Active Member isnt a aside from that only have been in 1 other fight in my life and that was all when i was 18 and into hard drugs, now imfight free and drug free (except pot but that shit isnt a drug to me) isnt a aside from that only have been in 1 other fight in my life and that was all when i was 18 and into hard drugs, now imfight free and drug free (except pot but that shit isnt a drug to me)
Thank you, Bethany! I saw it and knew ... it had to be mine.I just have to say that i love your avatar
Africans??? Mexicans???I have busted some caps on coke cans before, Sometimes cans talk shit.
Okay, let me first start by saying, that I feel sorrow for anyone that experiences violence, so please before telling someone what to do, or how to feel, you should understand where they are coming from and who they are. Lets look at this objectively, who pray tell is the 'victim' and who is the 'attacker' ? I am curious how you perceive someone as a victim or an aggressor, is it whom has the weapon/means/intent, or who uses the weapon against the alleged assailant. I was replying to the OP though seeing as you felt compelled to interject, this arises a few questions to me, as to mentioning something you wish not to divulge the details yet you felt the need to mention almost boast about shooting someone.IF the above situation I was sued for DID happen, and I'm not saying it did, I sure as fuck would not have felt bad about anything, besides for the fact that he survived it. Feel sorry for victims, not attackers.
I like knives as well, that is a passionate tool, truly up close and personal weapon. all tools have their purpose.Yeah. I like knives. None of that shoot somebody from 30 feet bullshit.
HELL YEA, especially when someone has their pressure ramped up.PS- Paintball hurts =[
...........Okay, let me first start by saying, that I feel sorrow for anyone that experiences violence, so please before telling someone what to do, or how to feel, you should understand where they are coming from and who they are. -ummm...okay. Taking this a bit to seriously, but whatever. You apparently feel strongly about this. I don't. Violence happens, shit happens, life happens. Not a big deal. It always is at the time, but like everything else it passes. I'm sorry you took it as me telling you how to feel, but its hard for me to take you seriously if someone attacks you, you hurt them, then feel bad for them because you had to hurt them. I don't understand that in the least, just to be honest.
Lets look at this objectively, who pray tell is the 'victim' and who is the 'attacker' ? Are you fucking serious?! You need me to define victim and attacker to you?! This isn't fucking rocket science..
I am curious how you perceive someone as a victim or an aggressor, is it whom has the weapon/means/intent, or who uses the weapon against the alleged assailant. I was replying to the OP though seeing as you felt compelled to interject, this arises a few questions to me, as to mentioning something you wish not to divulge the details yet you felt the need to mention almost boast about shooting someone. - You apparently took that as boasting. To be honest, I could give a shit. I just mentioned it because it answers to the question. I can tell you IF I shot someone, it would be because I felt they meant to end my life. As such, I would not feel sorry for them. Simple as that.While its would not be something I would be proud of, I wouldn't be ashamed of it either. Again, shit happens. We react to it, and move on. And while you were replying to the OP, this is an open forum, you have to expect some of your replies to get replied to. Thats how forums work. You'll get over it. Or not, again, I could give half a shit. Anything else? Or does that cover it?
well, you seem to get on the defensive quite quickly, shit this fuck that, jeez you seem to be on an attack, if I wasn't clear enough, I stated I feel sorrow for anyone that experiences violence, and you retorted by stating that I am taking this too seriously, is life not serious or is it a game.. I have been attacked, I have hurt the other person, and yes I have felt bad, as I didn't wish the situation to progress in that manner, but as we can only react to a situation to the best of our abilities. Is remorse a weakness to you?ummm...okay. Taking this a bit to seriously, but whatever. You apparently feel strongly about this. I don't. Violence happens, shit happens, life happens. Not a big deal. It always is at the time, but like everything else it passes. I'm sorry you took it as me telling you how to feel, but its hard for me to take you seriously if someone attacks you, you hurt them, then feel bad for them because you had to hurt them. I don't understand that in the least, just to be honest.
yes I was quite serious, I don't necessarily ask question I am not serious or interested about, this is how we learn, we ask and build from the response, how can you compare rocket science to such a simply inquiry?Are you fucking serious?! You need me to define victim and attacker to you?! This isn't fucking rocket science..
Yes, I had perceived your response as boasting as you has wrote "I sure as fuck would not have felt bad about anything, besides for the fact that he survived it" that to me is boasting about the act, I wasn't discouraged by you replying, just by you bypassing the question, also I understand and know how a forum works and operates, I just didn't understand your reply, in comparison to my response, so as far a "covering it" why even take the time to respond if you could give a shit less ?You apparently took that as boasting. To be honest, I could give a shit. I just mentioned it because it answers to the question. I can tell you IF I shot someone, it would be because I felt they meant to end my life. As such, I would not feel sorry for them. Simple as that.While its would not be something I would be proud of, I wouldn't be ashamed of it either. Again, shit happens. We react to it, and move on. And while you were replying to the OP, this is an open forum, you have to expect some of your replies to get replied to. Thats how forums work. You'll get over it. Or not, again, I could give half a shit. Anything else? Or does that cover it?
For someone that doesn't like to be told what to do, you sure are a preachy thing, aren't you? I say that not just based on your post here, but on review of some of your other post. Hell, you joined a group founded on distrust just to preach it would seem. Apparently you feel the need to "enlighten" people. How noble.well, you seem to get on the defensive quite quickly, shit this fuck that, jeez you seem to be on an attack, if I wasn't clear enough, I stated I feel sorrow for anyone that experiences violence, and you retorted by stating that I am taking this too seriously, is life not serious or is it a game.. I have been attacked, I have hurt the other person, and yes I have felt bad, as I didn't wish the situation to progress in that manner, but as we can only react to a situation to the best of our abilities.
yes I was quite serious, I don't necessarily ask question I am not serious or interested about, this is how we learn, we ask and build form the response, how can you compare rocket science to such a simply inquiry?
Yes, I had perceived your response as boasting as you has wrote "I sure as fuck would not have felt bad about anything, besides for the fact that he survived it" that to me is boasting about the act, I wasn't discouraged by you replying, just by you bypassing the question, also I understand and know how a forum works and operates, I just didn't understand your reply, in comparison to my response, so as far a "covering it" why even take the time to respond if you could give a shit less ?
baddest bitch on riu^^^sure did that girl didnt bug me ever again after i swung a monkey wrench into her face
but seriously imnot a violent person
Ahhh well since you clarifyed what it means to you (sarcasm).. yes I had joined the "WE DON'T TRUST THEM" group in hopes to open a different perspective, which is what I would hope anyone would do, I am not claiming to be anything, you seem to be claiming everything for me, not knowing how I converse nor to the effect that my point is making, what point are you trying to make?For someone that doesn't like to be told what to do, you sure are a preachy thing, aren't you? I say that not just based on your post here, but on review of some of your other post. Hell, you joined a group founded on distrust just to preach it would seem. Apparently you feel the need to "enlighten" people. How noble.
1) To answer " is life not serious or is it a game" - To me, everything is a game. Some games just have really high stakes.
2) Defensive. Your reply started off with " please before telling someone what to do..." That came off to me as defensive. Granted 40% of what we say is misinterpreted.
3) The comment "I sure as fuck would not have felt bad about anything, besides for the fact that he survived it" isn't a matter of boasting. But if someone has intent on taking my life, I'm not going to feel comfortable with the fact they are still alive. This has shit to do with boasting, this is merely valuing my own life. Not to mention, as a general rule, I don't feel sorry for the aggressor. EVER. Why should I? They chose the situation, I simply reacted to the situation. What is there to feel bad about>
6) yes I was quite serious, I don't necessarily ask question I am not serious or interested about, this is how we learn, we ask and build form the response, how can you compare rocket science to such a simply inquiry? I'm not even sure how to answer this. The only thing that comes to mind is "pseudo-intellectual." Since you need it spelled out, let me help you. Aggressor - the one who instigates the attack. Victim - The person said attack was instigated against. "its not rocket science" is a figure of speech which means - "its not complicated".
as far as the end, "or does that cover it" That was sarcasm. That I won't hold against you, sarcasm is easily misinterpreted via text based communications.
...seriously? Okay, fine, another round then. For the sake of convenience I've added numbered markers that will coincide with my reply to them.Ahhh well since you clarifyed what it means to you (sarcasm).. yes I had joined the "WE DON'T TRUST THEM" group in hopes to open a different perspective, which is what I would hope anyone would do[1], I am not claiming to be anything, you seem to be claiming everything for me[2], not knowing how I converse[3] nor to the effect that my point is making[4], what point are you trying to make[5]?
6) If someone gives you reasonable cause to think they mean to harm you or take your life, ie pull a weapon on you, state their intentions, then they are the aggressor. If that is not their intention, and behave in a manner that would cause someone to think that, then they lack common sense, and perhaps its natural selection in action. You can break it down with a fine tooth comb, but when you reacted to violence, it apparently wasn't that fuzzy, was it?How do you claim to know what a person intent is... you presumably react much like we all do when violence is acted upon us, although I do not know you, much like you do not know the person behind these words.. (not to stray too far from the purpose of this back and forth), the written word is dissociated via text form (in many ways) unless we add caveat(s) to everything in order to gain context and clarity, so what I was asking you was, how we react to any situation, the result is our doing in whatever way we react, so case in point if you shoot someone that you feel is threatening you are you not the aggressor or do you claim to be a victim, that defines our perspective, which is simply what I was attempting to do here.[6]
For the sake of argument, it was a clear question that you vaguely answered, with laymen definitions, not directly responding but maneuvering around what was asking.. yet the response you had to my initial post had no correlation, yet you felt justified, possibly compelled in doing so, the point is surely missed, I am unfazed, yet still inquisitive as to what the hell was the purpose to you stating to 'feel sorry for the victims not attackers' as to say that someone is unable to be both or once the victim then the attacker, you seem to me to just want to go out of your way to tell a story, which you do not even tell (¿what above situation do you refer?), these are the reasons why people do not help others, you are the proof of discouragement, however I am indifferent as to how you receive this message, although I am taking my time to type this, the effort is surely is not appreciated, you can outline, color code numbers but you do not prove a point, all you do is attempt to justify violence which if you hadn't learned in this existence, you will find violence causes more violence. I have nothing more to write in these matters. Peace, goes a lot further the hate...seriously? Okay, fine, another round then. For the sake of convenience I've added numbered markers that will coincide with my reply to them.
1) Usually, when people make a group its to gather like minded folk together. Not so someone can come in with a conflicting view in the hopes of "enlightening" them to the error of their way of thinking.
2) I'm not claiming anything for you whatsoever, merely calling a spade a spade, as I have a habit of doing. Seriously, if you don't know what that term means, don't ask, don't act confused, just google it for fuck sakes.
3) Actually, by reading how you converse, I apparently do know how you converse. Hence why I reviewed your post. That statement is lacking in basic reasoning. We'll leave that alone for now.
4) If your point is not apparent in what you post, then logic would suggest that your writing style is ineffective. The point of writing is to convey a thought, if you claim by reading it I cannot understand your point, then perhaps your writing style needs tweaking.
5)sighs My points were listed, clearly, and concisely. Seriously, how can you not figure out the points I'm trying to make?! This goes back to basic logic and reasoning. I'm seeing a pattern here. Hence my statement in my last post of "pseudo intellectual": comes to mind.
6) If someone gives you reasonable cause to think they mean to harm you or take your life, ie pull a weapon on you, state their intentions, then they are the aggressor. If that is not their intention, and behave in a manner that would cause someone to think that, then they lack common sense, and perhaps its natural selection in action. You can break it down with a fine tooth comb, but when you reacted to violence, it apparently wasn't that fuzzy, was it?
First off, you put far to much effort into trying to make your words sound intelligent. It wouldn't be so bad, but my god, did you ever think to put a period in there?! 2 periods in the whole of a paragraph. I was clear as day as to my points, I wasn't vague to say the least, except for the alleged situation, and thats for obvious reasons. It came up randomly by responding to the OP, and you took it as if I go out of my way to talk about it. check the whole of my 2000+ post and I assure you, you'll not find a single mention of it. Why? Because it never came up.For the sake of argument, it was a clear question that you vaguely answered, with laymen definitions, not directly responding but maneuvering around what was asking. yet the response you had to my initial post had no correlation, yet you felt justified, possibly compelled in doing so, the point is surely missed, I am unfazed, yet still inquisitive as to what the hell was the purpose to you stating to 'feel sorry for the victims not attackers' as to say that someone is unable to be both or once the victim then the attacker, you seem to me to just want to go out of your way to tell a story, which you do not even tell (¿what above situation do you refer?), these are the reasons why people do not help others, you are the proof of discouragement, however I am indifferent as to how you receive this message, although I am taking my time to type this, the effort is surely is not appreciated, you can outline, color code numbers but you do not prove a point, all you do is attempt to justify violence which if you hadn't learned in this existence, you will find violence causes more violence. I have nothing more to write in these matters. Peace, goes a lot further the hate
†LHAO† I'm not sure which made me laugh more, your post or the reason you gave for editing it. Good way to lighten the mood. Well done, sir.Does a 7 inch pork sword count..?
Cause I use it to beat up pussies and have used it choke a bitch or two...
No sweetheart, that is the perk of being a pretty woman...If it's at night, and a group of people want to fuck with me, a group of 10 random guys are in front of me in a second.
<3 perks of being a woman
lmao that is funny as fuck..i didnt notice it†LHAO† I'm not sure which made me laugh more, your post or the reason you gave for editing it. Good way to lighten the mood. Well done, sir.