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Well-Known Member
So I need to order some seeds for a bump harvest and naturaly I wanted to try you out ,, even though we have not done business in the past, I know you will take care of me. I need a pack of auto's and I need for you to help me pick out a pack of seeds that would be a excellent candidate for a 12/12 grow from start to finish

I was thinking of Chronic for the 12/12 seeds since I know they do well with lollipop tech but I have no idea how they do in 12/12? Care to shed some light ?

As for the Auto's, I have no idea which ones to get. I am lost in this department and hope you can halp me decide,,, I see that you have a brand "Flash",, what's the scoop on that breeder? Any good? I assume that you know of them since you do not stock just any ole breeder. You're very sellective and I respect that..

Pm me when you get a chance please... :)


Well-Known Member
that royalmail statement isn't that helpful, all the tracking numbers from the 14th are still saying the same thing, royal mail says this parcel has been passed to the us postal service, the usps site says We have received notice that the originating post is preparing to dispatch this mail piece.

it is all a massive mess still.


Well-Known Member
that royalmail statement isn't that helpful, all the tracking numbers from the 14th are still saying the same thing, royal mail says this parcel has been passed to the us postal service, the usps site says We have received notice that the originating post is preparing to dispatch this mail piece.

it is all a massive mess still.

is that the same for packages shipped on the 13th? (#100000621)


speedy what about package shipped on 1.4.2010 ? (#100000547)
tell me please r u shipped for anyone to my country before ???


Well-Known Member
so i'm feeling fully messed up right now, my dad has confirmed to me that he has 4 months to live, he has cancer in his stomach and it has spread pretty badly, they wanted to get him on chemo and radiography and operations straight away, he declined and said he wasn't going to die on a hospital bed, he's gone off into the wilderness so to speak to see and do what he has always wanted to with his final days, while he was here staying with us, he wound me up like parents do and I spent the time while he was here wishing for him to go, but now i'll never get to see him again and i feel like i wasted the time I had, like I should have got out more with him and played golf or something.


Well-Known Member
sorry to here speedy. i lost my dad awhile back he was only 50. so i know how ya feel, dont regret though nothing you can do. seems your dad has the right idea live it up for the moment. you will always have memories and the best is when something little happens and it reminds you of something of your dad. they never really leave ya. i do wish my dad could be here now that where somewhat legal in mi. he was always a big advocate. i remember being little and playing army in his plants out back. good times well i wish you and your family the best.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear about your dad Speedy. It is unfortunately the natural of order of things and it sounds like your dad is at least going to have the opportunity to do the things he wanted to do in life before it's over. I would decline the chemo too, it's just the way that I am. I hope he fulfills his dreams and gets what he wants out of at least these last stages of life.

I ordered on the 8th and haven't received my package yet, but to those that also haven't received yet, you gotta not worry too much. The volcano crap screwed everything up and I'm sure it takes awhile for things to get here by sea. I am also waiting for a check from the UK from a reliable source that I've done work for many, many times and they are telling me the same story. They mailed it around the same time and neither of them has shown up. The mail from that period of time is quite delayed and will hopefully be here shortly.

I know for some it's a huge deal, but I have faith that speedy will pull through EVEN if my package gets lost. My guess is that by sea it'll honestly take somewhere in the neighborhood of 21-28 extra days. I know that's how long freight takes and I'm not sure what kind of boat's they sent the packages out on.


Active Member
Im very sorry to hear about you father speedy, Me and my family will pray for you, and your father my friend take it easy and hang in there.


kinda thinkin mine might be tied up in this volcano ash mess too. ordered on the 8th, still no show.

mind giving me some info if possible speedy? order 100000618

thanks bro.


Well-Known Member
Speedy I lost my father to cancer also, we got the call Thursday night and he passed Saturday morning so I know where you are at

And I was hoping to have my order this week but it still says processing

Can you please tell me whats up with order #100000716



Well-Known Member
repeat customer here :bigjoint:
Your order # is: 100000763

sorry to hear about your dad, speedy. i just lost my uncle, who was the main male figure in my life, closest thing to a dad I ever knew, 2 weeks ago last saturday.
im not a religous man myself, but my wife says to let you know she will add your father to her prayers for you.


Active Member

ordered my beans on the 13th got them on the 26th 5 fem white widow plus a free acapulco gold enough said speedy for president

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you



Active Member
thank you buisinessen this was my first time to order beans i was very pleased , i ordered from dr chronic on the 8th and speedy on the 13th got my beans from speedy nothing from . dr chronic ,all defenitly be doing buisines with speedy again very happy

again thank you speedy
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