Has anyone grown this?


Well-Known Member
I intend on it! I am going too build a grow box too grow these indoors, i dont wanna put this in the same room as my OG Kush. Plan on starting too build tomorrow as i dont have too work, will gets pics up soon as they are taken.


Active Member
if you did 12/12 from seed on that thing could you grow it indoors and keep it small with a nice cola?


Well-Known Member
i wont do 12/12 right from seed, it will veg for 2-3 months then i will take clones too eventually flower in another 4-9 weeks


Active Member
well i wassnt saying that you should do that, im just wondering you COULD do that. Cuz i couldnt let this plant get over 3.5 ft tall max, i just had to axe a bunch of thai super skunks because of how tall they were getting so early and its mainly because i vegged them too long. I heard some where on here that you can 12/12 a plant from seed and it will stay small and controllable, ect ect.


Well-Known Member
indoors its a mess. i grew this strain from another breeder.


but cool looking smoke with dark purple color. about the thc of bag seed