Has anyone heard of this stuff? If so opinions or stories welcome.


Active Member
For those who haven't experienced it yet go to www.tpuc.org and watch a few of John harris' videos or www.googlevideo.com and search Robert menard and watch a video or two of his after you've read the below statement, if you don't you won't understand what I'm saying and will miss a great opertunity to change your whole perspective and attitude towards the legal system for the better by using the weapons they use against us back against them.

I've been interested and studying for a few years now on a position know as a "freeman on the land" basically what it is, is that you can go to any local notary (solicitor/lawer with a special privelage) and write what's known as a notice of understanding, intent and claim of right, in this notice you explain that you have now found out that your whole life growing up that certain information about your birth certificate and the way the government works is not the way it seemed and that you have been entered into a contract against your own free will (which is fraud) by your parents who were deceived by the government (fraud again). What you state is that you now know this and you want it to stop, the only thing your missing is your national insurance number/social security number and free healthcare (in a nutshell). You can then grow cannabis, drive with no licence, tax or insurance (by posting a bond with a notary) and stupid statutory rules don't apply to you anymore, in other words unless you kill/harm someone, steal from someone or fraud someone then the government and police have no right to poke their nose into your business. In a sense the way things should be anyway keep to yourself and don't encroach on anyone elses right to the same freedoms as you, eutopia I think it was called?

Plus for those who are in the know there's cash each year off your government for the rest of your life :D

Now I will say it's not necessarily as straight forward as what I'm saying although it is at the same time, you just do what I done above but you will need to learn an awful lot before as your taking control of everything in your life...and I mean everything, no more sitting watching t.v and melting your brain is the one other good benefit you'll get as you have to read a hell of a lot and write a hell of a lot of letters also.

Any freemen or even those who haven't done the notice but have had run-ins with police ect post your stories here.


Well-Known Member
I was just reading about this and found it is a great way to get sniped out while eating your free breakfast.


Well-Known Member
this is a lie.

every person in the united states is to follow the laws set forth by the individual states.

even illegal immigrants with no proof of ever being born on any place on earth can be held accountable for their actions within the US. the name used is JOHN DOE. it's called an assumed name. in the event that you lack a name, or proof of identity, you are registered as an assumed name for the record, in most cases Jane Doe, John Doe, or some other neutral sounding name.


Active Member
Porop19fan i appreciate your concern but I rock no boats, auzzie07 go to www.tpuc.org, bigV I appreciate your concern also but you won't get sniped for standing up for your rights.

As for redivider I can see your point but what about a soverign? They don't have to adhere to statutory laws, what your doing is claiming your soverign rights and the state law can go F**k itself because common law which is above all laws except nature is higher than even state law, in common law what I'm saying is 100%, if your stating I'm flat out lying prove it as shall I prove to you that I'm right without getting into a fight or arguement, if anything a point for point debate would work best so as we remain on good terms as fello smokers/users of cannabis.


Active Member
Well that worked out the way I planned it....thread just died!!! C'mon people open you eyes and mind you feckin' smoke weed you should at least be open to this stuff.


Active Member
Mooch? Either I'm not following you or mooch means the same thing for you as it does for me and doesn't fit.


Well-Known Member
how about not one part of this will hold up in court. your parents technically "signed" for you because you were a baby and obviously cannot consent due to your age. so your parents have consented to you being a US citizen and following these set laws. everyone has inalienable rights, as well as inalienable restrictions.


Active Member
breaking the law is breaking the law. no matter how you might sugar coat it
You have inalienable rights no bother but as for inalienable restrictions there are only 4.

1.Don't murder anyone
2.Don't harm anyone
3.Don't fraud
4.Don't steal

It's not breaking the law if I was the queen of england would be arrested for breaking the law also it called common law which is higher than state, federal law in america, higher than maritime law which is worldwide it's the highest form of law you can get. Recently the supreme court in america vowed to uphold common law but it wasn't on the news or in the papers to make sure you didn't hear it.

Dude just watch a freeman video


I know what's gonna be said next....that's in canada, yeah and canada along with 56 other countries are in the commonwealth and the same things can be done, I'm in Ireland and do it here, I know people in australia doing it, england, scotland and even the US.