Has anyone ever eaten resin?


Well-Known Member
I clean my glass before every smoke so I never have resin.

I was smoking with a guy I know and he scrapes his resin and then eats it. He swears it fucks him up just like edibles.

I have smoked resin before never heard of anyone eating it. Anyone?


Well-Known Member
How else would you expect him/her to get all that collateral tar and shit into their blood?


Well-Known Member
Gross. I have accidentally ingested resin (I'm sure we all have) and I just can't imagine doing it on purpose.

Smoking it is bad enough, if you ask me (not that I haven't or won't do it. I sure as fuck will if I'm out).


Well-Known Member
He said you ball it up dip your finger in PB and put the ball on the PB and swallow it up. He swears it hits just as hard if not harder than eating eatables.


Well-Known Member
ive eaten it on accident, it gets stuck to your teeth and tastes like shit. it would be gross to do it frequently eat it and as often as people smoke resin


Well-Known Member
resin should be washed down the sink and be forgotten about. I can't believe how many people are willing to smoke that shit, there must be more thc in fan leaves than from the residual tar left behind from smoke. And I'm just curious if you saw your friend eat it, he could just be trying to fuck with you.


Well-Known Member
resin should be washed down the sink and be forgotten about. I can't believe how many people are willing to smoke that shit, there must be more thc in fan leaves than from the residual tar left behind from smoke. And I'm just curious if you saw your friend eat it, he could just be trying to fuck with you.
I clean my shit everytime I use it. All my glass is sparkling clean. He was trying to get me to wait for my pipes to gum up and eat the stuff. I told him he was crazy but he was really selling me on it.


Well-Known Member
Well, to be honest I can see how the peanut butter thing might work. I was working with some really sticky weed one day that left quite the residue on my fingertips. Dipped them in some peanut butter and licked it off. The stickiness came off and about 30 mins later I was pretty toasted.

Still, resin is repulsive.


Well-Known Member
resin should be washed down the sink and be forgotten about. I can't believe how many people are willing to smoke that shit, there must be more thc in fan leaves than from the residual tar left behind from smoke. And I'm just curious if you saw your friend eat it, he could just be trying to fuck with you.
Thats bullshit I gotta say it if your already fukked up and u hit a resin ball thew a bong or any smoking utensil you will get high or higher especially of you mix the two.


Well-Known Member
fuk naw thats just nasty..sometimes when i make alot of hash ill eat that, it fuks u up..i get a little ball dip it in milk and roll it in brown sugar


Haha, i know people who smoke resin but the thought of eating it is quite disgusting, Regardless of how badly it wrecks you .:-o


Well-Known Member
Resin can be (or at least seem) stronger than the stuff it comes from, anyone who's smoked resin from good shit can tell you that. And resin has already been heat activated as is required to get the most out of edibles, so your friend has to be right, it could only work and work well if you use enough of it and if it came from good smoke.

Sort of nasty yes, but I think what he's suggesting doesn't involve chewing it up just covering a resin ball in pb and swallowing it whole.

I don't know about that, but I can certainly see trying it in capsules. I wouldn't use bong resin, but for damn sure my stomach has seen a whole lot worse than pipe resin and so have all of yours. Tar in your stomach or whatever is nothing like it in your lungs, big flipping deal. As long as it's not bong resin and as long as you don't have to chew or taste it I see no problem with the idea.