Has anyone tried an air injection grow???


New Member
Hey guys :joint: just wondering if anyone has ever grown using air injection tactics? Ive been doing research on this ever since i had the idea a few weeks ago. I didnt think it existed until early this mirning when i stumbled across a fascinating youtube clip. The man used a air stone like aeration device covered with clay pebbles which were topped by a thin breathable cotton cloth. On top of the cotton cloth he put the soil. He recommended no perlite or vermiculite although preferably a light mix so the air can fully penetrate the soil to the surface preventing mold and bugs.

What do you guys think? Anyone that has tried, lets hear.



Active Member
What keeps the air from just going up the sides when the soil dries out? I guess it's interesting...Can you post the video?


Well-Known Member
I have , and a friend turned me onto It, this is huge with BIG PLANTS ! try one and see if you notice a difference, you might find your self getting a hundred air stones, lol, . when I say big plants im talking 6 month veg or more, after flower 6 to 8 feet tall. 2 pounders and up yield, never tried it under tiny plants, It get the roots to breath . all the co2 and air up into them where they need it most,


New Member
Roots have nothing to do with co2
I didnt know what he was talking about with the co2 lol. All i know is the guy that formed this system is using o2 for the roots without have them form knots while immersed in water.

Its funny because i was thinking of using an airstone underneath clay pebbles topped with soil about a month ago and this guy comes out with hydrosoil technology. Talk about smfh, i was a little upset lol


Well-Known Member
Ill be using homemade version for clones & all plants. I will post videos and Pics as i use this system. Right now seeds are germination stage 2(used paper towel to crack and start them) in 7" dome with cfl's 2 6500k 4 5000k 13 watt each. once i have roots i will move to soil injection pot with lava rock / soil mix of miracle grow seedling soil / and well water which is tested i grow the best garden around with this water, it has small amounts of minerals with zero chlorine. Ill use the cloning tray as soon as i can to determine plant sex while preparing mothers for super grow method. I have led's quad band and 2700k led's to use for flowering and blooming. If anyone has done this already let me know anything to watch out for. I like that air injection soil will not allow bugs to grow since the soil never goes dry. I am using led and cfl's to keep heat down and save on electric bill. will use solar once i get this system working perfect. This is my 1st grow indoors.


New Member
I am currently. Trying it I just bought fish air pump plugged. Hole on the end and made pin holes threw out the house and spirald it at bottom of bucket just planted yesterday. Will post updates I'm I'm still on my first grow so not an expert. Still learning