Has anyone ordered from midweek song?

Your site did list the Original GDP the strain as being in stock prior to yesterday, then changed to out of stock during this debacle. Similar to Next Generation's Romulan I pm'd you about which your site had as listed but you advised me that you were awaiting stock.
Perhaps just admit that your website sometimes shows inaccurate stock levels and move on?

Hi SmokeNfish,

We were waiting for that stock to arrive that day, which is did. Again I can send a photo of the Next Generation Romulan if I thought it would help but unfortunately the way this thread is going I don't think it will.

I have spoken to @daybreaker today and he confirmed that when he looked at our GDP stock yesterday the Original was out of stock. I don't understand why as a company we would say we had them in stock when we would have no chance of getting them. Now I know @BadKarma says we are selling reproduced seeds but I posted a picture of all our GDP stock to prove they're in the original packets which would be the same as the ones you have bought.

All we wanted to do as a Seedbank was come on RIU and talk to you guys about anything you wanted to know not only about us but about any UK seedbank issue. The way this is going though this exercise seems pointless as with every post I am having to try to defend my company for some accusation.

I know you guys don't want to get conned and I appreciate that but I don't know what I can do to make you realise that is not what my company is going to do. Like I have said numerous times before if you have any doubts or questions PM your number or call me and we can talk about any concerns you have.

All the best

Midweek Song
FWIW - I never saw GDP - the strain - listed as 'in stock' on MWS' site. I first looked when the other cat said he bought fems, and have looked a couple of times since.

@Midweek Song : if I were you, I believe I'd offer a discount or freebie promo with a RIU promo code. Sell a few beans here, and your problems go away, dig?

Hi Amos,

Cheers for clearing that up. I just went through the invoices and Original GDP would of been out of stock since August 24th so longer than I first thought.

I totally agree that's the way too go and your input is exactly the reason why we're here. However I am currently trying to get hold of the people in charge of Advertising with RIU before I go and offer anything to you guys. I don't want to offer anything without having the privilege to do so otherwise we will get banned which is what we don't want to happen. As soon as I can get it sorted we will get an idea of what would be best to offer you guys and we can go from there!

Hopefully if someone will get in touch with me soon and we can go from there!

All the best

Midweek Song
I'll gladly do a test of their gear, but I ain't paying for nothing :) Only because I got too many beans I've paid for too run right now. I'm not buying more, other then a couple packs of Bodhi gear. Which is like $30 more a pack on their then Tude.
I'll gladly do a test of their gear, but I ain't paying for nothing :) Only because I got too many beans I've paid for too run right now. I'm not buying more, other then a couple packs of Bodhi gear. Which is like $30 more a pack on their then Tude.

Cheers for pointing this out Mr. Head didn't realise there was that much difference.

Midweek Song
Sorry but who said we had it listed as available in the last 24 hours?
Your own site did and I'm not the only one who saw it.
Your site did list the Original GDP the strain as being in stock prior to yesterday, then changed to out of stock during this debacle. Similar to Next Generation's Romulan I pm'd you about which your site had as listed but you advised me that you were awaiting stock.
Perhaps just admit that your website sometimes shows inaccurate stock levels and move on?
So I'm not making stuff up, I questioned your inventory status of a hard to find product, and during that time, said status of product went from avaible, to out of stock.
The weirdest part of this is that I trust @Amos Otis, but he says it was listed as out of stock when he checked, at the same time as the rest of us. I also trust my own eyes though, and know what I saw, I wouldn't have spoken up if I hadn't seen it. I'm only trying to protect others who may not be paying close attention or aren't as experienced in these matters.
Your own site did and I'm not the only one who saw it.

So I'm not making stuff up, I questioned your inventory status of a hard to find product, and during that time, said status of product went from avaible, to out of stock.
The weirdest part of this is that I trust @Amos Otis, but he says it was listed as out of stock when he checked, at the same time as the rest of us. I also trust my own eyes though, and know what I saw, I wouldn't have spoken up if I hadn't seen it. I'm only trying to protect others who may not be paying close attention or aren't as experienced in these matters.

Hi Bad Karma,

To me it might seem as if you may be trolling us now but that's cool we aren't going to please everyone on here no matter how hard we try.

As long as we have people on here who know it was out of stock and I know it was out of stock, that's good enough for me.

I wish you all the best in the future and good luck in the 5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition, let's hope you don't get stuck with our prize!!

All the best

Midweek Song
I ORDERED THE ORIGINAL GDP STRAIN 3 MONTHS AGO, Sorry i was wrong the seeds are not feminized however i planted 3 seeds got 2 males 1 female and she was beautifull purple and black streaked buds. As of now i have 2 clone mothers growing and after i take clones and get them 6 to 8 weeks into bloom ill send picks..
Hey Lewis, cant please everyone is right however youve always been good to me and always delivered! Sorry bout the mix up with the GDP, I thought they were feminized,,, but they are regular either way they are legit and growing beautifully. Talk soon! Have a nice week. Also question about the "its all in the name" midsweek song= smoking weed? its been driving me nuts however im not to bright.lol
Hi Bad Karma,

To me it might seem as if you may be trolling us now but that's cool we aren't going to please everyone on here no matter how hard we try.

As long as we have people on here who know it was out of stock and I know it was out of stock, that's good enough for me.

I wish you all the best in the future and good luck in the 5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition, let's hope you don't get stuck with our prize!!

All the best

Midweek Song
I post quotes from other members proving I wasn't the only one to witness your shady merchandising tactics, yet you call me a troll? Very mature, sir. So lets see, you're attempting to make the issue personal, by calling me names, to try and take the attention off of you getting caught red handed (or purple handed, as the case may be). Nice try, but I can clearly see right through that tactic. Your condescending message above is proof to any potential customers of just what kind of person you are at heart.

As for the 5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition, I'm saddened that one of my co-competitors will be stuck with your "prize", at the end of the Comp. I will be sure to warn them about your business practices and refer them to this thread. I'm looking forward to winning the Comp more than ever now though, just so I can make sure that you won't be invited back as a sponsor.
I post quotes from other members proving I wasn't the only one to witness your shady merchandising tactics, yet you call me a troll? Very mature, sir. So lets see, you're attempting to make the issue personal, by calling me names, to try and take the attention off of you getting caught red handed (or purple handed, as the case may be). Nice try, but I can clearly see right through that tactic. Your condescending message above is proof to any potential customers of just what kind of person you are at heart.

As for the 5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition, I'm saddened that one of my co-competitors will be stuck with your "prize", at the end of the Comp. I will be sure to warn them about your business practices and refer them to this thread. I'm looking forward to winning the Comp more than ever now though, just so I can make sure that you won't be invited back as a sponsor.

Hi Bad Karma,

Surely a phone call to discuss all the issues in hand would be best for both of us? All I am trying to do is reassure any issues people may have with our website.

I don't want to get involved in any online heated discussions nor offend any any members of RIU.

Hope we can sort this over a phone all and put this to bed once and forever.

Hope to hear from you soon

Midweek Song
Damn, all this bs just because a mix up on something being updated?
If you didnt order them, or have an order screwed up. Dont see wherr a person would have a legitlegit reason for all the bitching and trolling .
Ive had 2 orders from them along with a cpl friends who have also received orders. Always got beans we were supposed to and excellent service.
As you can see they even posted pictures of the GDP brand seeds. Yet still not satisfied? I would suggest ordering and see for yourself what many of us are finding to be a great seedbank!! To be completely honest, "sorry Lewis" the first time i tried to order the sagepay would not take my credit card,,, you know what Lewis did??? He sent my order free of charge!! After that ive ordered 4 or 5 more times and plan on another order soon.. I have told my friends growers of 20 plus years and they have all switched now, all satisfied customers.. If you want to get your seeds for free i suggest planting the seeds you get out of your purchaced weed, so you pay either way but at least with midweeksong you know the strain your planting! If you do decide to buy from midweeksong simply send lewis an email and im sure he would give you a discount code, not to mention midweeksong truly has the best customer service of any seed bank ive ever delt with ...Please get over whatever is causing all the B.S. order or dont order but please stop fussing about a place youve never tried. how can you put down the place if you have never placed an order?????

Hi Bad Karma,

Surely a phone call to discuss all the issues in hand would be best for both of us? All I am trying to do is reassure any issues people may have with our website.

I don't want to get involved in any online heated discussions nor offend any any members of RIU.

Hope we can sort this over a phone all and put this to bed once and forever.

Hope to hear from you soon

Midweek Song
I have no need, or desire, to talk to you over the phone, Lewis. I only wanted to warn other growers of your very questionable menu, and business practices, which I've done.
I would wish you luck with all of your future endeavors, but one doesn't need luck when you've rigged the roulette wheel, now do they.
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@Midweek Song

Can you post pictures of the DJ Shorts Blueberry and True Blueberry?

Thank you.

Hi BDOGKush,

I've gone into the office and attached the image of the stock we have left. With regards to photos I don't mind sending them however on RIU it might be seen as advertising so I won't post anymore unless I am told otherwise.

As always any questions please let me know

Midweek Song


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Hi BDOGKush,

I've gone into the office and attached the image of the stock we have left. With regards to photos I don't mind sending them however on RIU it might be seen as advertising so I won't post anymore unless I am told otherwise.

As always any questions please let me know

Midweek Song

Understandable, thanks for humoring me. Do you price match as part of your Best Price Guarantee?
Hi BDOGKush,

I've gone into the office and attached the image of the stock we have left. With regards to photos I don't mind sending them however on RIU it might be seen as advertising so I won't post anymore unless I am told otherwise.

As always any questions please let me know

Midweek Song

Lewis, you have shown a good deal of restraint and professionalism in this thread. Kudos

I will be placing an order with you at some point soon and will give some feedback here on my experience