Hash and Oil Picture Thread


Well-Known Member
a guy i know, had one of his buddies blast 2 zips of nugs and it put out 9.5 grams, he gave me 2 zips and asked if i though i could do better......

i put out 12.4 about 22% i feel pretty good about it lol


Well-Known Member
not a good pics of the nugs, but they were caked and smelled amazing and the waxed has the same fruity smell and taste the bud has


Well-Known Member
here are some pics from work today



Well-Known Member
i rarely run nugs, it was just a request from someone, almost all my other stuff is from trim

but it is nice running nugs
lmao looks like a ball sack
LMFAO Ya I noticed its shaped a bit like an old mans dong , I promise that wasnt on purpose. Tomorrow I should have some honeycomb of the same material, but im lovin the winterized. Tastes sweet , not full terps of course but can do monster dabs without hacking bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Before the scrape...as thin film...

Completely gold and transparent.
You make some nice QWISO.

Im new here but not to the world of MJ. New to waxes tho.

I just ran my first batch of qwiso the other nite just with a eighth. How are you getting those yeilds with small amounts? your other photo you posted looked like a damn nice haul from just 3.7.

Mine came out awesome. nice golden color pre-evap. Nice golden ending wax that hardened up to shatter like after. But i didnt yeild very much.

Im aware an 8r wont get me much, but by the looks of your other photo, you had at least double my take. I did use very HQ maryjane for my batch. Mostly nug/brokenup/stems.

from all the compiled info from this site and this thread, im very pleased with my outcome of quality of the qwiso, was just curious as it looked like you got alot more then i did.

my process was - freeze everything, 20sec washes to quick pour thru mesh strainer, into doubled up unbleached filters. filtered into pyrex and then evaped using boiling water in a pan underneath and i just changed the water every 15mins or so until evap. i did 3 washes with 1 and 2 being the best. 2 almost looks like i got more out of that run than #1.

Great looking pics everyone!


Well-Known Member
3....2....1.... Blast Off!

Pretty Golden!

In the chamber. Can't see it, but it's 'rolling' right now, looks sick!


Folded it and put it in the lid of a mason jar w/ some martha wrap. Going to see if I can make a nice puck, LOL.


Finished puck:
View attachment 2951245


Well-Known Member
first qwiso attempt. HQ product.

pic is of 2nd wash. nice golden sappy. 1st wash came out like shatter, nice and hard. not sure what my total was tho in the end. 3.6g wash. 1st and 2nd about same size.

have yet to try out my 1st or 2nd. damn snow storm keeping me from getting to smoke shop. my 3rd was was real tiny and i tried it a bit with the knife trick and didnt work to well but was damn good.


Well-Known Member
some pictures from work today unnamed mixed trim



Well-Known Member
yoooo, R&R, you ever get that stuff tested? from the pictures, looks like you gots a simple method..

curious to see some results.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea, I am not the boss lol I just work in the hash mines if a center wants their stuff tested I guess we could.


Well-Known Member
Well, here's the puck I made by forming the shatter in the lid of a mason jar.This is a 14g puck.


Here's a patty I just left on parchment. you can see it starting to honeycomb down the middle. That is a 14g patty too.