Hash and Oil Picture Thread

HAHAHAHAHA Ive seen that second one before. But yeah she smokes as much as i do so she was amped when i told her shes got a perfect one for it. Goes up in 10 degree increments. Havent tested with a thermocouple or IR gun but its really cool compared to other people lowest setting.

Best part is shes had it for like 10+ years so if it breaks she doesnt even care!!! Said shes surprised it lasted this long.

Gotta pick up a bench vice and ill be set to rosin everything!!!
The one I'm using is pretty cheap. It says 140f but it just has a wheel dial and I suspect it's prob not the most accurate.
The one I'm using is pretty cheap. It says 140f but it just has a wheel dial and I suspect it's prob not the most accurate.

Yeah thats what most people have. Look for some generic clones of high end ones. Thats what this was and it was still $100 or more but compared to the $300 they charge for "salon quality" ones it was a deal that long ago.

This one is cool enough that i can basically touch it and not burn myself. Its warm but just on that edge of warm and hot. Perfect for bubble/sift rosin and for re-pattying out the slab after.
i was thinking about a tee shirt press n dry ice extract and xtract the kief for rossin just a thought

T-shirt presses work but if youre handy you could easily make something probably better and more for your application. As well as more accurate heat probably. Ive also heard people are trying to make rosin machines so if you can wait it would probably be worth it.
Here she be. Just a hair straightener taken apart and glued to a vise grip clamp. I never was very successful with pressing flowers until I made this. Now every flower I press returns at least 8%. That is the lowest return yet from a strain. I still use my other straightener for pressing hash though. All the pressure isn't needed, and my other one goes down to 230 degrees. This one only goes down to 300, but is perfect for flowers.

I have also been pressing contaminant piles from dry sift, but can't seem to get it to not come out greenish. I never press my good dry sift. If anybody has a good method let me know. I was thinking of trying like a 5 micron screen instead of 25 micron. It is more green if I use a 45u. So I imagine a smaller micron might help clean it up?IMG_0762.JPG IMG_0763.JPG
bongsmilie for my personal stash...small nug dry ice sieve, then a fast 15 second qwet with 180proof, air dried then baked @ 105F for less than 10 minuets. over a lb of jack nugs only yielding 1.5g of rock hard shatter...idc bcause it tastes like it should...jack
Here she be. Just a hair straightener taken apart and glued to a vise grip clamp. I never was very successful with pressing flowers until I made this. Now every flower I press returns at least 8%. That is the lowest return yet from a strain. I still use my other straightener for pressing hash though. All the pressure isn't needed, and my other one goes down to 230 degrees. This one only goes down to 300, but is perfect for flowers.

I have also been pressing contaminant piles from dry sift, but can't seem to get it to not come out greenish. I never press my good dry sift. If anybody has a good method let me know. I was thinking of trying like a 5 micron screen instead of 25 micron. It is more green if I use a 45u. So I imagine a smaller micron might help clean it up?View attachment 3447643 View attachment 3447644

That's legit dude. Very creative and good idea.