I've never heard of a seed company contacting a buyer telling them their seeds were delayed. Could you post of pic of that email after of course you black out your personal info?
I order from Attitude once every 3 months for the last 2-3 years. Only a few times have I waited for more then 2 weeks, never more then 18 days, and I never got a email from them telling me about delays. Usually, Royal mail makes it to the states almost immediately, 1-3 days from order. So unless the seeds were still in the Royal mail system by still being in Europe, they wouldn't be able to tell you that the seed shipment is delayed. And I wouldn't think Attitude would tell anyone in any circumstance that their seeds will be at ship destination in 3 days.
So not only is 3 weeks not the norm for receiving a seed order from them, but sending a delay email notice is unheard of in my circle.
Need to see email.