Prawn Connery
Well-Known Member
Ah, the Google explanation - how could I have missed itHere ya go connery.. pulled from google since none of the other explanations are getting to you.
atheist.. "a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods"
Not sure exactly what "disbelieves" means? well here you go again.. "be unable to believe (someone or something)."
read the definition of atheist 10 times.. 50 times.. 100 times, until you get it into your head. It should make sense by the 100th time.
athiests and theists are one in the same: one is certain that god (or gods) exist; the other is certain they do not.
- connery
how does this fit the atheist definition? Maybe I shouldn't get into this since others have already tried and failed, not because they're wrong.

Here's a simple concept for you: your belief system is at the very core of your existance - you believe, therefore you are. If you do no believe, you cease to exist. All manifestations in this life are as a direct result of your belief in them. It is your innate belief in this life that casuses you to believe it is real.
Go on, try NOT believing in anything. And I don't mean saying "oh, that's not true, or "I don't believe in that", or "I have no beliefs". They're only words to the effect that you haven't thought through everything to its nth (you can't - none of us can) and so truly don't fully understand what it is you are making judgement on. I'm not talking about words. I'm talking about actual belief. It is not a word any more than say, "love" or "life".
Your lack of "belief" (as a so-called truism) in anything is a conscious decision. I have written this already, but hey, if you're into repetition, go right ahead and repeat everything you have ever been told (and not actually thought about) - which is basically what you are doing right now.
Every thought is based on our sensory perception. If a brain was grown in a glass jar without any sensory input whatsoever - no heat or cold or sound or light or touch or taste or anyting - what would it think?Easier to believe what one can perceive with the senses rather than mere thought, wishful thinking and hope.
You may think it a moot point - how can you keep a brain alive without any external (sensory) input? But forget about the reality and think of the concept: what would a brain think if it had no reference to anything at all? Nothing.