HATCH STYLE,Chronic,-Kindbud.-Couch~Lock,-Flo,-Romulan,-BullRider,-Willie


Well-Known Member
OK, Good & What Kind of Light????..........& So Your say'ing Take of at least 10" of that Height For A Light??..........Is there Any Space Underneath the Grow Area??? That Height is Going to be A Issue???.......But Not say'ing it can't be worked out........Any More Detail's on What, Where, & When Will Help...:mrgreen:
in my closet , using CFL for gec and flowering the space minus the contanor I have 42'' with out light at the top , I have 20-20-20 plant food , kick start , B-1 Thrive , Epson Salt if needed to cover from Meg def. I'm using 12 CFL right now

7 - 15w , 6,500k , 900 Lumes each
5 - 13w , 2,700k , 900 Lumes each

I have a table that I use for my soil grow

oh and i don't have ne other medium besides soil and i don't have net pots, no ppm tester

PS - If you need more info please ask what you need for info and I'll see if I can get it for you
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Well-Known Member
in my closet , using CFL for gec and flowering the space minus the contanor I have 42'' with out light at the top , I have 20-20-20 plant food , kick start , B-1 Thrive , Epson Salt if needed to cover from Meg def. I'm using 12 CFL right now

7 - 15w , 6,500k , 900 Lumes each
5 - 13w , 2,700k , 900 Lumes each

I have a table that I use for my soil grow

oh and i don't have ne other medium besides soil and i don't have net pots, no ppm tester

PS - If you need more info please ask what you need for info and I'll see if I can get it for you
Alright, There are several different way's I beleive You can Go. Like I said Your Height is kind of a obstacle.

1) Make it into like a Bubbler.
2) Stack it on top a Shallower Rubbermate.
3) Build Like a Subfloor, & have a res. & Pump underneath.

Hey I'll Put some pic.'s up. 1'st will be like a Bubbler, 2'nd will be stacked, & 3'rd will be a illustation on like a subfloor & the Pod's on top & res. underneath.

Maybe these will help You get some Idea's???



Well-Known Member
Alright, There are several different way's I beleive You can Go. Like I said Your Height is kind of a obstacle.

1) Make it into like a Bubbler.
2) Stack it on top a Shallower Rubbermate.
3) Build Like a Subfloor, & have a res. & Pump underneath.

Hey I'll Put some pic.'s up. 1'st will be like a Bubbler, 2'nd will be stacked, & 3'rd will be a illustation on like a subfloor & the Pod's on top & res. underneath.

Maybe these will help You get some Idea's???
I just have 1 rubbermate as for my grow area I'm thinking about taking the shelfing out from the top and that will give me 7 feet of hight (no including light space)

I was thinking about doing a bubbler , will try to get pics posted in the next few days , expecting my seeds very soon


Well-Known Member
I just have 1 rubbermate as for my grow area I'm thinking about taking the shelfing out from the top and that will give me 7 feet of hight (no including light space)

I was thinking about doing a bubbler , will try to get pics posted in the next few days , expecting my seeds very soon
Sound's Great, Ya, Take Out the Shelf, That extra Head Room will help in many way's, Even help in cooling, & ventilation.........Ya, Get some pic's, So We can Check it Out.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Sound's Great, Ya, Take Out the Shelf, That extra Head Room will help in many way's, Even help in cooling, & ventilation.........Ya, Get some pic's, So We can Check it Out.:joint:
haha ok I will do, first part to my plan is to build a frame before I get any where else


Well-Known Member
well got my journal started and will be up-dating it in the next day or two so feel free to drop by and leave comments at any time pce


Well-Known Member
Ya, The one's that are left of the #3 Crop are Chronic-Kindbud, Chemo, & a Couch-Lock.


Well-Known Member
Little Up-Dating Is In Due Up In Here!!!!



Well-Known Member
nce buds man!!!

Thank's Bro!!!~~~~I'm fixing To Load Some more of #5 Grow That I Also Have Going. #4 I'm Flowering With A 430HPS Eye Hortilux Super EN, & 400 Watt's Of UV-CFL's.........& In #5 Grow They Are Under A 400MH SunMaster Warm Deluxe, & 400Watt's Of UV-CFL's........Both of the HID Light Are On 4' Light Track's Also.

Well Stick Around, I've Got Some New Shot'sFor My Trich. Thread To!!!!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
YYYYYYYEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHIIIIII, Here We Go Again!!!!!!!!!:mrgreen::blsmoke:


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Well-Known Member
Hey All, What's UP????..........Here Is A Little Up-Date Of #4 Grow, These Are The One's That Are Being Flowered Under HPS + UV-CFL's.:joint:



Well-Known Member
that weed looks great!! what temp. do you keep your room at?
Say Bro, Hey What's Up???..........Ya, They Are Fucking Killing Me Right Now, I've Seen Them Up Around 96 To 97 In The Day, With The Light's On!!!!In The Chamber's That I Run At Night The Temp's Are Still Like 92 To 93!!!........I Have A/C Duct In To The Chamber's Also. The Temp's Usually Stay About 80 To 83, But With The Outside Temp's In The High 90's To 100+, What Else Is There To Do???? I'm Going To Add Atleast A Nother 250cfm, To all The Chamber's Exhuast System's Here Pretty Quick, After I Harvest All These Plant's In The Flower Chamber's, & When I Clean Everything Up For The Next Bunch Of Clones.........But AnyWay, Thank's For Hanging Out, & Leaving A Post!!!!!:joint::joint::joint: