Has my timer damaged my crop?


Active Member
So almost 3 weeks into flowering and i notice that, for no known reason, one of my 600 watt hps lights had not turned off after 12 hours. (faulty timer)... it should have gone off at 8am but i noticed at 2pm it was still on. So my plants that have been flowering for 3 weeks have been exposed to 18 hours off light.
Has this ever happened to anyone here before and if so how bad will this effect my crop??? all timers have been checked and they are back on 12/12 but im worried the 18 hours will have sent them back into veg :-(:-(


Well-Known Member
oucccchhh... :|

yeah, that's not a good thing at all..

It won't send them back into veg.. unless you leave them under a veg light schedule for at least 2 weeks. I mean, if your plants had already began flowering that is.. if they had not actually started to flower.. it would be much easier for the plant to revert back to veg cycle.. is what I'm trying to say here.

I think they should be alright.. the worst case scenerio.. would be you might have stressed one of them out too much.. which could in return cause the plant or plants to turn male on ya. Hermie!!! :|

But, again.. I think you might have caught it in time.. all you can do is sit back and watch. But like I said.. I think your going to be alright man.
