Rosin pressed from hashView attachment 3687896
grind your material. and for gods sake do it outside! a single small leak at an oring caused this to happen.
This looks to me like he was purging solvent into the open air in front of his extractor using a heat gun. Why do you think it was an o-ring and not Darwin at work?[ well I read the original story that said that it was a leak. now why does it matter if it was a leak or not doing it outside is the safest bet if you cant afford a class 1 division 1 room to extract in.
View attachment 3696292 View attachment 3696301 Ice Water Wax
What's with the purple, yellow and green specks in the top pic?
the bottom pic looks amazing. also looks like it needs to dry a lot more.
You should be fine with the pepper sprayHey guys awesome thread,ill have to post some pics!!hey I don't think I'm on the right forum maybe you could help or direct me having problems with leafhoppers and need to foliar spray some bug repellent (not killer)on my plants.i believe neem oil is a no-no if I plan on running bho correct?I have some hot pepper wax that is a repellent but the "wax" in the name is concerning me.anyone know of any other products I SHOULD NOT put on my plants if I plan on making bho?and is the pepper wax ok?I'm outdoors still in the veg stage.thanks for any advice