Hash and Oil Picture Thread

Lolll @ black forest.. Whoooops!

traveling with that many cans, full or empty , gets me alllll paranoid.. I got about 3 master cases left I need to recycle. Hope I don't have anything like that happen to me ;)
got about 21.2g of mixed wax scrapings I have dissolved in about 34 oz of 91% iso should be ready to filter soon will post pics in a bit and "Like" to everyone's pictures
here we go

was looking good

then I got bored and sped it up wit a bigger filter


looks cloudy if its harsh I will do again and let it sit longer an let the slow filtering do its thing
got about 21.2g of mixed wax scrapings I have dissolved in about 34 oz of 91% iso should be ready to filter soon will post pics in a bit and "Like" to everyone's pictures

lol... thats a whole lotta iso for just 21.2 grams mang.

freeze that shit realllllllll good.
Man ^^^^ I was trying to lay off the oil for a day or two since I had company in town, but my Pavlonian responses are kicking in thanks to your nice pics! Can't......stay......away! Liznike
Some 11 week flower OG. Chopped at about 50% amber trichs. Very orange/amber oil from this batch. Very happy with a 25% oil yield from these buds!
After de-muffin

Folded up and ready for the long vac

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to chewberto again.

Dee-zammmm Chewy.

That shatter looking proper brother.

Don't mind the drool :-p
Here goes some ChemD shatter from like 2 years ago. Lol I was cleaning out the freezer yesterday and I found a bag of shake.. Woohoo..! Let's make glass..
Lots of beauties up there! Need a like button =,(

Here's some goodies for you all. Some Kosher Kush...

IMG_3429.jpg IMG_3442.jpg

60g cut, frozen untrimmed came out to 12.85g