Has anyone ever seen a main cola like this???

nice avatar nutbush i jizzed in my pants
and even though your plant looks kinda retarded, having lots of small annoying buds makes drying and curing better.. look at the positives ppl
I fimmed it twice and LST'd it...... reasons for the awkward growing! MOSTLY the lst'n did it... I think this yield is going to be FAR better than any other way I couldv'e grown it. I have 28 bud sites on a 17" plant, in a 3 gallon pot. The buds haven't even begun to swell, day 19 of flowering.

did you look into SCROGing ?

and i wasnt bashing you i dont do that, sorry if it came out that way but it was not my intention :) but a SCROG screen you could have had all them bud sites evenly across the top of the screen and getting better light. check it out it may not be too late if its something you are interested in doing.

gl with your grow
That is a really cool looking plant. It looks like the broken branch caused a mutant. Gonna get a bunch of smoke off it so who cares?
You can stop bringing up 10year old threads now, thanks.
Why would you stop people from learning? I was just asked by a local grower about this subject and knew the answer from experience. It took years. Less experienced growers will look at these posts and try to find answers about problems and just create a whole other post when this one is sufficient. I bring up old posts because there are new growers that need answers. Would you rather them fail? Are you against them from smoking their own homegrown. If so thats just lame. Stop telling me to help others find solutions.