sure why you can't open them. It seems several ppl have had that problem in this thread. You don't need my permission.
The only time I can't see pics is when I am not logged in...then I only see the icon. When I am logged in I see a thumbnail pic.
If you can post a reply then you are undoubtedly logged in. Wish I was more help.
Explain more about your problem...or better yet post a pic and explain. Have the leaves lost their color, or are they dark green still? Do they have spots? Have you checked your PH? First I would check for insects and check PH to be sure you don't have a lockout. From what you say, it could be several things.
I'm sure not an expert but I do know more info is needed.


Hi i too can not see pictures,
problem ..i have 2 AK-48 , i took 5 clones off each a week ago(clones are fine) but the two mother plants leaves are clurling up on the edge of the leaves , the leaves look strange not flat..All other plants in room are fine...so was the blade dirt that cut them or something else...as i have never seen this before and have made many clones....any help that i can fix this



Well-Known Member
I don't see the pics either, can someone fix this and let me know?
Maybe you could send a PM to Rollitup. It is obviously a problem for quite a few people and makes the thread useless. It may be a long time before they notice since they have so many posts to monitor, so a faster way would be to PM him.


Active Member
Damn...this used to be the best thread for issue diagnosis, hope these pics get restored or someone had this stuff saved somewhere.

Boyz N Da Hood

Well-Known Member
hey was good i got a prob with 1 of my seedlings ive never seen this before the shell is still on and its all crooked.. what should i doo???Picture 008.jpgPicture 009.jpgPicture 010.jpg