Hatred (video game)

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Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Looks like the original postal which got boring several stages in, you have to bring more to the table than just violence.

Play this instead, it's been fantastic so far.


Well-Known Member
The dude and his cronies stalk me in every thread

It's pretty creepy to tell you the truth

Says the guy who attacked me out of nowhere last time I was here. Nobody's is stalking you, but funny you would choose those words. We don't like you, here, there, or anywhere, but this is where we hang out and if you show up, we'll put your creepy data mining, raper, mass killer wanna be ass on blast. Go back to the spirituality and political forums, or have they run you off too?
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Well-Known Member
"Get off my nuts" is a far cry from you running around like a peacock shouting how you kicked my internet ass and ran me off the site with my tail between my legs. People were telling me you had a giant sig all about it. You made yourself look like an even BIGGER douchenuckle. My immediate absence was the last part of my plan, and you took the bait and ran with it.

You are a legend in your own mind.

You think you are so much smarter than everyone, but in reality, you are nothing special, a common playing card.

get up, get, get get down
Padawantoraper is a joke in this town


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
"Get off my nuts" is a far cry from you running around like a peacock shouting how you kicked my internet ass and ran me off the site with my tail between my legs. People were telling me you had a giant sig all about it. You made yourself look like an even BIGGER douchenuckle. My immediate absence was the last part of my plan, and you took the bait and ran with it.
Clayton you ARE the man with the plan!



Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
That game is nothing more than the glorification of the mass slaughter. Brinsg to mind colombine, sandy hook, 9/11, etc etc. Running into public buildings and slaughtering everyone you can.

You are a sick individual, and so is anyone who plays this game or think it looks "fun".

The game is called hatred for a reason. You need to examine yourself.


Well-Known Member
That game is nothing more than the glorification of the mass slaughter. Brinsg to mind colombine, sandy hook, 9/11, etc etc. Running into public buildings and slaughtering everyone you can.

You are a sick individual, and so is anyone who plays this game or think it looks "fun".

The game is called hatred for a reason. You need to examine yourself.
I suppose you stick to the 'G' rated films too, huh?

Video games are a form of media, just like anything else, and games like these are incredibly popular. Grand Theft Auto V sold 11.21 million copies in the first 48 hours

So if your accusations are true, why aren't these 11.2 million people out there killing and maiming people rampantly?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
That game is nothing more than the glorification of the mass slaughter. Brinsg to mind colombine, sandy hook, 9/11, etc etc. Running into public buildings and slaughtering everyone you can.

You are a sick individual, and so is anyone who plays this game or think it looks "fun".

The game is called hatred for a reason. You need to examine yourself.

So good to see you!


Ursus marijanus
I suppose you stick to the 'G' rated films too, huh?

Video games are a form of media, just like anything else, and games like these are incredibly popular. Grand Theft Auto V sold 11.21 million copies in the first 48 hours

So if your accusations are true, why aren't these 11.2 million people out there killing and maiming people rampantly?
Nicely-placed argumentum ad populum but some of us have trained to watch the hand that is not in motion. Held in that one is the plain fact that the game is just as our own Incendiary Confection has revealed ... massacre in a glitzy package.
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