
Well-Known Member
View attachment 3655951 View attachment 3655952 finally trimmed the big head up, an easy 4oz dried of this girl. Would grow her again for sure.
Well done mate, beast of a plant, definitely not a window licker! Lovely looking buds as well.
It's a big head auto. Not sure of the genetics as it was a freebie. She was a bit of a spastic when she germinated as her tap root grew upside down. I turned it around and actually thought I'd lose her, but she came back strong and now she's ready to harvest. Just can't be fucked tonight as I'm so tired.
By the looks of it, I would say it is their Head Stash Auto. Or if not, the Big Cheese Auto. Whats the smell like?


Well-Known Member
Well, I've put the Cabbage Patch Twat into 12/12. Let's see how she does,
I'm not sticking any photo's on for now, because theres nowt really impressive to look at lol
And I'm quietly hoping that in a couple of weeks time it will be a fine bush and will have come on loads since the last photos I uploaded, and you will all be like wow, what a transformation! lmao
If not, just laugh at her and call her a mong! :razz:


Well-Known Member
Mate I a
She does look lovely, very impressive! Bet you are gutted its the last chop for a while!
mate I am to be honest. I've enjoyed this grow as all strains have been impressive ans cool to work with. To be honest the Lemon Haze was a strange one with the fox tailing but I have had the best feedback from the high so may have to grow again.
Have just bought 3 different Sativa seed strains to grow next time, don't ask me what they are as I've been drinking


Well-Known Member
Mate I a

mate I am to be honest. I've enjoyed this grow as all strains have been impressive ans cool to work with. To be honest the Lemon Haze was a strange one with the fox tailing but I have had the best feedback from the high so may have to grow again.
Have just bought 3 different Sativa seed strains to grow next time, don't ask me what they are as I've been drinking
Are you sober enough to tell us what they are yet? :razz:


Well-Known Member
Mate I a

mate I am to be honest. I've enjoyed this grow as all strains have been impressive ans cool to work with. To be honest the Lemon Haze was a strange one with the fox tailing but I have had the best feedback from the high so may have to grow again.
Have just bought 3 different Sativa seed strains to grow next time, don't ask me what they are as I've been drinking
I've a few superlemonhaze grows under my belt & there are other phenos besides the fox tailing haze dominant one there is a less stretchy one that gives medium Rock hard buds & another that gave 1-2 liter bottle size buds you just have to do more than one plant when Riu crashed or whatever happened the ability to store pics went out the window got a friend still growing it because of customer demand people hate on greenhouse seeds because of arjan but slh is legitimate shit wherever the genetics were stolen from that being said I would strike a deal with the devil himself to grow awesome shit you can pull up my old threads it's called superlemonhaze at last

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Well, I've put the Cabbage Patch Twat into 12/12. Let's see how she does,
I'm not sticking any photo's on for now, because theres nowt really impressive to look at lol
And I'm quietly hoping that in a couple of weeks time it will be a fine bush and will have come on loads since the last photos I uploaded, and you will all be like wow, what a transformation! lmao
If not, just laugh at her and call her a mong! :razz:
haha keeping your window licker locked away I see! I think we will indeed be impressed when she's back, i have hope(in you, not that retard)!


Well-Known Member
Well, I've put the Cabbage Patch Twat into 12/12. Let's see how she does,
I'm not sticking any photo's on for now, because theres nowt really impressive to look at lol
And I'm quietly hoping that in a couple of weeks time it will be a fine bush and will have come on loads since the last photos I uploaded, and you will all be like wow, what a transformation! lmao
If not, just laugh at her and call her a mong! :razz:
Hey stickman sometimes you scrutinize your stuff more than others I've more often than not got decent results from things I was gonna scrap also have been let down by stuff I was sure was gonna be the shit I'm hoping at the 11th. Hour you'll pull the rabbit out of the hat


Well-Known Member
Hey stickman sometimes you scrutinize your stuff more than others I've more often than not got decent results from things I was gonna scrap also have been let down by stuff I was sure was gonna be the shit I'm hoping at the 11th. Hour you'll pull the rabbit out of the hat
Cheers mate, thank you! Well the Golden Lemons very nearly got slung last time due to a rocky start and she turned out awesome. I just dont think this will get to a size that will be able to create a good yield. Which isn't everything to me, but its nice to get some decent coin back for the time and effort that has gone into it!


Well-Known Member
Ok I'm bored so thought I'd post an update.
Here she is. Shes got around 8 main tops and shit loads of other shoots. The fun has actually just started as the DWC growth explosion started a few days ago before I switched to 12/12. So I can finally start LSTing properly. I'm hoping for a lot of growth over the next couple of week, and then she will get some good old defoliation. image.jpeg


Well-Known Member
I know it is hard to see because of the massive green blob that she is, but the main arms are looking great, I LST'd yesterday, pulled all the main arms down so everything else could get a bit of light. I did a lot of defoliation last week, you wouldn't have thought so would you? lol
But just imagine a sativa dominant plant at this stage, it would be about 5 foot tall and would have loads of nodes, this is the same but very squashed! There is very little space between the nodes. She's an interesting bugger to say the least!
I know I have slated her and called her all sorts of horrible names but I'm actually quite pleased with how she has come on in the past week. I don't have high hopes for her but I do have some hope and think it will be a case of quality over quantity when it comes to harvest time. 8-)

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Ok I'm bored so thought I'd post an update.
Here she is. Shes got around 8 main tops and shit loads of other shoots. The fun has actually just started as the DWC growth explosion started a few days ago before I switched to 12/12. So I can finally start LSTing properly. I'm hoping for a lot of growth over the next couple of week, and then she will get some good old defoliation. View attachment 3658622
She's lookin great man, you had me thinkin she was still a mess! I knew you'd pull her around, she's basically just couple weeks behind that's all. You'll still make the standings for the grow off;-)


Well-Known Member
She's lookin great man, you had me thinkin she was still a mess! I knew you'd pull her around, she's basically just couple weeks behind that's all. You'll still make the standings for the grow off;-)
You have already won the grow off mate, congratulations! lol fantastic work with the Amnesia! She is looking so good even if she doesn't look like she wants to finish. Shes gonna be one hell of a yielder. Although I think the LSD will be your signature grow! The one you look back on and always remember!
I'm toying with the idea of sticking in a 600w for the last few weeks of this grow just to boost the yield. My ballast is digital just like you and Herk have been talking about. But I started off saying 250w is all I need then I've upgraded to the 400w, and now i'm talking about upgrading to a 600w, when will it end? lol i will be saying soon, yeah I'm just going to have one more warehouse full PMSL