has growing changed how you live your personal life?


Active Member
since its called toke n talk I smoked a white widow blueberry cross and some Cinderella 99 and got to thinking.

Ever since I've started growing my own buds the way I live my life has changed and I'm in ca with medically legal weed.

I've just become a very private person. Im not complaining "ugh weed has ruined my life" or anything at all. I think i changed for the better by becoming less trusting of a stranger/those new people in your life.

Has growing changed your personal life?

Just curious. Casual conversation topic here.

Feel free to chime in with any related personal experience/realizations?


Active Member
While I'm at work I just read read read read and read about growing, extracts all day everyday. Pretty sad. But I'm bonkers high everyday, all day. I think I have a problem but not sure. I've been smoking morning, lunch, ride home, then at home also lol. All vapeing


Well-Known Member
My.life haa changed. Marriages kids and all that help alter life pretty heavily. But I keep people away from my house and am more skidding of random people. I keep more to myself. I don't smoke or do any drugs or drink. I am 100% clean. I am also in an illegal state so staying smart and under radar of everyone is key. I Plat a video game here and there but nothing serious a hour or so

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
I use to get a bit paranoid in the last month of flowering. I live in the mountains with garden under house. Four years ago I made an entrance to the garden via my spare bedroom closet. With that adjustment the outside door to under the house can now be bolted from the inside. End of security problems...

No more worries, I sleep good at night. Plus I've never had a problem in ten years growing...

Now being retired, growing has helped give some meaning to my life.


Well-Known Member
When I first moved out here, I was growing right in the backyard, but had to move everything back because of things like cookouts, parties, the grandkids, etc. I'm so far out we don't get much company and I'm not a huge people person anyway. It's the only way to roll when yer livin out in the hills. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
My life hasn't changed much, but I've been involved in the business one way or another since a young teenager. I don't do anything at my house so it makes it a lot easier to have a normal life. Also pretty much everyone around me does the same thing.


Active Member
Nice. Some of you are lucky. Im in my late 20s and the people in the know about me growing is only my parents n siblings (none of which know where I grow) and my wife .

No one else has any clue and only my wife actually knows where I grow. Kinda sucks in some ways but being this reserved about it has been a blessing in disguise.

Call me a nerd but I like it that I spend all my free time with my wife. She was always my best friend even before we moved past the platonic stage of our relationship so I really don't feel im missing out on much lol

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
I built a grow wardrobe and spent allot of time making it nice and stealth, then it sat empty for so long because weed became legal , but then I adopted a couple of plants that needed a home, and now the same people who got used to this piece of funature sitting around have no clue there is pot growing in the house, now I have to try and not let it change me, but how can it not change me,,,??


Well-Known Member
Nothing has changed for me except I do not go to the store and spend $133 on a great ounce of pot, I just go downstairs to a jar.

I am no longer obsessed with growing, I even forget about my plants from time to time. I do not go look at them 7 times a day anymore. Growing is becoming boring in a good way. Except for trimming. I fucking hate trimming.
I use to get a bit paranoid in the last month of flowering. I live in the mountains with garden under house. Four years ago I made an entrance to the garden via my spare bedroom closet. With that adjustment the outside door to under the house can now be bolted from the inside. End of security problems...

No more worries, I sleep good at night. Plus I've never had a problem in ten years growing...

Now being retired, growing has helped give some meaning to my life.
Nothing has changed for me except I do not go to the store and spend $133 on a great ounce of pot, I just go downstairs to a jar.

I am no longer obsessed with growing, I even forget about my plants from time to time. I do not go look at them 7 times a day anymore. Growing is becoming boring in a good way. Except for trimming. I fucking hate trimming.
Hell yea trimming is the worst. Im with you brotha

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
I am not looking forward to trimming, not sure how I will do it as I am hiding my grow cab/wardrobe from family members who live in the same house, the smell and the mess , going to be hard to not break stealth then, i look in on my plants once a day


Well-Known Member
the only differance it has made is in my wallet. I dont smoke, my wife does.The cheeper I can get weed the better. My electric and water bill is a lil higher but its still way cheeper than buying the shit off the street. I needed extra money for a trip recently so I just sold an oz and was good to go. Other than watering, I dont spend much time messing with the plants these days


Well-Known Member
I am not looking forward to trimming, not sure how I will do it as I am hiding my grow cab/wardrobe from family members who live in the same house, the smell and the mess , going to be hard to not break stealth then, i look in on my plants once a day

That sucks. The smell gets on your clothes and hair. I hang my clothes outside and take a shower after trimming.
What I hate is focusing for so many hours, it makes me go a bit crazy.


Well-Known Member
I have become secluded from 5-6 every day as I water, check, and jack off with my plants. But besides that it hasn't really changed me.. I do find I'm a botanical wiz across the boards and just kinda butt into others conversations with growing anything really with some insight. Also I go to other grows and give my opinions on design etc. But I don't grow right