has anyone ever dunked there weed in cough syrup?


Well-Known Member
its throat pain killer, its what lil wayne does, its like drinking some colors, (not cool) its probably one of the worst things you can do to your body my 2 cents


don't drink cough syrup in high amounts. its a fun fuckin trip but it isn't safe for you like shrooms and some other psychedelics its actually quite dangerous
The dextromethorphan hydrobromide is the active ingredientin cough syrup that makes you trip out. The higher the mg the better the trip. We used to call it "Dumping" in High School because to choke it down one would try to dump the whole 4oz bottle down their throat at once to keep from barfing. Those who moved on to the next level did what we refered to as "Double Dumping". This was done by drinking a second bottle about an hour after the first. By this time your taste buds and vomit reflex were supressed by the first bottle and it was very easy to drink. My friends claimed to have had out of body experiences this way. I did it a few times and defintely some weird stuff happened including strange sensory feed back hallucinations and a sense of disembodyment. We even felt as if we had some tangible psychic connection going on during strange peeks as we sat around in a triangle shape facing one another. Like our brain waves were resonating off of one another's. It sounds corney but that is how I would describe the experience. We were fuuugged up!

But yes. I don't recomend drinking large amounts of cough medicine. I'm sure it is Terrible for your kidneys, liver and entire digestive system. I think you can do a lot of damage very quickly with it.