Has anyone ever tried to re-veg a flowering plant?

before you put back in veg cut a half inch of roots and soil from the rootball and repot in a bigger pot,put on 24/0 for 2 weeks,then drop to 18/6
Revegs do indeed yeild way more if you give it the proper veg time. I don't always suggest doing this. Actually I do the same shit everyone else. I keep moms and take cuttings.

With that being said, sometimes you get a special pheno and you accidentally forgot to take a cutting from. Revegging maybe your last resort to preserve the genetics.

I suggest not revegging in anything under a 10 gallon pot. 25 gallon is ideal. And I wouldn't suggest doing this hydroponics..

How revegging can be better, well if you have a 25 gallon pot your roots are well established. And if you grow organically you'll have a web of myco's fully coloniated.

People say it's waste of time and effort, that is BS!! Mutha fuckers read some shit online and repeat without ever trying it for themselves. Yes it takes a month to reveg a nice plant, BUT they go ape shit. You'll have tons branches and bud sites.
I kept an awesome cut E-32 trainwreck alive for 3 years, I kept revegging her and she got better and better everytime, but eventually the soil turned into sand. And I let her go.

Fuck what people say, do it. Thank me later.CAM00802.jpg CAM00977.jpg

I flowered her out 4 times!!!
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I'm doing a revegg now with a money maker plant by strain hunters for spring cloning I know people talk shit about strain hunters but this plant is a beast.
Plant was vegged for 5 weeks and harvested on Jan 12 I left the bottom 15 percent of the plant and its now the 19 of February and I am starting to flower tomorrow this is one of the fastest strains ive ever grown. It showed preflower fast flowerd fast and re vegged fast all in 3 gal pots. My little bonsai lol.wish i had room to veg it a month or 2, but keep in mind every strain is different some just take really long before any new growth, some growers think its a waste of time but i have seeds started the same day i put this plant in veg and its not even comparable this plant will yeild 3 times more than any of the others in the same amount of time.View attachment 3611674 View attachment 3611676
you're gonna flower that lady tomorrow?
I'd wait another 14 days or so man, those sites are small..
Well considering "re-veg" is a term that is in use,I kinda assumed people were doing it.So yes to answer your painfully obvious question of the day,yes people reveg plants.
This is my plan clone 3 weeks into flower reveg my clones keep them under 18-6 till early May and plant outside they should be exactly like their mom and revert to veg very quickly then come May they should have branches everywhere. Whatcha think. I'm not concerned about the yield of this plant as much as the clones