Has Anyone Used Jiffy Pots to Start their Seedlings?


Soil in jiffy pots?

They tend to dry out quickly, especially outdoors or with ample ventilation. They can also develop some mildew/mold easily but that is most likely harmless. I'd rip the bottom off at least before transplanting, taking care not to disturb the roots too much.


Active Member
When should i put them in 5 gal containers for outdoor sunlight? I am in sunny so cal? I have had them in there for a week and are like 2 2/12 inches tall under flourescents only water when soil is dry and i am using fox farms ocean forrest all through out


Active Member
Wow after 9 days?how did u get them to look so good and so many sets of leaves?what kind of soil do u use?any nutes yet?

Uber Newb

Active Member
No no, sorry I meant that pic was taken nine days ago. As of that picture they were about 19 days old from the time they sprouted.


Active Member
Oh ok lol i was like wow whats the trick hey mines are 6 days out the soil and i want to put them outside i am using fox farm ocean forrest and will transplant into 5 gallon containers any advice bro?

kether noir

Well-Known Member

i started 10 out in the jiffy pots. i don't like them. they work, but i have had much better results just planting in soil.
happy growing.

93 93/93

Uber Newb

Active Member
I am honestly not the guy to ask about outside plants. I am on my first indoor run and still learning a ton of great into by the minute.

As far as the pellets, they hold water really well and all I can tell you for sure is that you wont need to nute them for at least the first two to three weeks. Water alone kept my seedlings happy while they were in the pellets.


Well-Known Member
i started under 24hr cfls and the humidity dome, soon as i saw the taproot coming out the bottom of the pellets, i transplanted to the bigger pots
i also did one into a party cup then a bigger pot and saw no difference
NOTE* i used tomato jiffy pellets, from what i understand, their taller and larger than regular ones


Well-Known Member
thats actually the dome they came in... it worked great for me
i watered once to prepare them, and after that i just heavily sprayed the pellets when they got a little dry, i have a small sprayer and it made things easy to control


Active Member
mine are like the paper cups and have all opened up and have a set of leaves should i put them into larger pots now or wait a lil longer?