• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

hatred for being an atheist


Active Member
You can be certain that they'll have learned all about religion by the time that they become teenagers (likely long before that). Religion is a subject that cannot be avoided in the world that we live in. Children are bombarded with religion every day of their lives, whether be it from watching TV, or hearing about it from friends/teachers/family, you can rest assured that they will know all about religion at a young age. Even without their parents guidance on the subject.


Well-Known Member
Belief in the whimsical is part of what makes childhood such a magical period in our lives. I can't imagine if my parents had stolen those things away from me at such a young age. I remember my mom yelling at my older cousins, when they told me there was no santa when I was 5. My aunt and uncle are devout Christians who also do no agree with letting there kids experience childhood for all that its worth. Although your son is a smart, well adjusted, young man, he missed out on so much of what makes childhood, childhood. Imagination has nothing to do with the issue at hand. The real issue is that your son has missed out on a CRUCIAL understanding that developes within us all at an early age, and that is the REALITY that anything is possible within the universe that we live in. This is something children have an acute understanding of, and is strengthened and reinforced by the fun and whimsical worlds that we've created for them to enjoy and take part in.
That's just it, anything is possible within the laws of physics. We can't simply wish really, really hard and the things we desire pop into existence, we can't read people's exact thoughts or move things with our minds (as many children's stories portray). Nature and physics work in a real, concrete way, and it's important for a child to learn what is in their power to do, and what is simply fantasy. If not, you may get shit like this -


It's only later on in life, that our own hardships, coupled with the beliefs of society at large, that brainwash us into forgetting what we've all known since a young age.
Neither I, or almost anyone close to me, has lost the ability to recognize and strive to fulfill our potential. But I see it happen to most people I experience...

This is not a dig at anyone, however, it is my personal belief that atheism should not be taught to children. If a parent is an atheist, I believe that they should choose to forgo conveying those beliefs on their child. Most religions teach and indoctrinate their children, with the belief that doing so, will ensure the safe passage and continuation of their children's souls into the afterlife. Since atheists have no such concerns, I don't see why there would be any reason to force these beliefs onto a child. Believe it or not, these are very bleak and scary concepts for a child to comprehend.
We must keep in mind that ALL children are born atheists until they are taught otherwise. Out of the many atheist and secular humanist children I've encountered, I've haven't yet seen any trauma from teaching children reality. We teach them that we are extremely fortunate to have been born and have a chance at life (the odds against any of us being here, esp. considering how many could have been here in our place, is astronomical), that our world and the cosmos are awe inspiring and fascinating places, and that we need to experience as much progress and joy in our short time here as possible. These concepts of reality are neither bleak nor scary, unlike a LOT of religious tripe (sin, submission, eternal damnation, etc.)...


Active Member
I'd like to start off by saying that I myself, have wrestled with my own faith and religion for many years now. I wouldn't call myself an atheist but I often struggle to believe in a god, and have nearly lost all faith in the story of Christs' resurrection (which is what I was taught as a child). I just want to clarify that I have no judgments or pregidous against anyone's beliefs or opinions. Having gotten that out of the way, I have to strongly disagree with you on your comments regarding the laws of physics. The fact is, we have absolutely no idea how many ACTUAL laws of physics are at play in our universe, or how they might counteract and/or interact with one another. There is however, one law of physics that cannot be refuted and it's called the law of attraction. This is a topic that I could speak 100,000 characters on, and still not have fully conveyed the power that this one law has on our existance. There is a little known fact that human beings have just recently begun to rediscover, and that fact is that ANYTHING is possible. Anything at all. All a person has to do is truly BELIEVE. Each and every one of the things that you listed above are all indeed possible, however hard it may be for you to believe that. The human brain and it's connection with the laws of attraction, combine to create a force that can make even the seemingly "impossible", possible. Although the last couple minutes of the video that you posted were pretty laughable, everything that that boy spoke before that was EXACTLY right and 100% true. I'm actually ASTONISHED that someone his age is able to comprehend such things. I understand that you posted that particular video to convey a negative side of a childs whimsical mind, but on the contrary, to me it conveyed the fact that teaching our children to have an open mind at a young age, can lead to nothing but amazing things and limitless possibilities. I believe with all my heart, that that boy has an extremely bright future ahead of him. If he had concentrated his mind on something a little less specific than becoming a made up race of demigod, he might have actually achieved something remarkable. Alas, in all actuality he probably wouldn't have, considering that it was most likely his first attempt at harnessing such abilities (no I'm not talking super saiyan abilities lol, I'm talking abilities of the mind). It takes most people years, if not decades to be able to master such seemingly simple things as telekenesis. The bottom line is that we as human beings are just now beginning to understand the limitless powers of our minds, and every year that goes by, there is more and more undisputable evidence to prove this. Have you ever heard the saying, "you make your own luck"? This statement could not possibly be any truer. If a person goes through life with a negative attitude, constantly exuding negativity, speaking of and dwelling on negative things, and believing that negative things will happen to them.... then that person will attract and be dealt nothing but negativity in every aspect of their life. The exact same can be said for positivity, and the reason for this, harkens back to the the ONE undisputable law at play in our universe.... the law of attraction. It's important for humanity as a whole to be made privy to this information, otherwise we'll all just go through life without ever knowing the truth (whether we choose to believe it or not). I realize that neither of us will be here to witness this, but I promise you, that in a couple hundreds years (hopefully alot less) people will be doing, with ease, all of the things that you place within in the realm of "childrens stories"..... Holy shit, I got a little off topic for a second there lol, oh well. Anyway, I'm with ya on the whole sin and eternal damnation thing being bleak and scary (I don't believe in such things either, and these are the sorts of things that turned me off to religion at a young age). However the thought of no longer existing after you die is pretty fucking scary too lol.


Well-Known Member
^^ Wow. I found The Secret to be pretty boring even when Oprah was touting it in '06. Your post is an excellent example of what I attempt to keep my child away from. If you'd like to post any links to credible sources (peer reviewed, scientific sources please, no crazy YT or new age sites) to support your views, I'd be more than happy to take a look. Otherwise, no thanks...


Well-Known Member
Don't worry, the pope has said atheists can go to heaven too. :wall:

Pope Francis recently assured atheists that they don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven. Stating that non-believers would be forgiven by God if they would just follow their consciences, the pope said, “You ask me if the God of the Christians forgives those we don’t believe and who don’t seek the faith. I start by saying, and this is the fundamental thing, that God’s mercy has no limits if you go to him with a sincere, contrite heart. The issue for those who do not believe in God is to obey their conscience.”
Fellay attacked Francis for advancing a new format for the Catholic Mass, following in the path of Vatican II, and for suggesting the Catholic Church condemns homosexuality, but not homosexuals, and that even atheists might achieve salvation if they live according to conscience.



Well-Known Member
How did I know you'd turn into a dick as soon as you heard something that goes against your bleak, apathetic views on existence. I don't gotta post any links or prove shit to your ignorant unenlightened ass. It would seem that you've heard this truth before. Why don't you prove to me that there aint a god..... hmm, thats what I fucking thought. And guess what, when YOU die, YOU might very well cease to exist, because that's what YOU choose to believe. So by all means, go ahead and teach your son that shit, and the same fate might befall him too. Oh and I'm guessing that the reason hes getting his ass kicked at school, is probably because hes going around preaching about his atheism and talking down to others who don't share his forcedfed beliefs.... kinda like his ignorant douchebag of a father. Go cook some meth, and stimulate the economy. That'll be the culmination of your feeble existence, right there in a nutshell.
Lol the dulcet tones of "enlightenment"
™ it always amazes me the serenity you guys give off
Anyway instead of spitting venom at Tyler and his kid shouldn't you be following the law of attraction and look within to work out what bad feelings of your own caused you to attract his post to you?

Without such insight I'd hate to think what your attracting with you tirade above



Well-Known Member

Lol the dulcet tones of "enlightenment"
™ it always amazes me the serenity you guys give off
Anyway instead of spitting venom at Tyler and his kid shouldn't you be following the law of attraction and look within to work out what bad feelings of your own caused you to attract his post to you?

Without such insight I'd hate to think what your attracting with you tirade above

My sarcasm was lost on him.
It is yet another shift in the teachings to suit the times.
Just like many more changes that came before, the "leaders" are attempting to gain a new base of followers.

The world views of equality and acceptance of gay rights has forced a "policy change" so they can attempt
to remain relevant while losing large swaths of traditional followers.

The Atheist comment I posted is offensive to followers as well as atheists.


Well-Known Member
How did I know you'd turn into a dick as soon as you heard something that goes against your bleak, apathetic views on existence. I don't gotta post any links or prove shit to your ignorant unenlightened ass. It would seem that you've heard this truth before. Why don't you prove to me that there aint a god..... hmm, thats what I fucking thought. And guess what, when YOU die, YOU might very well cease to exist, because that's what YOU choose to believe. So by all means, go ahead and teach your son that shit, and the same fate might befall him too. Oh and I'm guessing that the reason hes getting his ass kicked at school, is probably because hes going around preaching about his atheism and talking down to others who don't share his forcedfed beliefs.... kinda like his ignorant douchebag of a father. Go cook some meth and stimulate the economy. That'll be the culmination of your feeble existence, right there in a nutshell.

When is belief ever the default position?

Do you believe in Leprechauns until they're disproven?

Do you believe in Pegasus until it's disproven?

No. You believe once you have a reason to believe, not the other way around. Are you really that dense?


Well-Known Member
Gee, heres ANOTHER post that makes no sense.... I'll address the highlighted portion my post since I don't have any idea what your babbling about. He told me to PROVE my beliefs by posting "credible" sources. I told him to PROVE that there ain't a god.... What, you didn't detect the sarcasm there? He's the dumbass who's telling me to prove things than can't be proven. I was showing him how stupid he sounded while doing so. Understand now, or are you really that dense?
We can prove how the story changed over centuries.

Can you prove that any of the thousands/millions of gods are real? Keep in mind if their are thousands/millions of gods someone is wrong.

I just gave a perfect example of the pope of today attempting to change the story again.


Active Member
Is this not exactly what you are doing as Tyler explained something to you that went against your bleak, apathetic views on existence? It seems apparent to me which one of you is actually being the douche bag.
Let's see, for one thing, my views on existence aren't bleak or apathetic.... (I would suggest picking up a dictionary.) Secondly, please point out the part of that post where Tyler explained something that went against my existence. I think that when you see how your above comment is completely invalid, you'll see that I'm not the douchebag. Yep, when you come at me I'm going to shut you down, but that doesn't make me a douchebag. Is there any more of Tyler's friends in here that wanna come to his rescue?


Active Member
We can prove how the story changed over centuries.

Can you prove that any of the thousands/millions of gods are real? Keep in mind if their are thousands/millions of gods someone is wrong.

I just gave a perfect example of the pope of today attempting to change the story again.
I'll let my response in the post that you quoted answer that question for you....


Well-Known Member
I'll let my response in the post that you quoted answer that question for you....
No no, you don't get an out like that. You are here attacking people and asking for proof.
You want a discussion so lets discuss facts.

Don't look for the first cowardly exit when valid facts are presented.

Who's god is the real one?
Would it be yours as you seem to denounce everyone's beliefs except your own, or is it that there
are more gods than days of the year? Or perhaps everyone is wrong and there are no fairies in the sky.

Ah a fresh god for you to follow everyday if you believe.


Well-Known Member
Gee, heres ANOTHER post that makes no sense.... I'll address the highlighted portion of my post since I don't have any idea what your babbling about. He told me to PROVE my beliefs by posting "credible" sources. I told him to PROVE that there ain't a god.... What, you didn't detect the sarcasm there? He's the dumbass who's telling me to prove things that can't be proven. I was showing him how stupid he sounded while doing so. Understand now, or are you really that dense?
Can't you read your own writing?

You said;

"Why don't you prove to me that there aint a god..... hmm, thats what I fucking thought."

Then I said;

When is belief ever the default position?

Do you believe in Leprechauns until they're disproven?
Do you believe in Pegasus until it's disproven?
No. You believe once you have a reason to believe, not the other way around.
Are you really that dense?

Then you said;

Gee, heres ANOTHER post that makes no sense.... I'll address the highlighted portion of my post since I don't have any idea what your babbling about. He told me to PROVE my beliefs by posting "credible" sources. I told him to PROVE that there ain't a god.... What, you didn't detect the sarcasm there? He's the dumbass who's telling me to prove things that can't be proven. I was showing him how stupid he sounded while doing so. Understand now, or are you really that dense?

It makes perfect sense. There is no sarcasm button to announce how sarcastic you're being.

Also, proving that god doesn't exist is a negative claim. Proving the law of attraction is real, is a positive claim and is subject to scrutiny.

You can't prove something doesn't exist because you can't simultaneously search everywhere in existence at the same time, but you can prove the existence of something, e.g. the law of attraction, by testing it.

From this side, it sounds like you're arguing for the existence of the law of attraction. Things that exist have properties and are testable. Until you can test the law of attraction and show that it exists, there's no reason to believe so.

Do you not understand the difference between positive and negative claims?


Well-Known Member
I'd like to start off by saying that I myself, have wrestled with my own faith and religion for many years now. I wouldn't call myself an atheist but I often struggle to believe in a god, and have nearly lost all faith in the story of Christs' resurrection (which is what I was taught as a child). I just want to clarify that I have no judgments or pregidous against anyone's beliefs or opinions. Having gotten that out of the way, I have to strongly disagree with you on your comments regarding the laws of physics. The fact is, we have absolutely no idea how many ACTUAL laws of physics are at play in our universe, or how they might counteract and/or interact with one another. There is however, one law of physics that cannot be refuted and it's called the law of attraction. This is a topic that I could speak 100,000 characters on, and still not have fully conveyed the power that this one law has on our existance. There is a little known fact that human beings have just recently begun to rediscover, and that fact is that ANYTHING is possible. Anything at all. All a person has to do is truly BELIEVE. Each and every one of the things that you listed above are all indeed possible, however hard it may be for you to believe that. The human brain and it's connection with the laws of attraction, combine to create a force that can make even the seemingly "impossible", possible. Although the last couple minutes of the video that you posted were pretty laughable, everything that that boy spoke before that was EXACTLY right and 100% true. I'm actually ASTONISHED that someone his age is able to comprehend such things. I understand that you posted that particular video to convey a negative side of a childs whimsical mind, but on the contrary, to me it conveyed the fact that teaching our children to have an open mind at a young age, can lead to nothing but amazing things and limitless possibilities. I believe with all my heart, that that boy has an extremely bright future ahead of him. If he had concentrated his mind on something a little less specific than becoming a made up race of demigod, he might have actually achieved something remarkable. Alas, in all actuality he probably wouldn't have, considering that it was most likely his first attempt at harnessing such abilities (no I'm not talking super saiyan abilities lol, I'm talking abilities of the mind). It takes most people years, if not decades to be able to master such seemingly simple things as telekenesis. The bottom line is that we as human beings are just now beginning to understand the limitless powers of our minds, and every year that goes by, there is more and more undisputable evidence to prove this. Have you ever heard the saying, "you make your own luck"? This statement could not possibly be any truer. If a person goes through life with a negative attitude, constantly exuding negativity, speaking of and dwelling on negative things, and believing that negative things will happen to them.... then that person will attract and be dealt nothing but negativity in every aspect of their life. The exact same can be said for positivity, and the reason for this, harkens back to the the ONE undisputable law at play in our universe.... the law of attraction. It's important for humanity as a whole to be made privy to this information, otherwise we'll all just go through life without ever knowing the truth (whether we choose to believe it or not). I realize that neither of us will be here to witness this, but I promise you, that in a couple hundreds years (hopefully alot less) people will be doing, with ease, all of the things that you place within in the realm of "childrens stories"..... Holy shit, I got a little off topic for a second there lol, oh well. Anyway, I'm with ya on the whole sin and eternal damnation thing being bleak and scary (I don't believe in such things either, and these are the sorts of things that turned me off to religion at a young age). However the thought of no longer existing after you die is pretty fucking scary too lol.
How did I know you'd turn into a dick as soon as you heard something that goes against your bleak, apathetic views on existence. I don't gotta post any links or prove shit to your ignorant unenlightened ass. It would seem that you've heard this truth before. Why don't you prove to me that there aint a god..... hmm, thats what I fucking thought. And guess what, when YOU die, YOU might very well cease to exist, because that's what YOU choose to believe. So by all means, go ahead and teach your son that shit, and the same fate might befall him too. Oh and I'm guessing that the reason hes getting his ass kicked at school, is probably because hes going around preaching about his atheism and talking down to others who don't share his forcedfed beliefs.... kinda like his ignorant douchebag of a father. Go cook some meth and stimulate the economy. That'll be the culmination of your feeble existence, right there in a nutshell.
Wow, are you people really this dumb? I'll refer back that that same EXACT quoted post, but for a different reason this time...... I wasn't seriously asking him to PROVE anything. That was called sarcasm, and I said it in that very post. Lmao, when did you all start thinking that I'm trying to argue against atheism? Lmao WTF!
Here are a couple good posts that show your position.

So again, quit dodging.


Active Member
Lol, so YOU're trying to tell ME that I'm arguing against atheism? Lol, you all must all really love Tyler or something cause this is insane, lmao. And to beefbisquit.... I'm not arguing ANYTHING. Once again I don't have to prove ANYTHING. Think back very hard throughout the course of your life and you'll know that the law of attraction is very real. Lol, this isn't my religion, it's just another law at place in the universe that we live in. I truly couldn't care less what any of you think.


Well-Known Member
Lol, so YOU're trying to tell ME that I'm arguing against atheism? Lol, you all must all really love Tyler or something cause this is insane, lmao. And to beefbisquit.... I'm not arguing ANYTHING. Once again I don't have to prove ANYTHING. Think back very hard throughout the course of your life and you'll know that the law of attraction is very real. Lol, this isn't my religion, it's just another law at place in the universe that we live in. I truly couldn't care less what any of you think.
Oh alright, so what is your intention here with your contradictory posts? Just to argue I suppose because
you are yet to offer a valid response to questions asked that are clear and direct.

Nice try, no one is falling for your BS.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, do you not understand English or something? I think I've answered both of your dumbass questions about 4 or 5 times. You cannot prove something that cannot be proven, and you're idiots for for repeatedly asking me too. I got an idea... since your all so good at posting quotes, why don't you post some of my so called "contradictory" posts, and I'll go to bed and continue to not give a shit what you think.... OK, Ready...GO!!!
LOL. I just find that statement funny. It's completely self evident.

That's like saying "Eating poisonous things will poison you", or "red trucks are red trucks".

I think you're looking for, "It's not possible to prove a negative claim"....