Hash Bags Arrived -- Some Questions


Well-Known Member
Hey crew. I went ahead and bought a set of 8 5-gallon hash bags from eBay. Watched the YouTube video on making
bubble hash and ran a batch of my close trim. The trim is actually top quality but harsh smoking. My question deals with my
yield. Like I said I used top drawer trim and ended up with 3-4 grams of hash from 2 1/2 ounces of trim. Last time I priced
hash (around 1975 or so) grams were $5-10 and pot was $10-25 an oz. So a gram of hash was priced roughly at 50% the
cost of an oz. Reason I ask is because I was overwhelmed by the bubble hash quality ("if it don't bubble it ain't worth the trouble")
but disappointed in the amount I got.

How do my numbers compare to you guys out there who have run a lot of batches of bubble hash? I mixed for 29 minutes and used
the right amount of ice and cold water. I know the pot was quality. Why so little output?



did you freeze your trim? i made it once with just ice & water with no frozen trim and it worked semi well, but once I started using frozen trim it yields noticeably more then when you don't freeze the trim.

and you said you used top drawer, did the hash you made come out top shelf as well? or was the quality not on par with the trim?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I had the trim in the freezer for 24 hours before I used it.

I got only one bubble hit from what I derived and that was from the 45 micron bag. The smallest bag, the 25 micron,
produced a couple of hits but no bubble action. In the future I will use the bags only for leaves that I won't be smoking.
And the hash is not that much better than the trim. Sheesh, why turn 2 ounces of harsh trim into 2 grams of harsh hash?
