Has anyone grown Danceworld from Royal Queen Seeds?


Active Member
I'm growing Danceworld, I'm at week 8 from seed and I have a few clones. My question is about the flowering time,the seed comp says 8 weeks but I would like to know if anyone has any experience with this strain. I searched online but couldn't find any information other than from the seed banks. Any info or help would be highly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Rule of thumb is to add atleast another week to breeders estimates

Danceworld sounds like a very instering strain , anything with juanita la lagrimosa in it interstests me

little butch

Active Member
I asked the same question about a month ago..........I didn't get any answers either, but I am still interested in the answer....anyone....sounds cool though. Peace & be kind.


Well-Known Member
I have had good luck with 2 of RQ's other varieties, especially the Dwarf auto. Good luck, BigSteve.