Has anyone ordered from midweek song?

I really dont like how there are members posting in this thread with such low post counts. Never see them post in any other thread or reviewing any other seedbank. It really does seem sketchy.

IF, And im not accusing anyone of anything, but IF these dubious ( <~ see what I did there @Amos Otis !) members are afiliated with Midweek in anyway, I truely feel they are doing Midweeksong's reputation far more harm then good. I still have yet to see any type of review done by a reputable member on RIU, yet random new members are popping up saying how great they are. The truth is, i have been here for a few years now and I truely have never seen this situation happen, with the exception of OSSC. It really sticks out to me, cause this just does not happen.

Attitude, Herbies, Kind Seed, Provision, Sannies, Breeders Boutique, Cannazon, TSSC, the list goes on and on, and yet I have not seen any threads about them that is filled with new "member's", strangers and one-hit wonders reviews....

I dont know. Im pretty lifted and rambling. Ignore my rant. I am happy for all of the noobs that are getting their gear at great prices and the fastest ever delivery in the entire interwebs.

@daybreaker if you pull the trigger, i would be interested in hearing YOUR experience

*i was contemplating placing a trial order, but i have since changed my mind based off this thread
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marc emry was the shit back in the day,, that was the only other seed place i ever used that didnt screw me...
so you have been "screwed" by different seedbanks? I would really like to know which banks screwed you? I dont want to make the same mistake!
*i was contemplating placing a trial order, but i have since changed my mind based off this thread

Same here. MWS looks like the last place to have the old GDP PC and CL, but for all the reasons you say - plus the emergence of NGR, I've moved on.
I really don't like how you can be a member for months before you get the courage to post (because you watch high post count members attacking low post count members) and BAM ............ first thread you choose to post in gets attacked by someone who "really doesn't like how people with low post counts are posting on THIS THREAD".

Gee. Thanks. Now I regret ever posting at all. :(
If you're genuine, then good for you.

If you want to get irked, aim your ire at those that gave real reasons to be skeptical of new posters cheering a new bank.

Being around for months, you've probably seen similar threads pop up w/ similar new posters making similar claims about similar unknown places that sell beans.
Hi Guys,

I understand what you're all saying, but as i've mentioned before, if you want to get any of the admins to check all the IP's of the accounts that are posting, they will see that mine is in the UK where as the others will be in the USA where we do the majority of our sales too.

I get if you don't want to order from us that's cool. I'm really not here to make the hard sell and get you all to order from our website. I literally just wanted to be here to answer any questions you may have regarding seed companies; whether it be how long a seed takes to get to a certain country/state, whether a seed is coming back in stock anytime soon or anything else. If you then decided to order from other sites then awesome! I'll still be happy to answer any questions you have as I'm just trying to make it a better environment for all.

All the best

I really don't like how you can be a member for months before you get the courage to post (because you watch high post count members attacking low post count members) and BAM ............ first thread you choose to post in gets attacked by someone who "really doesn't like how people with low post counts are posting on THIS THREAD".

Gee. Thanks. Now I regret ever posting at all. :(
sorry, kusharella, lot of people here seem to be haters of people just trying to introduce others to a good seedbank and their great service..i got railed here to just telling people about my good expierience with mws..i guess these haters are either closed minded or simply unwilling to try something new. maybe they are afraid they would get seeds and have to admit they were wrong?? i dont know why?? anyways i started a thred here on mws and was treated poorly, however since then ive learnd alot in other threds and have actually met some really cool people..Again Lewis, sorry about all the closed minded people here, but those of us who have ordered know you are the very best ,, unfortunatly not so many people are willing to have an open mind and try your bank before slamming ithose of us who have..
so you have been "screwed" by different seedbanks? I would really like to know which banks screwed you? I dont want to make the same mistake!
im just one of those new guys who had a good expierience w/ midweeksong, and yes ive been screwed ordering seeds from a few places but im new so my opinoins are not taken seriously buy you veterans..apearently im one of those who have made it worse for mws by telling people i was happy with their service.
im just one of those new guys who had a good expierience w/ midweeksong, and yes ive been screwed ordering seeds from a few places but im new so my opinoins are not taken seriously buy you veterans..apearently im one of those who have made it worse for mws by telling people i was happy with their service.

Here's the rub from my point of view...

These seed banks have a very simple job. Place the seeds that were ordered in to an envelope/box, put postage on the box, and mail them out. That's it. Seed banks have different strains, and different pricing, but when it comes to fulfilling an order it's pretty straight forward. So when people see newer members gushing over a relatively unknown seedbank it raises some eyebrows:

ive recieved every order quickly no hassles and lewis has THE BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE ANYWERE!!!

I'm not saying that you're a shill for MWS, just explaining where the negativity is coming from. Many seedbanks have tried this tactic in the past, so people are kind of hip to it and don't really appreciate being played for fools.
Here's the rub from my point of view...

These seed banks have a very simple job. Place the seeds that were ordered in to an envelope/box, put postage on the box, and mail them out. That's it. Seed banks have different strains, and different pricing, but when it comes to fulfilling an order it's pretty straight forward. So when people see newer members gushing over a relatively unknown seedbank it raises some eyebrows:

I'm not saying that you're a shill for MWS, just explaining where the negativity is coming from. Many seedbanks have tried this tactic in the past, so people are kind of hip to it and don't really appreciate being played for fools.

i truly was not trying to talk anyone into placing an order,, i just wanted to let people know i had a good expierience buying seeds with no problems..only because this is the first time since marc emery that i actually recieved my seeds and with no cops knocking on my door..i will say that i am a fan of midweeksong because of many reasons, not only because i got the seeds i purchaced...sorry if i angered any veterans here at riu...once again i only hoped to help people that like me had been screwed and were looking for a place to get seeds without the worry...thanks st0wandgrow..must say ive learned alot of growing skills here at riu and have even increased my yields thanks to growers willing to share their knowledge..
I see you guys are still at it.
Only read the last cpl pages or so, but from what i gather. If a noob makes a post about a seedbank being good, then it's gotta be BS because low post count. That's friggin funny.
I've placed several orders along with a cpl friends. No prblems on delivery or quality of beans purchased.
The thing is, I don't see how all these peoople can try and trash a place. When they've never ordered from them.
If you're skeptical about a business, move the hell on to another one.
I see you guys are still at it.
Only read the last cpl pages or so, but from what i gather. If a noob makes a post about a seedbank being good, then it's gotta be BS because low post count. That's friggin funny.
I've placed several orders along with a cpl friends. No prblems on delivery or quality of beans purchased.
The thing is, I don't see how all these peoople can try and trash a place. When they've never ordered from them.
If you're skeptical about a business, move the hell on to another one.

Read through the thread linked below. Take a minute and click on the members that are praising OSSC, and take note of how many posts they have, and when they joined RIU. Maybe that will help shed some light on this for you.


once again i only hoped to help people that like me had been screwed

You are going to continue to keep praising MWS, yet you cant HELP any of the other members and let us know which seedbank has ripped you off?

only because this is the first time since marc emery that i actually recieved my seeds and with no cops knocking on my door..

Wow! That is kind of scary! If I were a new member, coming to RIU for guidance so I can place my first online seed order, the above statement would scare the shit out of me.... Hmmmm, MWS is the only place I can order from and not have to worry about the cops? Yikes!

So you have been ripped off using other seedbanks AND have had cops show up at your door on top of being ripped off?! Please tell us so none of us make the same mistakes ordering from those seedbanks

Read through the thread linked below. Take a minute and click on the members that are praising OSSC, and take note of how many posts they have, and when they joined RIU. Maybe that will help shed some light on this for you.



^^^^ BINGO!
You are going to continue to keep praising MWS, yet you cant HELP any of the other members and let us know which seedbank has ripped you off?

Wow! That is kind of scary! If I were a new member, coming to RIU for guidance so I can place my first online seed order, the above statement would scare the shit out of me.... Hmmmm, MWS is the only place I can order from and not have to worry about the cops? Yikes!

So you have been ripped off using other seedbanks AND have had cops show up at your door on top of being ripped off?! Please tell us so none of us make the same mistakes ordering from those seedbanks

^^^^ BINGO!
not trying to start anything, and yes ive been ripped off by kind seed co,green house, and triple A, that was back in 02, me and a friend both placed orders with kind, i never recieved seeds and my friend recieved seeds followed by a warrent,,luckily he didnt grow were he had the seeds sent..i had lost hundereds purchacing seeds i never recieved..that was when i was growing illegaly though. maybe now they are better companies idk, but i would never order from them again..now i live in a legal medical state and am a care giver so i dont worry about that stuff anymore, but i am happy to know if i buy seeds ill recieve them along with great customer service at mws..its just nice to know,,it puts my mind at ease knowing they will come and im not throwing money away..the only way i reliably got seeds back in the late 90's early00's was traveling to vancouver or ordering through marc emery, and traveling expences wernt cheap, not to mention spending hours in customs because of traces of coke on a drivers license..Sorry i really didnt want to get into it on here, its really none of your buissnes knowing what ive been through, and you really probably dont even care or believe me for that matter..So whats the point? Order from wherever your comfortable with, i was simply giving people my expierience w/ mws to make their own decisions...So what if i dont review seed banks,, i didnt know it was an inconvienience to you to give my perspective..also knowere did i state if u order seeds from anywere else youll get screwed, i only said u would NOT at MWS...
not trying to start anything, and yes ive been ripped off by kind seed co,green house, and triple A, that was back in 02, me and a friend both placed orders with kind, i never recieved seeds and my friend recieved seeds followed by a warrent,,luckily he didnt grow were he had the seeds sent..i had lost hundereds purchacing seeds i never recieved..that was when i was growing illegaly though. maybe now they are better companies idk, but i would never order from them again..now i live in a legal medical state and am a care giver so i dont worry about that stuff anymore, but i am happy to know if i buy seeds ill recieve them along with great customer service at mws..its just nice to know,,it puts my mind at ease knowing they will come and im not throwing money away..the only way i reliably got seeds back in the late 90's early00's was traveling to vancouver or ordering through marc emery, and traveling expences wernt cheap, not to mention spending hours in customs because of traces of coke on a drivers license..Sorry i really didnt want to get into it on here, its really none of your buissnes knowing what ive been through, and you really probably dont even care or believe me for that matter..So whats the point? Order from wherever your comfortable with, i was simply giving people my expierience w/ mws to make their own decisions...So what if i dont review seed banks,, i didnt know it was an inconvienience to you to give my perspective..also knowere did i state if u order seeds from anywere else youll get screwed, i only said u would NOT at MWS...

Oh my god, someone get my credit card I need to place an order fast!
sorry, kusharella, lot of people here seem to be haters of people just trying to introduce others to a good seedbank and their great service..i got railed here to just telling people about my good expierience with mws..i guess these haters are either closed minded or simply unwilling to try something new. maybe they are afraid they would get seeds and have to admit they were wrong?? i dont know why?? anyways i started a thred here on mws and was treated poorly, however since then ive learnd alot in other threds and have actually met some really cool people..Again Lewis, sorry about all the closed minded people here, but those of us who have ordered know you are the very best ,, unfortunatly not so many people are willing to have an open mind and try your bank before slamming ithose of us who have..

Thanks for the support. I look at it as schoolyard bullies who have declared themselves virtuous by sniffing out all the "trolls". In reality all they do is bully others and make them feel unwelcome.

Sad. But that's ok - I can always resume another 9 months of lurking. Which is what the bullies want. And I want them to remain happy for they rule the boards. :(

CYA'll when it's friendlier.
I'm pulling the trigger for a test run...I'll def report back to share my experience...I'm going for a strain that I already run and am quite familiar with rare darkness GTH #1 ... if I get counterfeit genetics I'll surely know it...hoping for a pleasant experience because I wouldn't mind doing business with another seed bank other than attitude...plus I like the idea of being able to pick my own freebies!...oh and btw long time lurker, but this is my first post...go figure
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So I went ahead and placed an order maybe 15 mins ago. Everything was pretty smooth. Got a order confirmation almost immediately. Contacted MWS to confirm that the GTH#1 seeds were still in stock. I was informed that they only had one 12 pack left of the regulars and a couple singles. I was also given a promo code for 15% off my purchase which was sweet! As I've mentioned before I'm quite familiar with this strain so I'll def be able to tell of they're legitimacy. I'll also report back on delivery time and germination rates on the regs...peace
Oh I almost forgot to mention...that 12pack of regs of the gth #1 were the only pack of reg gth#1 seeds I could find anywhere! Everywhere else only has fems for sale...meaning that if all goes well these guys maybe the go to spot for the commonly sold out gems! If not 100 bucks is a cheap price to pay to flush out a bunch of scam artist! No offense Lewis. :-) seeds will be vegged and set up with my next crop.