has it ever been done before?

has anybody ever grown a plant this time around season
i have two plants outside im trying to get to bud
and i was wondering if anyone has tryed this and if u have what was the yield and how was the bud
and if u have any secrets on keeping the plants warm cuz its been pretty cold at nights almost freezing


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't start seeds right now unless you can keep the soil temperature at around 70-80 degrees Ferinheight, which can be done using a cold frame or green house. Right now my night time temperatures are averaging around 30-35 degrees Ferinheight. My established plants, the ones that I sowed mid-September in an open raised garden bed, are showing signs of stress by exhibiting purple leaves and one even went hermaphrodite.


Well-Known Member
I've grown in every season, but this time of year, the plants need a lot of help. They won't tolerate frost and won't thrive in cold cloudy weather. I add light and warmth in a greenhouse, in the winter.


Well-Known Member
Well, for fun I'm growing a feminized white castle plant in a close field here in Sacramento. Temps sometimes get under 30 degrees. I planted it on maybe friday or sat in a pot in the field. Started it indoors until it had its first tiny fan leaves and just put it out there with a little water. I think I even fucked up the roots bad during re-planting it. Checked on it today and it has finally started to grow again after its trauma. Not sure how it survived, but maybe the high humidity of the fog helped it re-root. will keep you guys updated on how it grows.