Hash oil?


Active Member
Mexican hash oil?

Anyone know how many ounces of hash oil I could get from a kilo of Mexican brick?

I can usually get about 2 ounces from a pound of good buds and trim.

Here is a guy that claims that a couple ounces over the course of three months will cure most cancers. He also shows how to make the hemp oil. In the video he uses Naptha. I've used acetone, Isopropyl, and ethanol so far. Just need a solvent that boils off quick and is fairly cheap.



New Member

Here is a guy that claims that a couple ounces over the course of three months will cure most cancers
I love my mj and it really helps me butcuring cancer... I think enough cancer patients have smoked and later died from cancer to check that one off the list...


Active Member
Maybe BS but surely worth more study. Two ounces is a lot to take and it would be difficult to get that much just smoking. Marijuana has more tar than tobacco but has not been associated with lung cancer to my knowledge. Maybe due to its anti-carcinogenic properties?


Well-Known Member
I've read more then a few independent case studies where marijuana extracts where used to treat cancer as a last resort and had amazing results. However, the extracts were applied directly to the cancerous area, not smoked.

I think in the last one I read, involving brain cancer, researchers believed they had discovered exactly how the THC caused the cancer cells to die off: they become so "hungry" they "ate" their own internal cell structures, causing them to slowly shrink to death over a period of months.

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
I've read more then a few independent case studies where marijuana extracts where used to treat cancer as a last resort and had amazing results. However, the extracts were applied directly to the cancerous area, not smoked.

I think in the last one I read, involving brain cancer, researchers believed they had discovered exactly how the THC caused the cancer cells to die off: they become so "hungry" they "ate" their own internal cell structures, causing them to slowly shrink to death over a period of months.

Please do not make ridiculous assumptions if you have not read the proper medical studies and journals.
