Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

This is my first time setting up a grow. Some particulars:
The bulbs are all 23watt (100w equiv) daylight cfls.
Using vigoro potting soil in all of the large (1gal) containers.
The plants were watered 3 days ago with 1/4 (of called for ratio) all purpose miricle-gro fert in water. (when I noticed stems turning red and bottom leaves turning yellow and falling off.)
They are all generally under the same conditions so I'm curious as to why some are showing the yellowing/brown spotting on some of the leaves whereas others are just droopy looking. Below are the pictures for reference: (note first picture is just to get an idea of the setup, its much brighter than the picture.)
Quick update on the girls - about 2ish weeks later and here they are. Repotted, changed soil (using Canna terra pro now) , changed watering schedule, doubled the lighting, added an extra fan for out-take and changed nutes + ferts. Also moved them into my homemade grow tent XD They are doing MUCH better now, explosive growth the last week, smelling AMAZING and just looking a lot better. Although new growth is still exhibiting burnt leaf tips :'( Any ideas? I'm not over-watering them as far i can tell, and not smashing them with food. Because it was a stressful time I didn't have the time or patience to try one thing at a time to determine the exact cause..i think it might have been a combination TBH.

Any help with the burnt leaf tips is greatly appreciated as usual :)

Also as you can see from the babies, they are starting to pale in colour like the big girls did previously..so i'm leaning towards the miracle grow soil being part of the problem. Glad i moved away from it.. **Also on a side note - I'm assuming these are sativa dominate from the leaf structure? Am I correct in thinking this?? Or could it be just crazy stunting keeping the leaves so skinny? **

PPS - Quick question on foliar feeding - I use a mix of nutes, rhizotonic, drive (Similar to superthrive from my understanding) and seaweed all at about a 1/4 or lower dose. How often can i foliar feed? Because i'm only soil watering every 3-4 days, is it alright to mist every second day? Or even everyday if i cut it more than 1/4 strength? They only get it once as lights go out atm.

SAM_1044.jpghey everyone, looking for someSAM_1043.jpg help. cant figure out what these babies are missing.

day 29 flower
3000 watts
full canna terra with call mag
sunshine #4 soil
7 gallon grow bags
watter every 2 days/ as needed.
feed every 2 waters.

i have like 6 different strains in same room and same everything that show none to little deff. but these pine apple expresss plants are deff missing something.
what do you think??
Hello internet. I am trying my first indoor grow with 2 65k 105 CFL (not equivalent, actual wattage) im running one in the top of the closet enclosed in a small mylar reflected sprout area. im using one of the 65k CFL's to veg at the moment. i plan on transferring my kids into a 3 gallon pot and adding the second bulb. I know its early, but i also have 2 27k 105 watt spectrum that i will be using for flowering. right now my plants are inside an 18"x18"x20" saproling growth area inside peat pots using Fox Farm Ocean as my medium and i boil and then let my water sit at least over night before i use it. i began using the fox far trio of nutes from the time they embryonic leaves came out...and now i know that was a mistake. i was cutting it down to 1/8th the dosage on the feeding schedule. then my plants began to shoot up. then...they slowly began to stunt on me. one guy started to yellow around the edges and now its going brown. two others are getting yellow and are kinda droopy. i took a soil sample from all the individual plants and got really close to 7 on my pH scale (6.9) this seems roughly in the tolerance of the plants in terms of preventing lockout or salt buildup. the temps in the closet are a bit high (80) and spike to 85 in the day with humidity constant at 50%. i have two fans in the closet to help move air...but there isnt much i can do for venting. i took the trim off which gave me a 2 inch by 36 inch passive vent hole at the top. intake isnt an issue as the bottom of the door allows a lot of fresh air to move in. i flushed my plants and will not be adding any nutes for a while...using such a small pot i had to water frequently with the temps in the room so i think i may have gotten a bit too much big bloom into the soil. im attaching a few pics to show the sprouting area, the damage on some and a reference plant that seems to be doing ok. they are all 2 weeks old from (bag)seed.

pic 1 major damage (i know nutrient water got splashed on this plant accidently)View attachment 2711732

pic 2 semi healthy View attachment 2711735

pic 3 droopy View attachment 2711738

pic 4 sprout areaView attachment 2711741
I'm having a problem with sprouting seeds . Every time i plant a seed it seems to sprout out very small. This ain't my first time growing and i never had this problem . I started using kroger drinking water instead of distelled water . Could that be the problem or could it be because the seeds im using ? I've got the seeds from Attitude and they were all small. Can anybody give me some info?
i didn't see grasshoppers in that list... any ideas on how to get rid of hoppers in the greenhouse? they are all over but got into the greenhouse and are having a ball. help! j
I was wondering if you experience grow can tell me what's wrong with my plant from looking at its leaves. I think it's nutes burn. My reserviour has 5.9pH, 1889 ppm, 71F. I used Jungle juice products. But I added advance nutrients "Beastie Bloome" I think that did it. I have 7 plants in flower and this one seems to be the worse while others are fine.

I went ahead and flushed anyway and started a new reserviore without "beastie Bloom" Any comments and help is appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Some of the leaves are burnt. Is it nutes problem or heat problem? There are few of these leaves all dried up. Should I be concern or is this normal. Thanks
They're awfully pale. Why are you adding Beastie Bloomz to a plant that doesn't appear to even be flowering. Is it even showing sex yet?

What week are they in?
If the answer is they're in veg or they haven't started flowering compounded by you stopped giving them your old nutes when you went to Beastie ... I'd say early stage of N deficiency.

Also PPM is way higher than it should be... even for bloom and those look like they're in veg to me.

What week again?
what is all this about burnt looking leaves that kill ya plant??my mate has 5 bubblegummers 4 on a bioponic drip/constant water system 1 on its own hand reared they are all about 4 feet but only the hand reared is not displaying a uniform lime green color they are all in soil and all 4 get loads of oxygen rich water with weak nutes and a fungus innoculant he tried stronger nutes ,foliar feeding flushing,even flushed with h2o2 but nothing!
it needs more pics on over fert. It took me a while to figure it out cuz that dont really explain. i thought it was Mg or Cal and gave them more when they needed a good flush.

What is a good ppm to be feeding at in various weeks would help a lot of people, I have noticed a lot of and had the burnt looking yellow leavest that kill your plant question
this is a bit pointless replying now mate but thos plants are all babies just into vegging you shouldnt try and flower baby plants youll get all types of freaky problems.but a mate has started some bubble gummers there 4 feet and say 5 weeks old but that lime green color on your leaves arwe on his too did you ever manage to sort out the problem?how? cheers