Has anyone tried out StinkBud's method "Pound every 3 weeks"?

Never add in just a bit, ever. Always start with fresh res and replace on schedule. I have a very good nute recipe/schedule in my thread, my 3 stages of flower. If you are constantly adding bad stuff builds up.

Hi, thanks, I found your thread, but I cannot find the page with the schedule and nutes; and there are quite a lot :D.

BTW, StinkBud contacted me yesterday and answer my question. He said: "Change all your reservoirs every three weeks including the cloner. You only have to clean the harvested unit. Just drain and refill the other two."
Correct, but his recipe was crap and ppm was wayyyyyyy too high. I Believe my recipe is on page5-11, maybe.

Yeah, I found it, well the recipe anyway, didn't see nothing on the rotation though. Those recipes are way to complicated for me at the moment as I do not know single one of the products. I am only at pre-stage so I need to focus on the basics first and dial up the nutes later, but I will definitely start with some smaller combos (like stinkbuds), but only in smaller doses most likely. I plan to set to the aero like in 2 months time. I need to raise capital first to buy materials, lights, ballasts, hoods, tents — we are talking here $1500-2000. So at this stage I am only focusing on the visual of how I'm going to execute it and the layout and fundamentals. Basically in simple words, I am trying to eliminate any discrepancy, or anything that it's not clear.

*I have (well WE have :D) already solved the rotation problem. 1x cloner, 1x vegger, 3x flowering aeros. (p.s. I am very constraint for space, 10x10ft available and EVERYTHING MUST FIT IN!!). So basically all the reservoirs are changed every 3 weeks (are you sure that that's sufficient? Seems like a long time :)) plus the machine being harvested gets a good scrub.

*Can I just use tap water? I can't imagine getting such huge volumes of water somewhere. My water is 200ppms. If yes, what about the Chlorine in it?

*I noticed that StinkBud uses 28 gallon res in his 2nd edition book, while he was using 18 gal res in his first book. What's the deal with that? Is it necessary? I would prefer the 18 gal to save up my precious, scarce, space.

* Last, but not least, I am afraid that I will only fit in 2 tents. One big one (8'x8') for my 3 flowers, and one small one (3'x1.6'x5.2') for my vegging, and into this one I wanna put my clones as well. Some people clone with 18/6 light (which I wanna use for my veggies) and get excellent results. What I am worried about is the strength of light. I wanna use 250W MH for my veggies and that might be too much for clones. And what's worse is that I currently have 600W ballast. My outlay will be so huge to buy all the equip that I might ditch the idea of using 250MH for my veggies and use my 600W for veggies, but that will be too much for the clones. New 250W ballast is like €120 and if I could use something I already have would be great.
Better up that budget, my combined space is 11x10 and I have well over 10k in it. 2k would barely cover the lights you need.
Every 3 weeks you will be harvesting one unit, cleaning it, and replacing it also changing other RES's.
I use city tap with no problems, ppm is 110. With almost 250gal in RES's tap is a must. I don't worry about chlorine.
The 18gal totes are jokes, barely hold 12-14gal without bulging, and are not light proof. The 28gal black totes are great, Much sturdier, and you can fill them. As for space, they are about the same, but I run 50gal RES's under my 3 rail systems and have 3 of those systems in a 6x10 room. Having the large res is sooooooooo much less work.
Vegging and cloning is much better under 24 hour light and clones need very little light, mine are on floor and get residual light only, from flouros.
Better up that budget, my combined space is 11x10 and I have well over 10k in it. 2k would barely cover the lights you need.
Every 3 weeks you will be harvesting one unit, cleaning it, and replacing it also changing other RES's.
I use city tap with no problems, ppm is 110. With almost 250gal in RES's tap is a must. I don't worry about chlorine.
The 18gal totes are jokes, barely hold 12-14gal without bulging, and are not light proof. The 28gal black totes are great, Much sturdier, and you can fill them. As for space, they are about the same, but I run 50gal RES's under my 3 rail systems and have 3 of those systems in a 6x10 room. Having the large res is sooooooooo much less work.
Vegging and cloning is much better under 24 hour light and clones need very little light, mine are on floor and get residual light only, from flouros.

Thanks. The one collective reservoir sounds great, actually. I think I saw it in your thread, is it there, so I can have a look at the blueprint? I see what you're saying about the budget, but I just can't, I don't have that kinda money at all. I know I'll manage. Look at this for instance:

* I'll get 3 of these (2 will be 1000W for my flowers, and one will either be 250W or 600W for my vegger), all you need to buy extra is ballasts and bulbs, the reflectors are already wired.

* 2x 1000W ballasts will be around €350. I already own 600W ballast
Can you trim roots if they get too long? Just reading in StinkBuds book: "don't be afraid to trim the roots of they get too long for the unit" -taking about vegging unit.
Sorry for hammering with questions but there is so much to know.

Air stones: I understand to put them into a vegger. But how on earth to put them into a flowering unit. Is there a need for them in a flowering unit?
I never said anything about a collective res, I run a 50 gal res for each system, 12 plants, and it can still get sucked down before change time. This allows for much more stable res readings and happier plants.
I never trim roots, it wastes energy from growing. Sometime roots will tangle but just gently pull apart.
No airstones or pumps are used or needed in this system. The pump only runs for a minute or so and then the roots are in a air chamber, be it veg, cloner or flower.
I never said anything about a collective res, I run a 50 gal res for each system, 12 plants, and it can still get sucked down before change time. This allows for much more stable res readings and happier plants.
I never trim roots, it wastes energy from growing. Sometime roots will tangle but just gently pull apart.
No airstones or pumps are used or needed in this system. The pump only runs for a minute or so and then the roots are in a air chamber, be it veg, cloner or flower.

Nicely answered all questions in one reply :D.

No airstones or pumps are used or needed in this system. The pump only runs for a minute or so and then the roots are in a air chamber, be it veg, cloner or flower.

Let's say the cloner or vegger, the boxes are completely sealed when you think about it. So, where does the fresh air (O2) come from? If you'd have an airstone in it then you have an intake of fresh oxygen.

I'm not challenging you or anything obviously, but this kinda make sense doesn't it?
The water is moving not stagnet so theres no need for air pumps, and being that the roots are suspended in a air chamber
theres no need to sup with air stones.
Nicely answered all questions in one reply :D.

Let's say the cloner or vegger, the boxes are completely sealed when you think about it. So, where does the fresh air (O2) come from? If you'd have an airstone in it then you have an intake of fresh oxygen.

I'm not challenging you or anything obviously, but this kinda make sense doesn't it?
No, not really.
How do plants react to freshly changed water? I mean, changing water in the reservoir(s) using tap water means it's hooked up to the mains. That can be quite cold. Is that a problem?