Has anyone ever watched ancient aliens?

if the government was concerned enough to create janet airlines to tranport employees to one of the most heavily guarded military bases in the world, when the CIA literally has a lab in every country and has paid off all the poor and killed all the rich who have seen these things in the sky. They are either man made or extra terrestrial and the goverment made agreements to allow them to harvest our planet for god knows what, and not annihilate us. We just never really know, and never really will.

its just that i have difficulty believing in the government being this clever and adept at things.

keeping this secrets more or less hidden and dealing with aliens.

actually, i have difficulty picturing many government people being able to handle putting milk on the cereal in the mornings (without help)

it would be safe to say even the president would be left in the dark on this one. the rich rule this planet, and our government might not be so tactical but the rothchilds are. Its all orchestrated to make us spend and borrow as much as possible.

The story of Betty and Barney hill. I sort of believe them it seems unlikely they'd make up such a story and still commit to it all these years.

she seems stupid, not stupid enough to be not able to write a story though..

somewhat of an attentiongetter too.

the stories of the aliens are bit amusing

"why are his teeth removable and yours not" said the puzzled (highly advanced) aliens to her.

(along with, they are hurting her and then notice it and pass their hands over her head and stop the hurt (like an advanced empathic race wouldnt know what they were doing beforehand)
it would be safe to say even the president would be left in the dark on this one. the rich rule this planet, and our government might not be so tactical but the rothchilds are. Its all orchestrated to make us spend and borrow as much as possible.

yeah, its just that the rich, Arent that clever.

or they wouldnt be doing what they are doing ;) (they have no true wealth and if they had half a brain they would realise it.)
Think of elite group theories like illuminati, that could be the case of course in which all the media is controlled by them. Youtube is a free upload service and it's crawling with conspiracies whereas the tv networks rarely show anything deeper then extraterrestrial intelligence hunters. Technology is "their " biggest fear because through the Internet we are all able to communicate what we know and as more people use the internet, more will begin to understand the oppression that's been occurring for prolly centuries now.
Think of elite group theories like illuminati, that could be the case of course in which all the media is controlled by them. Youtube is a free upload service and it's crawling with conspiracies whereas the tv networks rarely show anything deeper then extraterrestrial intelligence hunters. Technology is "their " biggest fear because through the Internet we are all able to communicate what we know and as more people use the internet, more will begin to understand the oppression that's been occurring for prolly centuries now.

oh sure.

the "elite" have always been lying to the masses.

all to keep the carrot floating in front of their heads while they dine on steak (usually human (even though metaphorically in most cases)

any man that tries to boss you or control you.

should be shot dead in my opinion and you for listening.

but, people like someone to think for them (and usually the "elite" have all the best weapons)

The story of Betty and Barney hill. I sort of believe them it seems unlikely they'd make up such a story and still commit to it all these years.

You negate te fact that people can tell a completely false story and still believe it. You say it seems unlikely that someone would make a story up and commit to it? Really? Have you seen some of the cult followings that exist, all total crap but people kill themselves over it. I'll go ahead and say people def make stuff up and stick to it.
oh sure.

the "elite" have always been lying to the masses.

all to keep the carrot floating in front of their heads while they dine on steak (usually human (even though metaphorically in most cases)

any man that tries to boss you or control you.

should be shot dead in my opinion and you for listening.

but, people like someone to think for them (and usually the "elite" have all the best weapons)

Thats my biggest fear is that if the time ever comes, these so called elite individuals will be selected over the truly noble minds. It's inevitable that our world today is not run by the logical thinkers but rather people who were able to follow certain rules because they're written on paper without even realizing the hipocracy behind them
Thats my biggest fear is that if the time ever comes, these so called elite individuals will be selected over the truly noble minds. It's inevitable that our world today is not run by the logical thinkers but rather people who were able to follow certain rules because they're written on paper without even realizing the hipocracy behind them


if the elite would get picked over the rest.

then be thankful that you didnt get picked.

i wouldnt want to live with them or the aliens that picked them lol.

rather check out the afterlife myself..
You negate te fact that people can tell a completely false story and still believe it. You say it seems unlikely that someone would make a story up and commit to it? Really? Have you seen some of the cult followings that exist, all total crap but people kill themselves over it. I'll go ahead and say people def make stuff up and stick to it.

PIE didn't say I beleive them because they're a credible source of information. I ment to say I believe them because of the general picture. I already stated I know for a fact I have seen Ufos with my eyes and they are clearly studying our behavior. They're following a set of extraterrestrial government rules which states that they most likely cannot interfere with our development and if they do they must erase the evidence of their presence.

if the elite would get picked over the rest.

then be thankful that you didnt get picked.

i wouldnt want to live with them or the aliens that picked them lol.

rather check out the afterlife myself..

I don't know what the after life bears but what the ets seem to understand is that the human body is merely a vessel for the soul which cannot be destroyed. People have speculated that the interdimensionsl beings did not fear death because when they were transformed into that dimension of the afterlife they already had a method of escape or rebirth back into our dimension. I picture death being like a never ending dmt trip and I find that somewhat scary knowing I may not be allowed back into this dimension.
lol, I loved the South Park spoof of this program in the episodes about the stuffing mines.
I don't know what the after life bears but what the ets seem to understand is that the human body is merely a vessel for the soul which cannot be destroyed. People have speculated that the interdimensionsl beings did not fear death because when they were transformed into that dimension of the afterlife they already had a method of escape or rebirth back into our dimension. I picture death being like a never ending dmt trip and I find that somewhat scary knowing I may not be allowed back into this dimension.

dont fear the reaper.

(whyever would you not be allowed back? (and anyways, maybe that would be a good thing ;))
True story. Go to www.aufosg.com and then look to right in grey shaded area where it reads "UFO sightings and reports", under that click "View All Recent Reports" then scroll almost to the bottom and look for "UFO sighted in Bowness". This is what we saw and the ship was big. What I didn't mention in that statement is that when the craft stopped, it was using it's bright white light looking around as if it was looking for something it lost or got away or seen something that it was interested in. The light was attached to a short arm coming out of the craft, mechanical arm. When the light focused on us we both just froze and squinted. the light stayed on us for 3 seconds or more and thats when it did it's 360 degree flip head over heels. I would say the craft was about 60 to 90 feet across. the most amazing thing I ever will see and now I am a true believer in ET's and flying saucers. look up "Alberta ufo site" in google, try this if the www doesn't work right.
There is no such thing as extra terrestrial, extra dimensional however is something else.

The elite is the ones who makes all the alien propaganda, they are planing an fake alien attack as one of their final plan to complete the new world order.
Interestingly in the USA the "UFO" research", is founded by Rockefeller (a subsidiary of freemasonry). Films like, "independence day" and Alien Resurrection" were made by "20th Century Fox", owned by Rupert Murdoch, a Freemason, he also owns "Fox television", the producer of "X files". "Super man" was/is another part of mass manipulation, to introduce people with extraterrestrial.
I think that the biggest mistake people make in social society is that we all think alike which we don't and the education that is used in public schools are degrading. George Washington was the elected founding father of our nation but who is the founding father today?? Who cares right? people today are stuck in the fast forward mode and need to just go back to the simpler times of just relaxing and getting high in the back yard and BBq's and back to family and friends.