Hash and Oil Picture Thread

well u press it then u have to break it up again to smoke it so the bottom line is i guess im just lazy when it comes to my IWE
Hey fellas thought I'd stop by and drop off a pic of what I'm dabbing on tonight :). It was a mixture of cheese, and dinachem trim mostly that I fresh froze and washed last week. Turned out delicious, and smooth.
~”Feel The Magic, hear the roar, Thundercats are loose.~

Anybody see the episode of Robot Chicken, where they do a spoof of
” Where are they now?”
on the Thundercats...

If not, please, Youtube it..
If you liked watching Thundercats as a child, you will LOVE it.

Looks incredible brother.
Lololololol just watched it. I fucking loved thundercats as a little kid.

I still watch the old episodes sometimes...haha

It brings back sooooo many childhood memories.

I remember, I begged my Mom to buy me the damn claw sheath (can't recall the name of it now) and the Sword Of Omens.

Had all the action figures, including their weapons.

God, I wish I had kept that shit, maybe my Mom kept em for me..

This be the pic thread, so..

I finally ran that Death Valley Cheese. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD...

I always thought people claiming yields in the high 20s, like 28-29%

Were full of shit.

I was proven wrong with this material, dayyummm.

I didn't weigh the bag, but I packed super dense sticky buds into two separate 2 oz tubes...and had 10 grams of shake leftover that wouldn't fit.

After blasting, I noted the massive pile of un-purged oil in my large ass dish.

It was very similar to Knottyy's scrapes on you tube.

I tilted the dish and it was boner inducing. the goo would just slide back and forth...

Having never yielding so much... I scraped it up and plopped it on my parchment...

I knew damn well it was WAY WAY too much for my chamber, but I tried it any way...

Haha...shhit was fucking ridiculous.

I had to go back to the counter and scoop half of the glob onto another sheet of parchment.

I was sort of panicking at this point, as this is quite a lot of money I'm playing around with..

And it is one of them 50/50 deals... Most y'all know what I'm referring to, if you don't..you will eventually

Anyhow the first half is done, final weight of the first half of the run = 16.7 grams.

Theoretically, there should be at least another 15+ grams left to finish off.

Since I didn't weigh the starting material I don't have an accurate percentile, but...

It seems I may have reached 26-28%..
The patient requested wax.

So wax it is...
Strain - Death Valley Cheese.... My house reeks of dank the second the jar is cracked.

From cured frosty nugs, there is a pic of the flower and the bag a page or two back.

Filled up a small Mason Jar damn near to the top.








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Fuuuccckkk I want some. Upper 20% is def doable but gotta have the right strain. I ran a phenol of ak-48 I had one time and was 22% after winterization. I can't imagine if I hadn't winterized it. never put up numbers like that since. Enough about me as always looking fire Dabs.

I was like you with the Thundercats. I had all the cool figures and weapons. My brother in law still has some figures left. not as cool as I remember them like 30 yrs. ago.

I was wondering if anybody would pick up the....

” Boner Inducing”

I love that you can achieve those purdy extracts using Organic Alcohol.

Vodka is organic right?..

At least in comparison to the commonly used Iso, and Butane extractions.

Do you vac?
Didn't you use to/still make KILLER bubble?

If I remember correctly...
You've posted some killer hash shots in the Colorado Section?
Or have I done way too many drugs?...and confused you with someone else.?

Did you see the Mayweather fight?

I want him and Manny Pacquiao to have it out.

I have a dislike for Mayweather... I used to love him...

Then he sucker-punched that Mexican... Fuck can't remember his name..
Juarez maybe...

That and his arrogance...

Plus he has been avoiding Pac-Man forever..
And I'm half Filipino.

Just wondering if Mayweather actually earned the decision.
Way off topic, sorry.

Anywho, had to buy some new gear for that last run.

A new huge Anchor glass casserole dish.
*Anchor brand glass is now better than Pyrex imo*
Made in the USA.

And I had to break down and buy a Flat Griddle...
*Oster* brand.

Digital temp read out.

I really like having the Deep dish griddle for mah chamber and now using the flat griddle for pre-chamber purge.

The digital was kinda expensive at BB& B , but it was the only flat one they had,50$...
But, just like Harbor Freight.....

If you ask, they will most ALWAYS give you 20% off a single item.

I swear between, Harbor and Bed Bath & Beyond...
A dabber's paradise.

oh yeaaaaahh..the reason I mention the griddle...

It's lowest setting is 150° F, BUT... use Mason Jar rings as a spacer and surface temp reads 110° perfect.
And the heating coil...
Is snaked for more even heat distribution.

Ramble on Ramblin dabs..lol....
My apologies, the back is killing me the last few days, so I take many o' dabs and drink coffee all day.
And I can't stop ramblin...

Took one pic of the dish, SO PISSED that I didn't take more pictures of the dish full of over 30+ grams...

I was in awe ...here is all I got ... Hard to tell, but there is a damn lake of oil in the dish


Ok at least I posted a pic on this page long post.
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