Hash and Oil Picture Thread

Hey yo,

Been feeling a bit better lately. So decided to stop by. Those some fire looking meds up there. I had to take a smoke break two or three times before I got to the last post! Yay for cannabinoids!

IMG_4565.JPG OG#18 (fully mature) w/ LSD (pre-mature). Fun fun!

IMG_4637.JPG No idea what the strain is, got a bag of crap from a guy and did the best I could.

I wonder has anyone tried to put coffee filter betwen a buna gasket and ss on a tri clamp setup?
Only have a usable 120m atm and wonders if it will hold pressure with the coffee filter?
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Hey yo,

Been feeling a bit better lately. So decided to stop by. Those some fire looking meds up there. I had to take a smoke break two or three times before I got to the last post! Yay for cannabinoids!

View attachment 3309145 OG#18 (fully mature) w/ LSD (pre-mature). Fun fun!

View attachment 3309146 No idea, what the strain is got a bag of crap from a guy and did the best I could.

I wonder has anyone tried to put coffee filter betwen a buna gasket and ss on a tri clamp setup?
Only have a usable 120m atm and wonders if it will hold pressure with the coffee filter?

Ive seen bhogart use coffee filters but he used pipe clamps on a dip tube style thing he added on the top cap of the collection chamber.
@francy420 Is that with tri-clamp? Just fold it down to the tube and the clamp keeps it straight?

I found bhombtubes who has SS 25 micron drop in screens. Ordered two packs today to check em out. They should fit right on top of the screen already in the gasket. (keeping the triclamp seal) I also should be able to fit a couple in there to increase filtration.

I ran the 150 screen for giggles and was surprised I was able to get fine shake almost translucent. about a 10-15 min soak.

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bizzybee on ig makes 2u ones i think. As well as 5u. Theyre probably pricey but itd last for a long time thats for sure.

Ive seen some smaller micron screen/gaskets on sites before when browsing but is always hard to find em in stock.
You could also use microfiber glass i think its between 10-25u. Not sure if it would hold up to the pressures though. Only seen it used in scientific labs/ LHO extractions.
@BluJayz yes with a tri-clamp. You really just need to cut the filter to just inside the ridge on the buna gasket. There is a guy over at G.C that uses those bhombtubes with the drop in screens, and he puts out some killer looking shatter patties.
@francy420 I ordered some more today from them, 5m 25m 40m and viton gasket with 20mesh.

Should do nicely be here sat. In the meantime I put coffee filter over tube and clamped it, holds negative pressure so far.… .