Has anyone had bloods taken by uk police???


Active Member
Hello people I asked something similar on another post but didn’t get many answers, I failed a police swab the other day and it shown positive for cannabis so they took me back to the station and got my bloods, I smoked about 0.2 g of regular weed (kush) the night before and then I was smoking cbd flower (0.2% THC) in the hours prior to my bloods being taken has anyone else from the uk had theirs taken and if so what was the results and how much did you smoke prior to having them taken?
Hello people I asked something similar on another post but didn’t get many answers, I failed a police swab the other day and it shown positive for cannabis so they took me back to the station and got my bloods, I smoked about 0.2 g of regular weed (kush) the night before and then I was smoking cbd flower (0.2% THC) in the hours prior to my bloods being taken has anyone else from the uk had theirs taken and if so what was the results and how much did you smoke prior to having them taken?
It's legal for them to take your blood???
I dont smoke anymore but im enjoying my second time growing that i find interesting and a good way to pass time , basically a hobby. I was surprised 1 day when having a drug test for another substance that I tested positive for thc and 2 days prior I had 3 pulls of a mates joint.. 3 pulls was all I had ..
So if your a smoker your blood will be packed with thc. They say there is a threshold say like alcohol but will be useless to someone who smokes daily.

Yeah it's a bitch mate , prepare for the worst , or prepare to pay alot for a lawyer that can maybe explain you ate a edible by mistake or spiked something along them lines..
I dont smoke anymore but im enjoying my second time growing that i find interesting and a good way to pass time , basically a hobby. I was surprised 1 day when having a drug test for another substance that I tested positive for thc and 2 days prior I had 3 pulls of a mates joint.. 3 pulls was all I had ..
So if your a smoker your blood will be packed with thc. They say there is a threshold say like alcohol but will be useless to someone who smokes daily.

Yeah it's a bitch mate , prepare for the worst , or prepare to pay alot for a lawyer that can maybe explain you ate a edible by mistake or spiked something along them lines..
That surely couldn’t have been bloods you tested positive for?? I know it’s in your urine for a while bit with bloods the levels drop rapidly after a few hours even with full time smokers (which I’m not) I just smoke cbd flower which is 0.2% thc if you smoke a lot of proper weed it can be past the legal limit for upto 2-3 days, from what I’ve been reading over the past few days anyway which is all I have been doing lol, thanks for the reply anyway
I would have denied any search and seizure and called a lawyer immediately without answering any questions or making any statements and fought it through court.
You willingly gave your blood. You're fd
Just because they charge you doesn't mean you're guilty.
Yes it is quite sadly if you refuse then they just class it as drug driving and it’s an instant ban
It's like most states in the USA. You can refuse the field tests, preliminary breath test, walking lines, visual perception and all that bullshit.
The police need enough probably cause to make the arrest before you are required to take a blood test, so dont help them in the field by complying.
In the USA refusal of the required blood test is a loss of liscense per the implied consent statute, but they still need to find you guilty in court beyond a reasonable doubt to convict for DWI. If I was sauced I would refuse all tests and take the license loss, then hopefully beat the charge in court.
ive had a test, not by the police, but a medical one. i had been smoking cbd bud too. the test shows up as posative with even that tiny amount in it.
the test only shows that its in your system, not the amount.
ive had a test, not by the police, but a medical one. i had been smoking cbd bud too. the test shows up as posative with even that tiny amount in it.
the test only shows that its in your system, not the amount.
How much was in your blood though?? The police tolerance in the uk is 2 micrograms per litre of blood which doesn’t sound a lot but I’ve spoke to a few people now who have smoked regular weed and there bloods have still come back from the police under, and thanks for the reply
There ain't that much they can do if the bud contains less than 0.2 % thc.Make sure ya get all the info written down,thc strains can stay in system for ages so just say you smoked some a few week ago.They ain't a clue about anything to do with the stuff I've been smoking cbg for glacomaha - really cost me losing that bud to point my vision has got really bad now. Reason I ain't been on much,struggling to see letters on this phone
There ain't that much they can do if the bud contains less than 0.2 % thc.Make sure ya get all the info written down,thc strains can stay in system for ages so just say you smoked some a few week ago.They ain't a clue about anything to do with the stuff I've been smoking cbg for glacomaha - really cost me losing that bud to point my vision has got really bad now. Reason I ain't been on much,struggling to see letters on this phone
Thanks for the reply, with the uk laws it’s about what levels of thc is in your blood (the limit being 2 micrograms per litre of blood) so it doesn’t matter when you smoked it it’s all about the levels in your blood. There’s a way of converting percentage of thc to micrograms online but my maths isn’t great so I struggle to find the right answer lol
There ain't that much they can do if the bud contains less than 0.2 % thc.Make sure ya get all the info written down,thc strains can stay in system for ages so just say you smoked some a few week ago.They ain't a clue about anything to do with the stuff I've been smoking cbg for glacomaha - really cost me losing that bud to point my vision has got really bad now. Reason I ain't been on much,struggling to see letters on this phone

Can't you get your eyes lasered on the NHS mate?
Can't you get your eyes lasered on the NHS mate?
Soo its not legal you said yes to it
Soo its not legal you said yes to it
It is legal as long as you agree to have them taken and if you don’t then it’s an instant ban and drug driving on my record for 10 years and thers a chance the thc levels in my blood will come back as under the legal limit so I let them take them as that’s the only chance I have of keeping my licenece
Friends I thought was friends all have gone not to be seen again ,joke .fuck em Bruce I give up lost my home through cultivation and a section 18 followed through room that was robbed
Friends I thought was friends all have gone not to be seen again ,joke .fuck em Bruce I give up lost my home through cultivation and a section 18 followed through room that was robbed
All I fucking asked for was sugar leaf but seems friends would rather bin it