Have a few questions on humidity levels and cloning.

Have only two plants, pictured, in a 6x6x6 tent, and running 1000w mh, 500cfm intake, 240cfm exhaust. ALso have one humidifier and also a visible mister to up the humidity levels. Getting 43% humidity at best with both hum. going. Is this and acceptable level?
Also opinions on whether these girls are ready for cloning.
Thank you all!



Active Member
Think you runnng yur fans the wrong way round to be fair...if im reading all this correctly.
Your exhaust should be biggr than your intake to create neg pressure and this would also keep hum levels up.
For veg them hum levels are fine. For cloning you need more but you could do witha smaller area with a dome.

Also that is a big tent for two plants...if you planning on filling that tent by clong the two you have its going to take ages..id source sme more clones or seeds, that would be quicker.
Yo can clone them plants but you not going to get many off them....


Well-Known Member
what are the temps?? if there real high then you need to cut back on them and intake more and less exhaust... and it looks like its been topped or something but i see a couple of clips that i see that might make the cut. nake sure you keep them in veg for a bit after and ease up on the nitrogen a few days before you cut..
The temps are averaging around 73 and able to pull colder basement air in to keep it cooler in tent.
Think I will veg for another 3 weeks or so and see how it goes.
Going to be cloning in a hydo bubbler, then into small soiled containers for transplant.
Thanks for the advice. I do need to get this tent filled up. Thought I'd try two at first then go from there. Looks like the girls doing fine at this point!