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Well-Known Member

I tried to PM you. Your inbox is all full.

I placed my order about 2 weeks ago, still no beans. Let me know wussup man. I am waiting patiently.

Order # 100000219
They should be on their way to you, I can´t access my website here, as I can´t vouch for the security of this computer so won´t leave the details in the registry of this comp.


Well-Known Member
speedy..., r u giving another bonus program again after u back ...?
speedy said(just before he left) that when he gets back he'll start his new promo where he'll be giving away single fem seeds with 3 to choose from per order level. also, there will be reg seeds to choose from which he'll give 2 of.


Well-Known Member
Just placed my order. Let the fun begin!!! No more bagseed for me. This will be my first time growing/smoking the real deal :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
speedyseedz.com will be closed at midnight wednesday 10th until midnight firday 19th.

I owe the family a holiday and we are off to tenerife in the school half term.

The shop will still appear open, but I won't be able to ship anything between these dates, if you still want to place an order then thats cool, i'll email everyone who places an order to let them know the situation in case they haven't had a chance to read this, and if they are happy to wait for their order to ship until i return from holiday then we can do that.

Sorry to everyone to just suddenly close up for 10 days like this, but my kids deserve a holiday.
buy them a Nintendo with super mario and you will never know you have children,this from a single parent,im just playing.Actually my dad went to buy us tickets to Banff,Alberta about 35 years ago,so when he gets back with the bus tickets its travel time.so i can feel your childrens excitement, i know i cant wait.


Well-Known Member
i dont think my order cleared customs, but speedy has sent a replacement.
waiting with crossed fingers
speedyseedz landed 2 hrs ago, got home 1 hr ago, 2:22 am, 1372 emails to go through, countless orders, sent out invoices tonight will continue in the morning.


Well-Known Member
so here's my take on speedyseedz:

Order Received!

my original order was either confiscated by customs, or otherwise eaten by the mail gremlins. Since I never recieved a notice from US customs stating order was confiscated, I can only assume that is was stolen somewhere in the mail system or something like that.
Despite that and speedy being on vacation he somehow managed to get out an order with a very nice pack of FREEBIES! to make up for the lost order!
here's the report:

Ease of ordering **** I would give 5 stars but paypal kinda messed with me, being an international order they would not allow an instant transfer, so it took an additional 3-5 days for payment processing. but thats not speedy's fault. fuck paypal :twisted:

Selection of site: ***** although small, nothing but high quality established product. i dont want to waste my hard earned cash on risky beans from an unknown breeder anyway.

Stealth: **** pretty creative, but sheap and effective. definitly more concern for damage to the product than packaging ive seen from other places. only giveaway it was something unique was the customs sticker. was fun to open, like peeling an onion. not gonna give out too much more info on this though, for obvious reasons.

Customer Service: ****** 6 out of 5 stars. sets a new standard for the business.

Speed of shipping: ***** 7-9 days to cross the atlantic and get to me, in BFE. no complaints there!

Packaging: original sealed breeders packs, cant ask for more than that!

thats Aurora B and The Pure, by The Flying Dutchmen. sorry about the shitty pic, but that is a nice shag carpet, isnt it? :lol:

Overall Experience- ***** I see good things for speedy in the future, and I will be ordering again as the need arises. I have ordered from the 'tude in the past, and single seeds, and I am more than happy with speedy's service for a variety of reasons, and I hope anyone else ordering from him has the same experience as I have. (sans the lost order)

So hats off to speedy for providing a much needed reliable service to us, its nice to deal with someone that actually cares for a change. Like I said, his customer service is excellent, especially for a one man show.
So my advice-
Order away


Well-Known Member
Your Order #100000274 (placed on 10 February 2010)

still says pending bro ... any update speedy
by time the funds were paid it was late on thursday night before i travelled, i left friday morning at 3am so I had no time to mail it out.

It will be sent priority tomorrow bro.
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