Has Anyone Ever Produced A 6-8 Ounce Plant (DRY) Indoors.

1000 grams approx 35.7 oz or 2 1/4 lbs. to 600 grams approx 21.4 oz or 1 1/2lbs Thats what i am saying. It does run a little high with very good genes. You can get seeds of the same strain from two different companies. One was made by a hermi the other not and you will get two different quantities even under the same light side by side. So a lot factor in but anyone who has grown for a long time can back this up. If you do the math to your lights and watt you will always be at the max or lighter.
Now with these new steroids on the market now a days lol you can over come the norm. The sun makes them grow. Your light is your sun.
Just like outdoors. Some years in Northern Cali we might get a year that has particular over casts summers.. the yields ARE effected. Less of everything. Same factor with lights.. even though you have a 400w light on 24/7 in veg and 12/12 in flower it is not getting the same as 1000 right so my yeilds are not as big.
So if you add up all your lights over the past and do the math you will see. I would rather grow 10 plants under 2 1000w then 20 under them unless i was growing a few strains. I am going to get pretty much the same weight but my buds on 10 will be much bigger then the 20. They all fight to get the lumenis and there is only so much to go around. You can not get what is not there.
That's why lights mater matter matter. You can flood light it out if you can control everything. Once you start reaching 10,000w in smaller none commercial areas there are other elements to deal with.
I know not everyone will agree and thats not my point i am trying to make. Just trying to set facts down for others to judge there grow more accurate
. I do not know how many newbie's that said they thought they were going to get a 1/4 or a 1/2 lb off there plant only to find out at dry time that it was just under 2oz lol
If you harvest with big stems and seeds then the sky is the limit for weight... may no customers or quality smoke. This is for trimmed ready for good smoking times charlie lol
Peace out
Lol you can laugh at my information but I'm the one getting 1.4gpw, not you. The way I do this, is by over sizing my canopy.. I started growing with 4 thousand watts under a 12.5 feet. X 10.5 foot canopy. This is very oversized. The extra square feet, I see as free weed. I do not notice ANY difference from the cola sizes directly under the light, compared to the ones off to the side... So what I'm saying is.. If I was going to use 3 600s I would use in a 12x5 ish space.
People can say more light, more nug, which is true.. But when looking from a gram per watt perspective.. Let's say you were to get 2 pounds off of two 600s in your size space.. I would bet my 20 pound harvest that if you added another 600. You are not going to get another pound. It will be extra lumens and you will get more nug... But will that more nug be enough to pay the extra expenses...

EXAMPLE.. 2 of them.... Incase you still don't get what I'm saying. I said I started with 4 lights in oversized space. 2 runs later I upgraded and added two 600s to same space.. So 4 thousands and 2 600s..I grew with this setup for 5 runs and was not able to achieve my best yield.. The best yield I ever pulled was without the 600s added. Now I'm not saying I got less nug because of the extra light .. I'm saying that it didn't make a difference because I didn't need the extra lumens. So this I view as wasted light . I know many growers that grow with 2000 watts per 4x8 tray. I have never been able to pull 4 pounds off a 4x8 tray with 2k watts . But in a 5x10 space I can pull 4 pounds easily.

Are you going to use co2?or fresh air exchange in this tent. You didn't state any of the important information yet of this grow. Still arguing about how many lumens you should use.
Lol you can laugh at my information but I'm the one getting 1.4gpw, not you. The way I do this, is by over sizing my canopy.. I started growing with 4 thousand watts under a 12.5 feet. X 10.5 foot canopy. This is very oversized. The extra square feet, I see as free weed. I do not notice ANY difference from the cola sizes directly under the light, compared to the ones off to the side... So what I'm saying is.. If I was going to use 3 600s I would use in a 12x5 ish space.
People can say more light, more nug, which is true.. But when looking from a gram per watt perspective.. Let's say you were to get 2 pounds off of two 600s in your size space.. I would bet my 20 pound harvest that if you added another 600. You are not going to get another pound. It will be extra lumens and you will get more nug... But will that more nug be enough to pay the extra expenses...

EXAMPLE.. 2 of them.... Incase you still don't get what I'm saying. I said I started with 4 lights in oversized space. 2 runs later I upgraded and added two 600s to same space.. So 4 thousands and 2 600s..I grew with this setup for 5 runs and was not able to achieve my best yield.. The best yield I ever pulled was without the 600s added. Now I'm not saying I got less nug because of the extra light .. I'm saying that it didn't make a difference because I didn't need the extra lumens. So this I view as wasted light . I know many growers that grow with 2000 watts per 4x8 tray. I have never been able to pull 4 pounds off a 4x8 tray with 2k watts . But in a 5x10 space I can pull 4 pounds easily.

Are you going to use co2?or fresh air exchange in this tent. You didn't state any of the important information yet of this grow. Still arguing about how many lumens you should use.
1.4gpw is a good number but looking at your grow, you grow totally inorganic which helps your yield a ton, if you grew organic your yield would be tremendously lower.
1.4gpw is a good number but looking at your grow, you grow totally inorganic which helps your yield a ton, if you grew organic your yield would be tremendously lower.
I have no desire to grow organically, But I do know a few people that do. And they are still pulling very high yields over 2 per light with ogs.. So assuming it would take me a few tries to get the yields that high, I think I could figure it out. I like the idea of organic nutrients.. but I use avid, floramite, eagle 20 and anything necessary to clear out an issue before it becomes a problem in veg. Though the pesticides are nowhere in the plant when it is harvested.. I couldn't call that organic.. And in in California where donations are in the shitter, any chance of a lower yield would just make It harder to survive In an industry that's eating up all the little guys.
I hate hearing the gpw ratio thrown about as if it some big thing. For starters some strains will yield a gpw to a first timer who makes first timer mistakes whereas another strain may never hit the gpw mark even in the hands of true professionals. Next, the only time u really need to worry about ur gpw ratio is when electricity used to grow weed acctually costs more than said amount of weed and if this ever happens to you then it's time to start thinking about growing outdoors. And finally while 1.4 gpw is a very good crop (I would be ecstatic with that) and is certainly no easy task so well done to u Patrick, what's to say that more light from other sources with maybe some more variAnce in spectrum won't increase yield, potency and even produce a more favourable flavour.

At the end of the day light is allwAys going to be one of the most debated topics. And honestly no ones ever going to win. True there is a point of total spectrum saturation where more light will not be beneficial but until you hit that point (which I very much doubt you're going to do with 2200w of hps over that area) then why not keep adding more of what your plant wants.

I feel bad that someone's genuine quest for knowledge about 6-8 ounce plants has been reduced to this.
It's totally possible, plenty of threads around with plants that have fat yields. I'm especially impressed by some of the vertical growing ones. I didn't even know such plants existed till I read through there.
yeah it is a pain in the ass but it is all micro, 3 2x4 tents and one 3x3, I have 2 plants in the 3x3 and they completely fill 75 percent of the tent in only 3 gal pots. I am amazed, I should snap some photos as they are starting to lean now and they wont look as pretty
soon. hahhaha.[/QUOTE]
3gal pots premo shit i did mine in small pots like that but they were small stocky like bonzai trees solid nugets & not much leaf getn abt 1 1/2 - 2oz took me 12 of them to full a tent so 2 plants they must be cranking:bigjoint:
"ttystikk, post: 11202405 I run big tub RDWC and vertical growing tech. We regularly pull pounders- in fact, it's an average here...

I grow four such plants around two HPS thouies.[/QUOTE]
Pounders mean!! i like the sound of that i've always wanted to give growing a cple of real big ones but evry grow i always do too many so i can pik best but i dunno if maybe jus a bit greedy but cant help but stick as many plants as i can fit thinking the mre plants the more bud but some of these plants im seeing making me reconcider? what would be the main thing to go for big huge plants like that i know you've gta gt good strain that's gona be a good yeilder but i thought itd be alot to do with size of growing container/bucket and vegging for alot longer
I use to run 4000 watts over two 4x4 ebb n flow tables and was pulling 3 lbs per table. Which isn't insane, but close to gram per watt. Im not even coming close to numbers anymore because I wanted to grow trees. But I'm going back to more and smaller plants.
Considering prices of electricity. Most growers calculate how well they did based off gram per watt, and of course quality.. My know how tells me that 3 600s in a 6x6 is going to produce shit when viewed as grams per watt . But waste your money I don't give a damn what you think. My negativity was directed towards your narrow minded comments. I didn't mean it offensively.. I felt you came off as someone who knows what they're doing, and let's be honest, you don't or you wouldn't be asking questions like this.
You can hate on me all you want... But I can grow some good nug, the proof is in the pudding. So if I'm giving you advise, if your not going to take it into consideration I don't know what it is your doing here. Only reason I stick around this site is because I had a whole lot of trouble when I first started growing. Bit off way more than I could chew.. And certain individuals on this forum helped me go from terrible to home runs.. So I like to think I pay it forward. I am an asshole, but I'm an asshole who knows what he's talking about. Cheers
1800 g is very attainable if you use you square footage wisely. my buddy runs 2000w in a 5x5 n fuckin kills it. instead of teaching, try learning patrick.
that sounds awesome i think ive bn goin about it wrong ive gone for amount of plants of course i know they all need good amount of light but its the intensity of the light so im guessing aswell as that hve to up the fans maybe add another exaust to help wth heat from hps or using 1 of those cool tubes is this correct? this is the stuff learning plenty! Thanks guys:bigjoint:
It's totally possible, plenty of threads around with plants that have fat yields. I'm especially impressed by some of the vertical growing ones. I didn't even know such plants existed till I read through there.
Yea ive seen some really awesome vertical grows here on rollitup I think 1 was called club vert? I haven't tryed it personally but wouldn't mind givin it a go in the near future
I use to run 4000 watts over two 4x4 ebb n flow tables and was pulling 3 lbs per table. Which isn't insane, but close to gram per watt. Im not even coming close to numbers anymore because I wanted to grow trees. But I'm going back to more and smaller plants.
Ive always been torn between doin a cple or so really big plants trained & fimmed or doin smaller 11/2 - 2 oz plants but mre of them? I always seem to go wth the latter?? You've done both(by the sounds of it) wt wd yr advice be?:bigjoint:
I am really trying to find a balance. The good thing about the large pots is no-till, no need to buy new soil and the plants seem to like it better then fresh soil. And large plants keep my #'s low. I would love to run SOG over my 14K but I would have hundreds of plants and I try to stay below 99. But I really don't know, which is better. SOG less popcorn but I am a hash maker so that's still useful to me. Im always running new gear, and moving my grows, so it's becoming difficult for me to dial anything in, at the moment. But I am doing a little of everything at the moment. I have a journal on here called ODanksta 14K multi strain run
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I am really trying to find a balance. The good thing about the large pots is no-till, no need to buy new soil and the plants seem to like it better then fresh soil. And large plants keep my #'s low. I would love to run SOG over my 14K but I would have hundreds of plants and I try to stay below 99. But I really don't know, which is better. SOG less popcorn but I am a hash maker so that's still useful to me. Im always running new gear, and moving my grows, so it's becoming difficult for me to dial anything in, at the moment. But I am doing a little of everything at the moment. I have a journal on here called ODanksta 14K multi strain run
thanks for reply a sog that large would def be a site to see haha