Has anyone had bloods taken by uk police???

That surely couldn’t have been bloods you tested positive for?? I know it’s in your urine for a while bit with bloods the levels drop rapidly after a few hours even with full time smokers (which I’m not) I just smoke cbd flower which is 0.2% thc if you smoke a lot of proper weed it can be past the legal limit for upto 2-3 days, from what I’ve been reading over the past few days anyway which is all I have been doing lol, thanks for the reply anyway

It was a urine sample I gave..surely its in your blood alot longer then something you get rid of Dailly?

Thought it be in your blood alot longer
How much was in your blood though?? The police tolerance in the uk is 2 micrograms per litre of blood which doesn’t sound a lot but I’ve spoke to a few people now who have smoked regular weed and there bloods have still come back from the police under, and thanks for the reply
don't remember now. sorry
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the chemical in cannabis that makes people feel “high.” Tests can detect THC in the body for several days or even weeks.
you said you smoked kush the previous night, so thats proper weed,so that will be in your system too
No it's all done private ain't been on in a while Corey brother hope ya good all 3 rooms got hit cbd
I'm good mate.

Sounds like youve had a horrendous time fella.

It's no loss losing fake friends. Like a fart .. they are better off out !!!

I hope your situation improves somehow!
don't remember now. sorry
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the chemical in cannabis that makes people feel “high.” Tests can detect THC in the body for several days or even weeks.
you said you smoked kush the previous night, so thats proper weed,so that will be in your system too
Thanks for reply, yea but the uk police have a tolerance limit of 2 micrograms per litre of blood, and the thc metabolises in your blood to under that limit in 12-24 hours from what I’ve read in past few days so I’m hoping that won’t effect it but I could be wrong all I can do is pray at the minute
It was a urine sample I gave..surely its in your blood alot longer then something you get rid of Dailly?

Thought it be in your blood alot longer
It’s detectable in your blood for longer but it metobolises just as quick from what I’ve read if you look it up I’m sure you will see it’s detectable in urine for longer and hair for the longest, thanks for reply anyway
2009 I was arrested for Operating under the influence of Drugs (OUID) in Michigan. During the traffic stop I did not consent or comply with any search, but once the K9 unit arrived on scene and the dog went ballistic it seemed all my rights went up in smoke.. lol. I ended up being arrested and upon my arrival to jail was strapped in to the Hannibal lector chair where the nurse took my blood without my consent. After my sleep over at the county jail I hired a lawyer. 2 years later and about $15,000 in lawyer fees and I was a free man with all charges dropped. They tried hitting me with possession ( said I had 14 grams but I bought 7 grams 3 days prior lol), driving under the influence, and paraphernalia.
All 2 years fighting my case I had my license.

I do not believe OUID is even a law in Michigan anymore..

Sorry about your situation, best to get a lawyer. Sucks having to pay but my clean record is well worth the money spent. If UK court system is like the US its all about scratching backs. Lawyer takes the judge out for dinner or golf or some shit and do each other favors I think. Get what you pay for dont go cheap.
2009 I was arrested for Operating under the influence of Drugs (OUID) in Michigan. During the traffic stop I did not consent or comply with any search, but once the K9 unit arrived on scene and the dog went ballistic it seemed all my rights went up in smoke.. lol. I ended up being arrested and upon my arrival to jail was strapped in to the Hannibal lector chair where the nurse took my blood without my consent. After my sleep over at the county jail I hired a lawyer. 2 years later and about $15,000 in lawyer fees and I was a free man with all charges dropped. They tried hitting me with possession ( said I had 14 grams but I bought 7 grams 3 days prior lol), driving under the influence, and paraphernalia.
All 2 years fighting my case I had my license.

I do not believe OUID is even a law in Michigan anymore..

Sorry about your situation, best to get a lawyer. Sucks having to pay but my clean record is well worth the money spent. If UK court system is like the US its all about scratching backs. Lawyer takes the judge out for dinner or golf or some shit and do each other favors I think. Get what you pay for dont go cheap.
Thanks for the reply, yea they really screwed you over there didn’t they well at least you got your license back can’t you claim back the $15000 you spent on it because that’s just sickening and I think I will be ok I was only smoking cbd flower with trace amounts of thc in it so I think my blood will come back under the uk legal limit of 2 micrograms per litre of blood and if it comes back over then it will be lawyer time lol, thanks again
Thanks for the reply, yea they really screwed you over there didn’t they well at least you got your license back can’t you claim back the $15000 you spent on it because that’s just sickening and I think I will be ok I was only smoking cbd flower with trace amounts of thc in it so I think my blood will come back under the uk legal limit of 2 micrograms per litre of blood and if it comes back over then it will be lawyer time lol, thanks again

It's been a while so I can look back and laugh but yeah during was not fun. Annoying more than anything and paying the money did suck, meant not going out with buddies to the pub.. Became a home drinker lol.

As far as getting my money back it unfortunately doesn't work that way. This world is crazy and many people go broke defending themselves even when they were totally innocent. In my case, I was in possession no question but truly was not under the influence at the time. Was on my way to my buddies after work stone cold sober. I'm sure there is some sort of legal action you could take to try to recoup but would just mean more lawyer fees and no guarantee. For me it was best to take it on the chin and move on.

I hope it all works out for you man!
It's been a while so I can look back and laugh but yeah during was not fun. Annoying more than anything and paying the money did suck, meant not going out with buddies to the pub.. Became a home drinker lol.

As far as getting my money back it unfortunately doesn't work that way. This world is crazy and many people go broke defending themselves even when they were totally innocent. In my case, I was in possession no question but truly was not under the influence at the time. Was on my way to my buddies after work stone cold sober. I'm sure there is some sort of legal action you could take to try to recoup but would just mean more lawyer fees and no guarantee. For me it was best to take it on the chin and move on.

I hope it all works out for you man!
Yea lol must have been frustrating drinking at home when your friends were out, and it is a fucked up world we live in if you have been wrongly accused of something and nobody is held accountable for it, yea might aswell move on incase you lose more money and thanks man I really appreciate it
Here in Canada if you're pulled over and the cop thinks you're impaired they will give you a roadside breathalyzer test for alcohol. If you pass that then you get the physical testing like walk a straight line etc. Regardless how you do on that if the cop still thinks you're messed up on something he'll refer you to a DRE which is a cop trained as a Drug Recognition Expert. If that cop thinks you're impaired then they can demand a blood sample and if you refuse it it's the same as refusing a breathalyzer where you get the same penalties as if you took the test and failed it.

If it's cannabis in your blood then from 2 - 5 nanograms per millilitre of blood is treated like you got a yellow on the roadside test for booze and your car will get towed and you have to wait 24 hours before picking it up at the towing companies yard and paying thru the nose to get it back.

There are both federal and provincial legal limits for driving while impaired by cannabis, alcohol, or a combination of the two.

The federal limits are:

  • Alcohol: blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 80 milligrams or more of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood.
  • Cannabis (THC):
    • Less serious offence: between 2 nanograms and 5 nanograms of THC per one millilitre of blood
    • More serious offence: 5 nanograms of THC or more per one millilitre of blood
  • Combination of alcohol and cannabis:
    • BAC of 50 milligrams or more per 100 millilitres of blood plus 5 nanograms or more of THC per one millilitre of blood
Remember, you can also be charged if you are over the federal limits within two hours of driving.

That last line means they could come to your house within 2 hours of you getting home from a sesh with your bros and still bust you for impaired driving if you fail. That's total BS because who says you didn't arrive home sober and straight then pound back a few doubles while blasting a blunt.

Any regular or medical user is going to test way over 5ng days after using but not be impaired in any way.

All sorts of data about this here if anyone wants to wade thru it.

I know a dude that got busted then got banned over that.

You're thinking nah gtf there's more to it, no absolutely not, there was no vehicle or driving involved at all.

They got busted at home, I must emphise there was no vehicle involved, no test, no driving or charges relating to driving.

Reading this back to myself I'm fkg appalled.
It's like most states in the USA. You can refuse the field tests, preliminary breath test, walking lines, visual perception and all that bullshit.
The police need enough probably cause to make the arrest before you are required to take a blood test, so dont help them in the field by complying.
In the USA refusal of the required blood test is a loss of liscense per the implied consent statute, but they still need to find you guilty in court beyond a reasonable doubt to convict for DWI. If I was sauced I would refuse all tests and take the license loss, then hopefully beat the charge in court.
The problem is, the the Dept. of Motor Vehicles (at least in Ca.) can do anything they want, I know of two people that were found not guilty of DWI, and still had their licenses suspended!!! Not sure how the laws work in the UK.
I feel for you OP, it must be stressful. I honestly didn’t know THC could be measured in blood but not surprising I guess. I used to get wiz-quiz & hair follicle tested (usually arm or chest) for a saftey sensitive position at work so i obviously just didn’t partake but getting pulled over driving is a whole different deal. I’m in CA, USA and have heard of some sort of breathalyzer test for THC that is/was in production but just don’t hear about it much like alcohol (dwi). I thought that test was only accurate for the last 2-4 hours which is better then like 30-60 days or whatever for pee.

I feel for you OP, it must be stressful. I honestly didn’t know THC could be measured in blood but not surprising I guess. I used to get wiz-quiz & hair follicle tested (usually arm or chest) for a saftey sensitive position at work so i obviously just didn’t partake but getting pulled over driving is a whole different deal. I’m in CA, USA and have heard of some sort of breathalyzer test for THC that is/was in production but just don’t hear about it much like alcohol (dwi). I thought that test was only accurate for the last 2-4 hours which is better then like 30-60 days or whatever for pee.

Thanks mate, yea they can get precise measurements from it down to the nanogram the bastards and yea the legal limit here is 2ug of thc per litre of blood which is next to nothing il not sure what it is in California but I’m pretty sure our legal limit is one of the lowest in the world and yea it is in your blood for less time than urine and hair but apparently it can accumulate in your blood but since I’ve only been smoking cbd flower ( although I smoked a kush joint 24 hours prior to the blood test) I’m hoping I’m still under, thanks again
There ain't that much they can do if the bud contains less than 0.2 % thc.Make sure ya get all the info written down,thc strains can stay in system for ages so just say you smoked some a few week ago.They ain't a clue about anything to do with the stuff I've been smoking cbg for glacomaha - really cost me losing that bud to point my vision has got really bad now. Reason I ain't been on much,struggling to see letters on this phone
Damn bro sorry to hear that i hope your condition improves soon bud i did wonder since you not been on in a bit mate
I know a dude that got busted then got banned over that.

You're thinking nah gtf there's more to it, no absolutely not, there was no vehicle or driving involved at all.

They got busted at home, I must emphise there was no vehicle involved, no test, no driving or charges relating to driving.

Reading this back to myself I'm fkg appalled.
Thats messed up idk how they get away with that especially when your not even driving or in the car i know with alcohol if u in the car not driving just even sleeping it off somewhere you can be still done with drink driving if you got the keys on you its nuts my cousin got done with it after a wedding he wasnt even gonna drive it till next day but aye they done him with it anyway