Hash with hair in it! Ideas for removing?


So I donated to someone (medical patient) for 1,5 oz's of hash upon breaking parts of it up I am noticing bits of hair in it which is a downer because every other time the hash has been top quality. I have minor chem experience (taken 2 semesters of organic chem and 3 semesters of general chem). Was wondering if anyone had any ideas of how to remove the hair here is my hypothesis:
Dissolve Hash in solvent that will not dissolve hair (likely grain alcohol)
If the hair floats on top I could simply skim it off however if it sinks I am going to have to do some type of filtration however I don't see how this would work as I don't see the dissolved hash not getting caught on the filter with the hair?

Any input would be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
that is tough...cant return it i take it...is there a ton of hair? can you break up the hash to get the hair out and repress?


Active Member
since no one helpes, put your hash in 99% alcohol it should disolve completly except for the hair, then strain liquid with coffee filter.... let alcohol evaporate and your hairss should be gone. the hash will: NOT GET STUCK IN THE FILTER BECAUSE IT HAS FORMED A SOLUTION WITH ALCOHOL. 99% is recomendend due to the fact that only 1% is water...

be sure to let all of it evaporate


Well-Known Member
since no one helpes, put your hash in 99% alcohol it should disolve completly except for the hair, then strain liquid with coffee filter.... let alcohol evaporate and your hairss should be gone. the hash will: NOT GET STUCK IN THE FILTER BECAUSE IT HAS FORMED A SOLUTION WITH ALCOHOL. 99% is recomendend due to the fact that only 1% is water...

be sure to let all of it evaporate
I agree with this method. You'll likely lose a little weight on the hash because you won't be able to squeeze all the alcohol out of the coffee filter, but it will work. Also, burning hair stinks but is not poisonous, so it's not going to hurt you. You could just pull out any you see and not worry about the rest.