• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

hatred for being an atheist


Well-Known Member
Shit, we can give ourselves whatever fairytale ending we want. Even if we were really wrong about it, we would never know.
Bring some magic back to life by not giving a fuck about the ending.

There is after all absolutely nothing to be done about it anyways, might as well just forget about it in a "Eh its probably gonna be good."


Well-Known Member
Whether someone feels differently about you or not, what do you believe? If you're not strong enough to stand behind your own beliefs, what kind of pansy are you? If you're scared to admit you don't believe in God, you're still afraid of God, which means you believe in God, which means you're not an Atheist, and so on....

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Its not God their afraid of, its the judgement and ridicule they get from not believing in god. Not many people have that problem here in Canada apparently. Not nearly as many religious people here in Canada compared to the U.S. Mostly just agnostics, atheists and theists that just believe theres something greater out there. Thank GOD my mother didnt take after my very religious grandma. Now excuse me, I got an artsy up-side-down burning cross to carve into a pumpkin, I hope it turns out like I imagine it!


Well-Known Member
Sure they do, Atheists tend to believe science. I may be mistaken but isnt science their "higher power"? Not that they bow down to science or anything, but they tend to revere and respect it with great esteem because that where they get some of their answers from.

And to be candid, I think Atheists deep down inside know that there is SOME power greater then themselves, for example someone smarter then their self. I know they dont believe in any gods but they should know that there are smarter people then their self and therfore a "power" greater then their self.

But I have never been an atheist so I cant speak for them and I wouldnt know, but I can speculate.

Not all atheists have to believe in science or facts.. From what I've seen, they tend to follow logic though. Still, I can be a really dumb atheist and not believe in facts. I can say the earth is flat and still be an atheist.

I think Atheists deep down inside know that there is SOME power greater then themselves
I think this thought comes from the guilt or sadness alot of atheists have to go through. This thread is an example. It's not that I believe in a higher power, it's that I want to. I wanted to keep believing in santa too, but I've come to the conclusion that he's not real (not a recent discovery lol).


Well-Known Member
Whether someone feels differently about you or not, what do you believe? If you're not strong enough to stand behind your own beliefs, what kind of pansy are you? If you're scared to admit you don't believe in God, you're still afraid of God, which means you believe in God, which means you're not an Atheist, and so on....
for me..it's the reaction..the look..everyone tries to immediately debate it or convert you..this is what religious persecution feels like these days..i'm proud to admit i think in logical, fact-based terms and true statements.


Active Member
No, Im not Finsaggy if thats who you mean. Im Christ. My full Name is George Manuel Oliveira. Check out My signature if you want to learn about Me.

I honestly dont know much about Finshaggy because he doesnt post much in this subforum but I did watch one of his videos where he said God is a monkey. I thought that was funny.

Im a Prophet with the most high prophecies. I have come to give even the Atheists something greater to believe in, like a loving paradise from a higher power. But no one cares or believes but Im still going to try even if its futility.

No,no, no,....Nevaeh is nothing like fin, in most ways. Nevaeh is polite, friendly, well mannered, well groomed & I'm sure that unlike finMcbumshaggy, his personal hygiene is above reproach. But...as much as I like you George, your as mad as a cut snake, seriously. Your not any more a prophet than the rest of us. And if your the 'Christ', then so am I & Tom & Dick & Mary & everyone else except for finbaby of course.

I sometimes wonder if you just come here to day dream & fantasize? Your either as mad as a cut snake or smarter than some may think. As Stewie saiys "It's fun to play dress ups." :)

And peace to you.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
..everyone tries to immediately debate it or convert you..this is what religious persecution feels like these days..
Religious persecution, lol. A believer will face more of that from the denominational 'war' that goes on in religion. Have you ever noticed that whatever the endeavor a whole bunch of sht has to happen before getting to the good stuff?


New Member
Im a Prophet with the most high prophecies. I have come to give even the Atheists something greater to believe in, like a loving paradise from a higher power. But no one cares or believes but Im still going to try even if its futility.

Really!...Go sell your wears elsewhere, you born again? Don't go towards the light!...Its a TRAIN!...JAS


Well-Known Member
And if you wanna stay religious, then don't get too serious about it. Cause once you start really studying and researching , you're gonna see it for what it is. Nothing but a way to control people, and mans inability to deal with the fact that when you die it's a wrap, done, over with.


Well-Known Member
I've mentioned not really believing in god before, but today I mentioned how I'm an atheist to my parents while talking about religion. I didn't want to lie about a belief in god, so I let them know. My dad shared his religious views. He told me not to worry too much, but I'm not supposed to deny god. He also said nobody knows and that he questions it too. BUT I'm still not supposed to deny god. My mom was just very disappointed. Kept saying it was her FAULT (which means she finds a fault in me too) because she didn't take me to church as a kid. She said she should have done better. Not many people can get to me, but that one hurt. I feel like shit right now honestly. Starting to think I may end up in hell and eat my words. I wouldn't consider this hatred as I've experienced true hate due to my lack of belief, but this really hit me in a bad way. Just wondering if anybody else has gone through something like this either from family or a close friend. I honestly don't care if I offend a strangers beliefs, but when my own mom is truly disappointed in me, well it sucks!

“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

For I have come to turn

“‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.

“Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.

Just be a good person,Ya your mom sais she is disappointed and she sais she should have done better,,prove that she couldnt have done any better even while being an atheist or no matter what you may believe.Atheists can certainly be dam good people,if not better than believers.For her to say that to you is f$#ed up!I think she is brainwashed and attempting a guilt trip on you.F@#k that!You are your own person never forget that.Her flaws are her own and not yours.My 2 cents. Peace.


I can't believe I saw this post, because I feel exactly like you do. When I got sick from Hcv infection, I got the cancerous type through no fault of my own, I have never cheated once on my husband and I received this std through no fault of my own and have been going through horrible treatment, with horrible effects, although the blood results and pictures taken, show that my tumors are shrinking and I am responding to treatment. But I felt the same, I grew up most of my life with my grandparents, who we're practicing atheist, but at the age of 14 my mom who had drug problems, was supposedly clean and I moved in with her, and she is a total hypocritical catholic who puts me down for my views. I saw a show with Hawkins sayings there is no god, he's so damn smart I can't explain it, but it made since at the time. When I got sick, I knew their was no god because I didn't do anything wrong, I am a loyal, dedicated wife, that has has to pay a few times in the past for for my husbands mistakes, why the hell am I going through this, when I did nothing wrong, but be a good wife. I was so angry. My mom won't even speak to me when I told her to take her bs and shove it up her ass. I had a ton of anger when I found out I had cancer, especially at god, I decided their was no god, why do bad things happen to totally innocent people, children, Newtown shooting, starvation in third world country. I do believe in something higher than myself, I believe in a higher power that is greater than myself, I just have no idea who or what it is! But it does make me feel terrible that it has created a major rift between my mom and myself, we were just trying to rebuild a relationship, and now she's not even speaking to me, including my religious two sisters, they both converted to Catholicism and say I'm blastphomist, I don't know how to spell it. Sorry. Right now I'm going through a rough time and I don't even have my families support, they think I'm the devil or something because of my views. I just was happy and it saddens me that someone else is going through the same thing I am, if you know any support or how you get through it, please let me know, it does hurt like hell! Thanks for the post! I feel like I have someone I can identify with, with you!


Active Member
Without reading al the nonsense that usually pops up on threads like this let me assure you of one thing.

True Christians dont hate anyone, true Christians came from the same earth you did , in fact that was the whole reason for imo Christ coming to earth, so he could live as a man and know exactly what it was like.
At any rate, true Christians are not judgmental people, they follow Biblical principals as closely as they can.

Self righteous people give Christianity a bad name, most never open their bibles.

Rahab was a harlot , but because of her act of kindness she in fact is included in the linage for Jesus Christ.

I wish you no ill will what so ever, i hope you find what you seek, being a True Christian is very hard , we arent any different than anyone else, we are just volunteers , who found Christ.

Go in peace, keep warm and well fed.


Well-Known Member
Without reading al the nonsense that usually pops up on threads like this let me assure you of one thing.

True Christians dont hate anyone, true Christians came from the same earth you did , in fact that was the whole reason for imo Christ coming to earth, so he could live as a man and know exactly what it was like.
At any rate, true Christians are not judgmental people, they follow Biblical principals as closely as they can.

Self righteous people give Christianity a bad name, most never open their bibles.

Rahab was a harlot , but because of her act of kindness she in fact is included in the linage for Jesus Christ.

I wish you no ill will what so ever, i hope you find what you seek, being a True Christian is very hard , we arent any different than anyone else, we are just volunteers , who found Christ.

Go in peace, keep warm and well fed.
No True Scotsman? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman


Active Member
Today its almost impossible to tell true Christians from those 'who have a form of godly devotion but prove false to its power'
With the advent of the electric church , widespread bloodshed promoted by certain churches , violence , lies, deceit, greed, that is why Christ said there would be those who claimed great works inhis name, however he also said he would tell them ' get away from me you workers of lawlessness '

I know its difficult but try and see things from the upside, in this world full of wickedness, somewhere, someone has to be trying to make things better, one person at a time.


Well-Known Member
Today its almost impossible to tell true Christians from those 'who have a form of godly devotion but prove false to its power'
With the advent of the electric church , widespread bloodshed promoted by certain churches , violence , lies, deceit, greed, that is why Christ said there would be those who claimed great works inhis name, however he also said he would tell them ' get away from me you workers of lawlessness '

I know its difficult but try and see things from the upside, in this world full of wickedness, somewhere, someone has to be trying to make things better, one person at a time.
If the bible is any indication of what 'true Christians' were like in the past, they were x10 worse back in the day.


Well-Known Member
Sure they do, Atheists tend to believe science. I may be mistaken but isnt science their "higher power"? Not that they bow down to science or anything, but they tend to revere and respect it with great esteem because that where they get some of their answers from.

And to be candid, I think Atheists deep down inside know that there is SOME power greater then themselves, for example someone smarter then their self. I know they dont believe in any gods but they should know that there are smarter people then their self and therfore a "power" greater then their self.

But I have never been an atheist so I cant speak for them and I wouldnt know, but I can speculate.



Active Member
If the bible is any indication of what 'true Christians' were like in the past, they were x10 worse back in the day.
And we have a winner, see the op was all about how so called christians hate atheism when in fact it is the other way around.

The Bible especially the greek scriptures where nothing more than a tutor leading up to the Christ or Messiah. Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic law.

The Bible is an honest historical document that hasnt failed yet, it foretold the earth was round thousands of years before Columbus.
Prophecies have been and continue to be fulfilled even today.

To understand the Bible you also need to understand civilization at that time. The scripture is honest since it reports everything good and bad that the Jewish leaders did at that time AND their punishment.
Making a arbitrary / out of context statement like that one you just made is more akin to dr k or uncle schmuck and doesnt add anything to the discussion.