Has anyone ran Pineapple Express lately?

Siino Gardens

Well-Known Member
Should be able to find some pineapple express threads on here using either the search button or google. I received a freebie of it and then grew it out after months of deliberation. It wasn't bad but it definitely isn't no dick in the dirt weed.

Siino Gardens

Well-Known Member
Thanks @Siino Gardens for your time, yeah I forgot about the search feature.
I am usually the last person to suggest it but my posts and pictures are lost somewhere on here. I'd point you right to it if I had the link.

My PinEx was a beautiful plant, it had 4 nice healthy tops on it and the buds were spears with a fruity skank smell and the flavor to back it up. The high was really day time like, no stone to the bone and but it was great if you have shit to do!

Very enjoyable and smooth smoke, just not the most potent so I never went for round 2. It is definitely C+ , B- grade? But I am sure if you find that one pheno it could be stupid dank and you could bring back the pineapple express into the limelight.


Well-Known Member
I'm running Pineapple Express for the first time, Has anyone run it lately and what can I expect from the different phenos?
I grew six about a year ago, good yield decent bag appeal, weird smell and taste not a big fan average potency at best and average high. Decent commercial strain my friends all thought it was pretty good but believe me there are strains that can beat it in basically all categories. Mine were all very similar and I did not keep any clones.


Well-Known Member
I grew six about a year ago, good yield decent bag appeal, weird smell and taste not a big fan average potency at best and average high. Decent commercial strain my friends all thought it was pretty good but believe me there are strains that can beat it in basically all categories. Mine were all very similar and I did not keep any clones.
Exactly my experience.


Well-Known Member
Usually it's my go to. Just finished one about 5 months ago. It's consistent, real easy plant to grow. Like most people are saying it's alright not the best but not the worst. I always run it with anything new just in case the new stuff sucks. PE is always in my garden I rarely rotate it.