Has anyone tried cannapeanut butter?


Active Member
I've had my fair share of firecrackers in the past couple years, but just recently have I heard about cannapeanut butter. The process seems quite easy, which is a what really drew me to wanting to try some. Heres the recipe I'm planning on using:

7 grams of finely ground dank herb (this is how much I'm throwing in, you can use less or more)
1 jar of fat and oily peanut butter
Peanut oil

You'll also need
1 oven safe dish- preferably metal
tin foil

1. Preheat oven to 325F
2. Mix weed, peanut butter, and a couple tablespoons of peanut oil, you want to mix this up as much as you can, to equally spread the weed throughout the mixture (a good way to decide how much of each ingredient to use is 2g:2tbsp:1cup, so for 1 gram of weed use 1 tablespoon of oil and 1/2 a cup peanut butter)
3. Place in oven safe dish and cover with tin foil, bake for 27 minutes, or until the mixture appears kind of dry and dark brown on the edges.
4. Remove from oven, the mixture should be soupy and perfect for spreading, then use how you like, usually easiest if you let cool.

I've not yet tried this recipe myself, just one of the better ones I found online, if you've tried this before I'd love any tips or even if you just see a formidable problem that I overlooked. I'll be making mine friday night when I get off and will post my results for sure