has anyone heard anything about these lights?


Well-Known Member
Depends on what you want to do with them.They were designed to high light a plant you are growing indoors and give it some extra light. You can't get close enough to stimultate rapid growth without burning the plant. Used in conjunction with natuaral sunlight, like you would get in a garden window they can make a striking display. Folks that drive by your house will comment on how nice the plants look.
I wouldn't try to use them to grow MJ. You may want to check out some cfl grow journals that are posted. I think you will find better prices and better bulbs. VV


Well-Known Member
Depends on what you want to do with them.They were designed to high light a plant you are growing indoors and give it some extra light. You can't get close enough to stimultate rapid growth without burning the plant. Used in conjunction with natuaral sunlight, like you would get in a garden window they can make a striking display. Folks that drive by your house will comment on how nice the plants look.
I wouldn't try to use them to grow marijuana. You may want to check out some cfl grow journals that are posted. I think you will find better prices and better bulbs. VV
:clap: hahahahahaha!!!that was hallerious V.V. wow honey check out the buds in that window, ohhh deer they look goergeous...