Has anyone ordered from vancouverseed.com


Active Member
Im wondering if anyone has ordered from vancouverseed.com
I want to order seeds from the vancouver island seed co. through vancouverseed.com and any info on them would be helpful
their address is below so if anyone living in Nanaimo could check it out for me since i do not live there that would be beautiful:mrgreen:
Suite #91 #60-1100,
Princess Royal Ave.
Nanaimo, B.C. Canada
V9S 5R5


Well-Known Member
I live up in Canada but not close to there. I checked out there site they have a ton of variety. Seeds are legal here so you don't find to many scammers and most of the issues come up at the border. I did not see if they do ship down there or not but For future I think I might try them as well. Good luck


Active Member
i just need some info on their credability or reliability because i plan on ordering hundreds of seeds and do not want to give them the cash for that without knowing im going to get results


Yes, I have recently ordered from this company and have not heard back from them after attempting to contact them about my order. Buyer Beware! I feel I have been taken. Thanks a bunch High Times. I thought this periodical might have higher standards. Obviously my money is going to pay the advertiser fee and that is all that matters. Fool that I am, I still have hopes of retracting this impotent statement.