has my plant hermied


Well-Known Member
..yes your plant has hermied, sorry. You might try pulling them off until you find out how bad it's going to hermie


Well-Known Member
Hermi bud isnt very good nor tasty. Ususally buds will not be dense and there'll be tons of seeds.

I'd say your first step is to figure out why she went that way, then takes steps to prevent. Finally start over. Your efforts will be wasted into trying to get product that is less superior than something grown right. Hope that helps.


Hermi bud isnt very good nor tasty. Ususally buds will not be dense and there'll be tons of seeds.

I'd say your first step is to figure out why she went that way, then takes steps to prevent. Finally start over. Your efforts will be wasted into trying to get product that is less superior than something grown right. Hope that helps.
Ok thanks for your help it's greatly appreciated


Anytime, just out of curiosity what caused the plant to get hermi?
No idea it's white widow X big bud light 12 12 total darkness 400 watt HP's just noticed this morning a couple of them green pods touched it and if fell off
It's my first grow sickened oh well I'll try again :-)


Well-Known Member
Can you take another pic that's in focus?

I'm asking because I've seen a lot of new growers mistake an ovule for a ball sac.

Those giving definitive answers...are you seeing something I'm missing in those pics? Not trying to be a smart ass. Genuinely curious.


Well-Known Member
Can you take another pic that's in focus?

I'm asking because I've seen a lot of new growers mistake an ovule for a ball sac.

Those giving definitive answers...are you seeing something I'm missing in those pics? Not trying to be a smart ass. Genuinely curious.
The pictures are obviously terrible but what he's holding in his hand is male. And even in the blurry picture I can see a male pod, but I primarily based my opinion on the pod in his hand

Suggested he wait and see how bad it hermied, not to chop it.


Well-Known Member
The pictures are obviously terrible but what he's holding in his hand is male. And even in the blurry picture I can see a male pod, but I primarily based my opinion on the pod in his hand

Suggested he wait and see how bad it hermied, not to chop it.
I just enlarged that pic and it does look suspect. And I agree. Nothing drastic til the OPs determined if its actually going crazy and throwing balls everywhere or just a few on the lowers he can pluck off.

OP, have you checked for light leaks or anything else that would stress the plant? If the plant has herm'd it wont stop if its due to stress.
Also what week are you in?
Are the "balls" up high on the branches or on the lowers?